
  • 网络Structurity;structuralism;structure theory
  1. 关于可能世界的概念,在莱布尼茨那里就有过论述,至今在可能世界问题上形成了三种流行的观点,即激进实在论、温和实在论和模态结构论。

    Leibniz was the first philosopher to debate the notion of possible world . At present , there are three sorts of viewpoints on possible world , namely , extreme realism , moderate realism , and modal structuralism .

  2. 耗散结构论中的模型方法及其意义

    Modelling method in the dissipative structure theory and its philosophical meaning

  3. 需求拉动论、GDP增长论、成本推动论、地价上升论、品质提高论、产品结构论、动迁需求论、投机哄抬论等等因素是造成房地产价格不断上涨的原因。

    Many factors cause the real estate price increase continually , such as demand pulling , GDP increasing , cost pushing , land price growing , quality improving , product structure , dwelling place-changing demand , speculative price driving up etc.

  4. 自1966年Lazarus提出认知因素在应对过程中的重要作用的观点以来,应对理论便形成了特质-结构论与情境-过程论的对峙。

    Since Lazarus emphasized cognitive factors in coping processes in 1966 , it is two important antithetical coping theories with characteristics-oriented and process-oriented that have come into existence .

  5. 依据耗散结构论有关原理尝试从创造力心理场系统生成的条件、心理机制,尤其是创造力心理场系统结构、功能和涨落间的关系(SfF)做一番探讨。

    This article will use the relevant theories of dissipative configuration to elaborate on the prerequisite and mental mechanism of psychological field of creativity , especially the relationship between its structure , function and fluctuation .

  6. 布鲁纳的认知结构论在电工实习中的运用探讨

    Approach Application of J.S.Bruner 's Educational Psychology Theory in Electrician Practicing

  7. 综合性科技期刊主编最佳知识结构论&兼论综合性科技期刊属性

    On Optimal Knowledge Structure of a Chief Editor of Scientific Journal

  8. 中国古代审美和谐观耦合结构论

    On the Coupling Structure of Ancient China 's Aesthetic Harmony Conception

  9. 社会二重结构论&社会内部结构与社会外部结构

    Twofold Structure of Society & Internal and External Structure of Society

  10. 耗散结构论包含有丰富的辩证思想。

    The theory of dissipative structure implies very much dialectical thoughts .

  11. 中学语文教师素质结构论

    Discussion on Quality Structure of Chinese Teachers in Middle Schools

  12. 全球化背景下英语教师素质结构论

    On Quality Structure of English Teachers in a Globalization Context

  13. 耗散结构论中的哲学问题初探

    A Tentative Study of Philosophical Problems in the Theory of Dissipative Structures

  14. 全球化时代高校教师素质结构论

    Comment on the Quality Structure of the Teachers in Colleges and Universities

  15. 为一部莎士比亚戏剧结构论写的绪论

    The prolegomenon to a work on Shakespeare 's dramatic structure

  16. 新三论的启示&谈耗散结构论、协同论和突变论

    Enlightenments from theory of the dissipative structure , synergetics and catastrophe theory

  17. 体操教练员知识能力结构论

    On the Knowledge Structure and Competence of a Gymnastic Coach

  18. 不平衡增长理论与耗散结构论

    Theory of Non-equilibrium Development and Theory of Dissipative Structure

  19. 康德美学逻辑&心理二重结构论

    On the Dual " Psych - Logical " Structure of Kant 's Aesthetics

  20. 从包装工程学的体系结构论包装工艺学

    Discussion of Packaging Technology from the Perspective of Systemic Construction of Packaging Engineering

  21. 耗散结构论视阈下个体道德发展探析

    Analysis of Individual Moral Development in the Visual Threshold of Dissipative Structural Theory

  22. 这一体系中,结构论是重点,本文拟对李渔的戏曲结构论展开研究。

    This system , the structure of the focus .

  23. 中国古代曲论中的叙事结构论

    Comment on the Narrative Structure Theory of the Lyric Suite in Ancient China

  24. 耗散结构论与科技情报系统

    The Theory of Dissipation Structure and ST Information System

  25. 优秀教练员创新能力结构论

    On the Structure of Creativity for an Excellent Coach

  26. 中国农村二元权力结构论

    On the Binary Structure of Rural Power of China

  27. 耗散结构论在培养运动员竞技能力中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Dissipative Structures on Training Competitive Ability of Athletes

  28. 《三国演义》毛评的情节结构论

    The Theory of Plot and Structure in Mao 's Criticism on The Three Kingdoms

  29. 学术期刊编辑知识能力结构论

    On Knowledge and Competence for Academic Issue Edition

  30. 可持续发展的实现基础:资源结构论

    Resource Structure : Foundation to Realize Sustainable Development