
  • 网络structuralism theory
  1. 布鲁纳结构主义理论与语文教学

    Bruner structuralism theory and Chinese teaching

  2. 从理论生成的背景和关于语言的理论构架上看,后结构主义理论与生态理论具有相通之处。

    Post structuralism and eco-theory do have some affinity regarding their theoretical background and the treatise on language .

  3. 本文从Jakobson的结构主义理论出发,运用认知语言学的隐喻、转喻和空间合成理论,对意象并置产生的实时意义建构进行了分析。

    The paper , starting from Jakobson 's structuralist theory , applies the current theories of metaphor , metonymy and blended space in cognitive linguistics to the analysis of the online meaning construction of juxtaposed images .

  4. 结构主义理论的起源充其量也不过是折衷主义。

    The origins of structural theories are eclectic at best .

  5. 结构主义理论的重点,放在经济构成上。

    Structural theories focus on the composition of the economy .

  6. 第三阶段,转向文本研究,用后结构主义理论分析巴尔扎克等人的作品;

    Changing into the study of ' text ' , analyzing the works of Balzac , etc. with the structuralism theory ;

  7. 其次,运用结构主义理论从语义、语用等角度对非处所宾语与复合趋向补语同现时的语序进行分析,描写与解释相结合。

    Then , from semantic and pragmatic aspects , it descriptively analyzes the word order of non-locative objects and compound directional complements .

  8. 议论文主体部分是可以公式化的,一是皮亚杰等结构主义理论认为任何事物都是可以形式化与公式化的,尤其是语言;

    The main body of argumentation can be formulated . First , structurism theory thinks anything can be formalised and formulated , especially languages .

  9. 在进口欧洲大陆理论的过程中,他们自觉地对这些理论,尤其对法国结构主义理论进行了批判和继承。

    In the Process of importing Europe mainland theories to England , they were willingly to repudiate and succeed these theories , especially French structuralism theory .

  10. 能摘要重点,作为论文写作或修订之用。结构主义理论的重点,放在经济构成上。

    CAN make simple notes that will be of reasonable use for essay or revision purposes . Structural theories focus on the composition of the economy .

  11. 罗兰·巴尔特对结构主义理论兼具建构与颠覆作用,其早期力作《叙事作品结构分析导论》建基于索绪尔关于语言&言语的区分模式,以叙事作品结构为常体,力图超越并把握千变万化的叙事作品。

    Roland Barthe 's early influential Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative writings was based on the distinction between " langue'and " parole ' by Ferdinand de Saussure .

  12. 文章主要以结构主义理论对其进行解读,从文本和意蕴两个层面着重分析了它的叙事结构和深层意蕴,并着重分析了其对女性生存及其思想解放的重要启示。

    The paper decodes the work with structuralism , and analyzes the narrative structure and deep implication from text and implication with emphasis on the enlightenment on women survival and thought liberation .

  13. 同时从人本主义理论和认识发展理论中的结构主义理论、社会建构主义理论出发,作为物理教育中物理文化建设的理论依据。

    At the same time , from the structure of theory and social constructivism theory in humanistic theory and development theory , as the fundamental basis of physics cultural construction in physics education .

  14. 结构主义理论越来越受到教育界的关注,这种理论带给新一轮基础教育课程改革许多值得深思的理念。

    More and more attention is paid to the theory of constructivism in education field . It inspires a lot of thoughtful ideas to a new round reform of course in elementary education .

  15. 人类运用符号创造文化,并在符号与文化的互动中实现对世界的认识、对自身的关照,这是符号学作为结构主义理论工具的价值所在。

    People use symbols in creating culture , and symbols and the cultural interaction in the knowledge about the world , realize the care of itself , this is semiotics as structuralist theory tools of value .

  16. 笔者从企业合并的概念和类型入手,分析企业合并的利与弊,对哈佛学派结构主义理论与芝加哥学派行为主义理论进行了介绍和评价,选择行为主义理论指导我国反垄断立法。

    The text begins with the concept and type of the merger between undertakings , and analyses the benefit and harm of the merger , then evaluates structuralism and behaviorism , at last chooses behaviorism as our country 's antimonopoly legislation 's theory .

  17. 其次是探索了结构主义理论体系中的语言同质性、客观性和共性问题,认为结构主义关于文本是一个封闭、静止的系统,其意义是相对固定的的翻译观是可译性的基本理据。

    Secondly , the thesis explores the homogeneity , objectivity and commonness of language in structuralism theory . The view of translation of structuralism that " the text is a closed and static system , the meaning of it is relatively fixed " is the foundation of translatability .

  18. 是解构还是重构?&后结构主义文本理论评述

    Deconstruction or reconstruction & A theoretical review of the post-structural texts

  19. 论肯尼思·沃尔兹结构现实主义理论的国际体系思想

    International System Thought of Structural Realism from Kenneth Waltz

  20. 结构现实主义理论和冷战后的国际政治结构

    Theory of Structural Realism and International Political Structure

  21. 所以这篇论文选择后结构女性主义理论来分析这部小说的主人公。

    Thus this paper chooses the theory of poststructuralist feminism to analyze the protagonist of the novel .

  22. 沃尔兹的结构现实主义理论自从诞生以来就一直在国际政治理论领域占据着主导地位。

    Waltz 's structural realism dominates the realm of the international political theory after it came into existence .

  23. 针对文学批评家乔纳森·卡勒对雅各布森的批评,论文还对这两种结构主义诗学理论进行了比较研究。

    Based on the criticism of literary critic Jonathan Culler , this dissertation compares the two structuralist poetics involved .

  24. 建构主义学习理论、结构主义教学理论、人本主义学习理论和有效教学理论是本研究的理论基础。

    Constructivist learning theory , structurist teaching theory , human-biased learning theory and effective teaching theory are the theoretical basis of this study .

  25. 《普通语言学教程》中索绪尔对历史比较语言学的回顾和反思是结构主义语言理论得以产生的前提和基础。

    Linguists have given an accurate and theoretic study of the general language , which has helped the prosperous development of general linguistics .

  26. 结构主义的理论基础是索绪尔及其后的结构主义语言学加上后来分化、发展而成的转换-生成语法。

    The theoretical foundation of structuralism is Structural Linguistics which originated from Saussure 's theories and Transformational-Generative Grammar which actually developed from the former .

  27. 作为美国结构主义语言学理论的两个基础概念,“向心结构”和“离心结构”首先由布龙菲尔德提出,后由霍凯特加以改进。

    Being two fundamental concepts of Stmcturalism ," endocentric structure " and " exocentric structure " were first proposed by Bloomfield , later improved by Hockett .

  28. 部分学者借用结构主义文学理论、批评个人主义作者观,为民间文学的集体产权观铺路。

    Some scholars pave the way for the collective property right on folk literature by borrowing the structuralist literature theory and criticizing the individualist authorship notion .

  29. 它的崛起与存在主义、后现代主义、后现代小说、现代叙事理论尤其是结构主义文学理论在国内的引入密切相关。

    The growing up of vanguard novel is closely related with the import of Existentialism , Post-modernism , Post-modernism novel , Modern Narrative Theory , especially Structuralism Literature Theory .

  30. 基于传统结构主义语言理论之上的传统语言教学法有着其必然的枯燥性、语言学习者课堂参与积极性不高、词汇记忆牢固性差等缺陷。

    Traditional way of lexical teaching is obviously characterized with certain deficiencies , such as uninterestingness , low class participation of language learners , unfirmness of learners ' memory .