
  1. 论项目跟踪经济分析

    On Tracing Economic Analysis

  2. 但是,真正重要的马歇尔革命,我认为,推给价格理论跟踪经济分析引擎。

    But the really important Marshallian revolution was , in my view , to push the engine of economic analysis onto the track of price theory .

  3. 但对于那些在2000年左右跟踪美国经济的人士来说,它也是似曾相识。

    But it is also familiar to those who have followed the US economy in the 2000s .

  4. 政治学者通过跟踪比如经济发展趋势、政治自由度和公众健康等因素,已经建立了几种可预测的政变模式。

    Political scientists , by tracking factors like economic trends , political freedoms and public health , have identified several predictive patterns .

  5. “中国确实在努力加快建设,以创造就业岗位,因此新增机场吞吐能力几乎肯定会超过需求,”万事达卡国际组织(mastercard)跟踪亚太区经济发展的王月魂(yuwahedrick-wong)说。

    " China is really trying to speed up construction to create jobs , so additional airport supply will almost certainly outpace demand , " said Yuwa hedrick-wong , who tracks Asian economic developments for MasterCard .

  6. 全程物流跟踪系统与经济质量

    All Process Logistics Tracking System and Economic Quality

  7. 我们需要更深入地挖掘,并跟踪金融市场和经济相互作用的复杂性。

    We need to dig deeper and track the complexity of interactions in financial markets and the economy .

  8. 定量测度腐败现象主要有三种方法,公共开支跟踪调查法、经济计量法和腐败指数法。

    There are three methods to measure corruption , i. e. public expenditure tracking survey , econometric method and corruption indexing .

  9. 负责跟踪和论证宏观经济和行业状况,分析研究香港上市公司以及相关行业。

    Responsibilities : You will mainly responsible for following substantiating the macroeconomic industry views of the research head to analyze Hong Kong listed equities as well as related industries .