
hǎi yánɡ jīnɡ jì
  • marine economy
  1. 葫芦岛市海洋经济发展SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis on marine economy developing in Huludao City

  2. 最后计算了海洋经济的预警指数,并通过灰色系统GM(1,1)方法对2008-2010年预警指数进行了预测。

    Finally , we calculates the index of marine economy early warning and predict the early warning indexes from 2008 to 2010 using the Grey Systems GM ( 1,1 ) method . Part ⅵ is a summary and outlook .

  3. 事情并不仅仅是工业化的捕鱼导致的金枪鱼和其它海洋经济物种减少。

    It 's not just a matter of taking bluefin tuna and other valuable species out of the oceans through industrial fishing .

  4. 基于ADO.NET的海洋经济生物MIS系统

    The Multimedia Information System of the Ocean Economic Creatures Based on . net

  5. 探讨了海洋经济复合系统评价指标体系的构建方法与原则,建立起系统的评价指标体系,提出了海洋经济和海洋可持续发展能值分析和综合评价DEA模型。

    It discusses construction method and principle of evaluation parameter system for ocean economic complex system , sets up systematic system of evaluation parameter , and brings up .

  6. 我国的水产资源十分丰富,带鱼(Trichiurushaumela)是中国最重要的海洋经济鱼种之一。

    Aquatic resources are very abundant in China and Trichiurus haumela is one of the most important marine economical species .

  7. 爆破后渔获量明显降低,对距爆心2000m以内水域的海洋经济种类造成直接损害和持续性影响。

    The fishing yield decreased sharply after the explosion , and the commercial marine species around the waters within a radius of 2000m of the explosion center were damaged directly and affected continuously .

  8. 辽宁省海洋经济可持续发展的经济学分析

    The Economic Analyze of Marine Economy Sustainable Development of Liaoning Province

  9. 广东省海洋经济构成分析及主要海洋产业发展战略构思

    Analysis and design on the development of ocean economy in Guangdong

  10. 发展海洋经济需要大量先进的海洋工程装备。

    It needs a large number of advanced marine engineering equipment .

  11. 中国海洋经济区划的若干问题

    Some Issues on the Regional Division of Marine Economy in China

  12. 海洋经济与社会经济发展和谐度研究

    Research of the Harmonious Degree between Ocean Economy and Social Economy

  13. 21世纪是海洋经济。

    The 21st century is the time for marine economy .

  14. 我国海洋经济持续发展可能性的分析

    An analysis of the probability of sustained development of Chinese marine economy

  15. 福建建设海洋经济强省的战略思考

    Strategic Reflection on Building Fujian as a Powerful Province of Marine Economy

  16. 蓝色国土资源与我国海洋经济的可持续发展

    Exploration and protect of marine resources to sustainable develop our marine economy

  17. 科学发展观与海洋经济软环境建设

    Views of scientific development and the construction of ocean economics soft environment

  18. 海洋经济已经成为我国国民经济新的增长点。

    Oceanic economy has become an important part of our national economy .

  19. 海洋经济可持续发展模型及应用研究

    Model on Sustainable Development of Marine Economy and its Application

  20. 广东省海洋经济可持续发展战略探讨

    A Study on Sustainable Development Strategy of Marine Economy in Guangdong Province

  21. 环渤海地区海洋经济产业结构分析

    Industrial Structure Analyses of Marine Economy of the Area Around Bohai Bay

  22. 辽宁海洋经济持续发展与海洋生态环境保护

    Sustainable Development of Oceanic Economy and Oceanic Environmental Protection of Liaoning Province

  23. 实施海上北仑战略大力发展海洋经济

    On the strategy to develop the marine economy in Beilun

  24. 海洋经济可持续发展评价指标体系探讨

    Discussion of the Assessment Indicators System of Sustainable Development of Marine Economy

  25. 第二章为海洋经济可持续发展的理论基础部分。

    Second chapter is the part of rationale of MESD .

  26. 试述海洋经济与资源环境的协调发展

    Primary Talking on Harmonious Development between Ocean Economy and Marine Resource Environment

  27. 海洋经济贝类多倍体研究的现状

    Present Condition of Study on Polyploid Breeding of Sea Shellfishes

  28. 优化粤西海洋经济地域结构的分析与对策

    Analysis and Strategies of Optimizing Ocean Economical Regional Structure of West Guangdong

  29. 海洋经济是人类海洋活动的重要组成部分,以科学的方法进行分析、从数字角度审视海洋产业布局问题,是未来海洋经济工作的方向之一。

    Marine economy is an important component of oceanic activities .

  30. 关于发展海洋经济加强海洋管理的探讨

    A Study on Development of Marine Economy and Strength of Marine Management