
  • 网络copycats
  1. 这个房屋经纪服务以及模仿它的服务,比如租车服务Uber和跟风者,在它所到的几乎所有地方都掀起了波澜。

    The housing broker and its imitators , like the taxi service Uber and its clones , have been prompting upheaval just about everywhere they go .

  2. 像布里切特这样的有影响力的人物——还有前苹果公司的设计师、现在就职于脸谱公司的迈克•马塔斯(MikeMatas)以及布雷特•维克托(BretVictor)——吸引了大批的跟风者。

    Influencers like Mr. Brichter -- as well as former Apple designers Mike Matas , who is now at Facebook , and Bret Victor -- thus draw big followings .

  3. 答:那应该是“做一个时尚的跟风者”。

    A : It 's to be a follower of fashion .

  4. 那些跟风者的确轻松赚到了钱。

    Those who did made money hand over fist .

  5. 巴菲特这样的基本面分析派有时能够渗入跟风者群体。

    Fundamentalists such as Mr Buffett can sometimes infiltrate the society of fellow travellers .

  6. 光顾中国股市的大多是跟风者,而住宅市场上多为基本面分析派。

    The Chinese stock market is frequented mostly by fellow travellers , but the housing market is populated by fundamentalists .

  7. 可以料想,在风险评估和其他资产分析方面,监管者不但未能引领了市场风向,反而成为了盲目跟风者。

    One can expect regulators to mainly follow rather than lead the market in assessing riskiness and other asset characteristics .

  8. 市场中的跟风者是市场价格操纵的前提,也是市场出现的过度反应、导致市场效率低的主要原因;

    Liquidity traders are the premise for market manipulating and the main reason for the stock market overreaction and low market efficiency .

  9. “你买的任何东西都能以更高价格转手卖给别人”当这种信念在市场上占据主导地位时,跟风者就会创造出泡沫。

    Fellow travellers create bubbles , when markets become dominated by the belief that you can sell on anything you buy at a higher price to someone else .

  10. 但跟风者承受不起离开电脑屏幕、伦敦或是曼哈顿大街的代价,哪怕一小会儿都不行。

    Fellow travellers , however , cannot afford to be away from their screens , or the streets of London or Manhattan , for even a short time .

  11. 然而,三星多数情况下是一个动作快速的跟风者,它通过自己的细微修改和改良,将苹果手机最吸引人的特性复制到安卓手机上。

    Mostly , though , Samsung has been a fastfollower , reproducing the most alluring aspects of Apple 's devices inAndroid form , with its own tweaks and refinements .

  12. 这些都是跟风随大流者,不是运筹帷幄之人。

    Those are people who are jumping on the bandwagon , not the movers and shakers .