
ɡēn dān huì piào
  • documentary draft;documentary bill;documentary bill of exchange
  1. 跟单汇票托收委托书代理委托收款委托书

    Advice for collection of documentary bill

  2. 跟单汇票对出口商来说更为保险。

    A documentary draft offers greater security to the exporter .

  3. 贵公司应凭敝公司的跟单汇票于见票时付款。

    You should make payment against our documentary draft upon presentation .

  4. 出口者通过托收行利用跟单汇票取得货款。

    Exporters use a collecting bank to obtaining payment by documentary bills .

  5. 对于你这笔订货,我们将开出付款跟单汇票向您索款。

    We will draw d / p against your purchase .

  6. 我们将按托收方式向你方开出即期跟单汇票。

    We 'll draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis .

  7. 我们已通过东方银行,向贵方开出发票金额的跟单汇票。

    We have draw on you against document for the amount of invoice through the oriental bank .

  8. 由于金额很小,我们同意向你方靠腿怂倒笤趺窗飒出即期跟单汇票。

    Inasmuch as the amount involved is rather small , we agree to draw on you by documentary sight draft .

  9. 买方对卖方开具的见票后20天付款的跟单汇票于提示时应予以承兑,并应于汇票到期日付款。

    The Buyer should accept the documentary draft at20 days ' sight upon the presentation and make payment on the maturity .

  10. 贵公司应凭敝公司的跟单汇票于见票时付款。敝公司对担任贵公司代理一事非常感兴趣。

    You should make payment against our documentary draft upon presentation . We are very interested in acting as your agent .

  11. 买方将对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的即期跟单汇票于提示时即予付款,付款后交单。

    Payment : The buyer shall pay against a documentary draft drawn by the seller on the buyer at sight upon first presentation .

  12. 买方凭卖方开具的即期跟单汇票,于第一次见票时立即付款,付款后交单。

    Upon first presentation the Buyers shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Sellers at sight . The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only .