
gēn zōng
  • track;following;trail;stalk;dog;follow the tracks of;pursue;tail after;follow-up tracing;shadow sb.;follow the tracks of sb.
跟踪 [gēn zōng]
  • (1) [shadow sb.;follow the tracks of sb.]

  • (2) 紧紧跟随在后面

  • 牛元峰待援无望,趁黑夜率领残部突围向西逃跑,我七十五师的战士,随即跟踪追击。--《奠基礼》

  • 跟踪查明古围墙的路线

  • (3) 有意地、偷偷地跟随

  • 有时被陆军、海军或联邦调查局的小汽车跟踪

跟踪[gēn zōng]
  1. 怎么跟踪狼和狐狸的踪迹。

    How to follow the tracks of the fox and the wolf .

  2. 这条线索使警方能够跟踪绑匪的踪迹。

    This clue enabled the police to follow the tracks of the kidnappers .

  3. 这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

    The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates .

  4. 私人侦探几个星期来一直在跟踪他们。

    A private detective had been tailing them for several weeks .

  5. 他们日夜遭到新闻界的跟踪。

    They were hounded day and night by the press .

  6. 他竖起耳朵谛听是否有人跟踪。

    He tensed himself , listening to see if anyone had followed him .

  7. 我认为有人跟踪我们。

    I think we 're being followed .

  8. 警方跟踪了戴尔多日。

    The police trailed Dale for days .

  9. 他像猎手跟踪鹿一样悄悄跟踪受害人。

    He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer .

  10. 他认为最好跟踪这只狼,杀了它。

    He thought he had better track this wolf and kill it

  11. 警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。

    Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment .

  12. 他努力让警方无法跟踪他的情人。

    He tried to throw police off the track of his lover .

  13. 为了防止有人跟踪我,我特地绕了弯路。

    In case anyone was following me , I made an elaborate detour

  14. 悄无声息的群狼会跟踪并包围他们。

    The silent wolves would track and circle them .

  15. 我跟踪她来到肯辛顿的一家商店。

    I trailed her to a shop in Kensington .

  16. 侦探们跟踪了他几个月,希望能当场抓住他行骗。

    Detectives followed him for months hoping to catch him out in some deception

  17. 警察设伏等待那些在晚上跟踪目标伺机作案的歹徒。

    Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night

  18. 潜步跟踪目标时,用三脚架是不切实际的。

    When stalking subjects , a tripod is impractical

  19. 她意识到那辆奔驰在跟踪她。

    She realized that the Mercedes was following her

  20. 他对被跟踪几乎到了神经过敏的程度。

    He was almost neurotic about being followed

  21. 拥护者们被大队警察明目张胆地跟踪。

    The supporters are being shadowed by a large and highly visible body of police .

  22. 一位全科医生跟踪记录发现,自从附近修建了25号高速公路以来,当地哮喘病患儿数量急剧增加。

    One GP has charted a dramatic rise in local childhood asthma since the M25 was built nearby

  23. 约翰一边以每小时90英里的速度跟踪这个司机,一边向警方监控室描述该司机的异常行为。

    John gave the police control room a running commentary on the driver 's antics as he followed him at 90mph .

  24. 他对她很不信任,所以派人跟踪她。

    He trusted her so little that he had her tailed .

  25. 密探一直在跟踪那名地下工作者。

    The spies have been tailing the underground worker .

  26. 警察跟踪追击,罪犯无处逃遁。

    Hotly pursued by the police , the criminal found no refuge .

  27. 他们密切跟踪太空船的运行。

    They are carefully charting the progress of the spacecraft .

  28. 狮子经常悄然跟踪猎物达几个小时。

    The lion will often stalk its prey for hours .

  29. 他跟踪那个小偷,一直跟到车站。

    He came after the thief all the way to the railway station .

  30. 分配给他的工作是跟踪这个间谍。

    His assignment was to follow the spy .