
  • 网络Settlement Price;SETTLE;final settlement price
  1. 报价单的报价为销售公司结算价。

    Quotation is the distribution company settlement price .

  2. 有5月31号所有交易记录的纽约商品交易所没有发布周一结算价。

    The New York Mercantile Exchange will not issue a settlement price on Monday , with all trading registered for May31 .

  3. 最后在借鉴CME成功经验的基础上,对我国生猪期货交割制度进行了初步设计,创新地提出采用实物交割和以生猪现货价格指数为结算价的现金结算两种交割方式并存的交割制度。

    Third it tries to design the delivery institution of hog future and presents innovatively that it is suitable for hog future to execute physical delivery and cash settlement by cash price index .

  4. 易纲周二此番讲话对黄金现货市场影响甚微。纽约商交所Comex三月黄金期货合约结算价下跌1.60美元,至每盎司1122美元,跌幅0.14%。

    Mr. Yi 's remarkshad little effect on Tuesday spot trading of gold , which fell $ 1.60 , or 0.14 % , to $ 1122 an ounce in New York .

  5. 浅谈建筑安装工程造价结算价的审核

    Initial discussion on auditing of building installation project cost settlement price

  6. 现金结算价与股指期货操纵

    Index Futures Manipulation with " Cash Settlement "

  7. 股指期货采用的现金结算价计算方式因市场而异,套期保值决策也应该相应调整。

    The cash settlement of index futures is different among differrent countries , so is the decision of hedging .

  8. 纽约商交所十一月轻质低硫原油期货结算价周四跌4.69美元,至每桶69.85美元,跌幅6.3%。

    On the New York Mercantile Exchange , crude for November delivery fell $ 4.69 , or6.3 % , to $ 69.85 .

  9. 若拍卖价低于该货物的交割结算价,有关费用由买方承担。

    Where the auction price is lower than the settlement price for delivery , relevant expenses shall be borne by the buyer .

  10. 合约为新上市合约的,取其挂盘基准价为上一交易日结算价。

    If the contract is a newly listed contract , the basic price for listing thereof is the settlement price of that day .

  11. 尽管有迹象表明世界范围内的石油需求可能正在消退,但周二原油期货结算价仍首次突破每桶100美元大关。

    Crude-oil prices finished just above $ 100 a barrel for the first time yesterday despite signs the world 's petroleum thirst may be subsiding .

  12. 若拍卖价高于该货物的交割结算价,价差部分作为交易所的营业外收入。

    Where the auction price is higher than the settlement price for delivery , the difference shall be regarded as the non-business income of the exchanges .

  13. 上海市家乐福南翔店销售弓箭球形茶壶,价签标示每个36.80元,实际结算价每个49.00元;

    The Bow sphere teapot sold in Carrefour Nanxiang shop in Shanghai was marked ¥ 36.80 each one , but actually sold ¥ 49.00 each one .

  14. 根据本公式计算出的当日结算价超出合约涨跌停板价格的,取涨跌停板价格作为当日结算价。

    If the settlement price of that day calculated according to the computation formula exceeds the price limit of the contract , the price limit shall be the settlement price of that day .

  15. 为此,本文选择股指期货现金结算价确定作为研究对象,具有理论背景和现实需要,即丰富了股指期货合约设计的相关研究,也为中国股指期货合约设计提供理论依据。

    So the cash settlement as the research objective is very significant , which will rich the literatures of index futures design and supply the index futures design of China with theory basis and implementation reference .

  16. 当日结算价是指某一期货合约当日成交价格按照成交量的加权平均价;当日无成交价格的,以上一交易日的结算价作为当日结算价。

    The settlement price is the price of a futures contract traded that day according to volume weighted average price ; if the day is non-traded price , the settlement price of previous day will be settlement price of that day .

  17. 股指期货合约最后交易日收市后,交易所以交割结算价为基准,划付持仓双方的盈亏,了结所有未平仓合约。

    After the last trading day of a stock index futures contract ended , the exchange shall , based on the final settlement price , transfer the profits and losses of both parties of the positions and terminate all the open contracts of positions .

  18. 在交易所买入货物时,按交割结算价,借记“交割货物”、“应交税金应交增值税”科目,贷记“应付保证金卖方会员”科目。

    When the exchanges purchases the goods , it should debit the accounts of " delivery of goods " and " taxes payable value added taxes payable " and credit the title of " earnest money payablepayable margin seller member " according to the settlement price for delivery .

  19. 直接经销商或最终用户的使用是在零售结算,非零售价。

    Direct reseller or end-user usage is billed at retail , non-resale pricing .

  20. 工程竣工结算是施工企业承包的工程,按合同规定内容全部完工之后,在原中标工程合同价的基础上,根据施工中更改变动后的情况编制调整结算价。

    Settlement construction is completed as contracted engineering firms , according to the content of the contract completed , the winning project in the original contract price , on the basis of construction of any changes after the preparation of adjustment clearing price .