
jié ɡòu mó shì
  • Structural mode;structural pattern;tactic pattern
  1. 工厂方法(FactoryMethod)是一种结构模式,它使一个类延迟实例化到子类。

    Factory Method is a structural pattern that lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses .

  2. 基于Apriori的并发分支模式挖掘算法的提出为进一步挖掘结构模式提供了重要的理论支持。

    The Apriori-based concurrent branch pattern mining algorithm provided important theoretical support for further mining structural pattern .

  3. 本文概述了高层管理信息系统(ExecutiveInformationSystem,EIS)的基本概念、功能以及一般结构模式。

    The fundamental concept function and generic model of Executive Information System ( EIS ) is outlined in this paper .

  4. 在对CAI课件制作理论及课件结构模式的研究基础上,第二部分介绍了空间解析几何CAI课件制作的实践。

    The second section introduces the CAI-Course-Making practice on Space analytic geometry .

  5. DA公司治理结构模式的建立和完善

    Establishment and Perfection of the Corporate Governance Mode in DA Company

  6. 在本课题中,以C/S为结构模式,开发了一套社区居民健康档案管理系统。

    In this paper , use C / S structure model to develop a healthy community residents ' health records information management system .

  7. 除此之外还给出了最近有关生理学的研究成果,这些研究结果表明大脑中的3D信息处理是一个层次型的结构模式。

    Besides this , recent results from physiological studies reflect the hierarchical processing of 3D information in the primate brain .

  8. 本系统采用C/S结构模式开发,选用Delphi7.0作为应用程序开发工具,数据库管理系统采用MicrosoftAccess。

    This system adopts C / S mode , Delphi 7.0 as application development tool and Microsoft Access as database management system .

  9. 同时分析了Web三层乃至n层(包含对象/组件技术)结构模式的发展状况。

    It also analyses the development tendency of from two-layer to three-layer or more layers architecture model ( including object / component technology ) based on Web .

  10. 此外,可以使用Broker体系结构模式来设计此类组合的体系结构。

    In addition , you can use the Broker architectural pattern to design the architecture for such a composition .

  11. 深入研究广场平衡态,通过总结理想城市模式与芦原义信的N空间、P空间,创建了理想条件下的聚散有机统一平衡时的广场结构模式。

    And promotes this kind of organic unification to in the city square structure pattern , Founded under time the ideal condition assembling and parting organic unification balance square structure pattern .

  12. 介绍了基于WWW的Client/Server和Browser/Server信息服务系统的结构模式。

    The architectures of information retrieval systems based on Client / Server and Browser / Server of WWW are introduced .

  13. 近10多年来在机电一类快速响应的非传统应用领域,尤其普通采用PID控制器,并移植为人工智能控制器的基本结构模式。

    Since 1990 , PID controller has been generally adopted by unconventional electromechanical field of fast response and has been transplanted to be the basic structural mode of controller with artificial intelligence .

  14. 本文研究的主要内容和结果:1.高层次数学概念的拓扑心理结构模式(TPS模式)。

    Primary contents and results in this thesis : 1 . Topology psychology structure of advanced mathematical concept ( TPS ) .

  15. MDM体系结构模式帮助数据、信息和应用程序架构师对企业体系结构做出合理的决策,帮助记录重要的决策方针。

    The MDM architecture pattern specification helps data , information , and application architects make informed decisions on enterprise architecture and document decision guidelines .

  16. 本文探讨计算机大坝安全监控系统的一种结构模式,即计算机大坝监控智能工作站(简称:CDM智能工作站)。

    This paper deals with a structure mode of computer dam safety monitoring system , i. e. computer dam monitoring ( CDM ) intelligent workstation .

  17. 本文根据酒店管理业务流程,利用ASP.NET、C语言、SqlServer2000等开发工具和数据库,开发出基于浏览器和服务器(B/S)结构模式的信息管理系统。

    According to hotel business management processes , this article uses ASP . NET , C # language , SQL Server 2000 and other development tools and database to develop information management system based on B / S mode .

  18. 该系统在设计上采用三层结构模式并应用基于组件的设计思想和MVC、值对象等多种设计模式技术,并且将数据挖掘技术应用于客户关系管理(CRM)分析。

    The system demonstrates a component-based design on a 3-tier architecture , uses different design patterns such as MVC and value object , and applies data mining to custom relationship management ( CRM ) analysis .

  19. 打开PSP,找到控制面板中的设置选项,选择其下的网络连接设置选项并摁下X键,将会弹出两个模式:点对点模式和基础结构模式

    Push it up . Once you 're on the dashboard , you need to go to the Settings and then down to the Network Settings and click X. there 's two options Ad Hoc Mode and Infrastructure Mode .

  20. 针对电力系统机组&功率终端的结构模式,根据SVC提高电力系统阻尼的基本原理,用求导的方法推导出SVC阻尼控制最佳安装地点为系统的电气中心;

    Aiming at the unit-power terminal model and based on the principle of improving damping characteristic of power system by SVC , this paper proves that the best location of SVC damping control is the electrical center of power system .

  21. 第五,通过对2004-2005赛季CBA联赛和2005年北京国际马拉松赛组织的案例分析,提出了对我国市场型和混合型组织结构模式的启示。

    Fifth , from the sample analysis of the CBA league in the 2004-2005 seasons and the 2005 Beijing international Marathon Game , the author puts forward the detailed proposals on the sports events organization structure of the market-oriented type and the mixed-oriented type .

  22. 数据库技术:数据库模型、网络数据库模式(集中式模式、文件服务器结构模式、客户/服务器模式和浏览器服务器模式)、SQL、ODBC,讲解了数据库建立的方法步骤。

    Database Technology : database model , network database model ( including centralized model , file server model , C / S model and Browser / Server model )、 SQL , ODBC . And then steps of creating databases are presented which are used in creating library of standard parts .

  23. 公共交通导向的中国大都市空间结构模式探析

    A probe into transit-oriented spatial structure pattern of metropolis in China

  24. 集成管理的组织结构模式研究

    The Research on the Modes of Organizational Structures of Integrative Management

  25. 论《尤利西斯》对线型叙事结构模式的颠覆

    The Narrative Style of Ulysses : Overthrowing Traditional Linear Narrative Structure

  26. 零时间企业:涵义、结构模式及结构特征

    Zero-time Enterprise : Definition , Structure Mode and Structure Characteristics

  27. 图书馆产业化的界定及其结构模式

    On the definition and the structural mode of library industrialization

  28. 零售企业经营国际化的组织结构模式的研究

    Research on the Mode of Organization Structure of Retail Enterprises Management Internationalization

  29. 元杂剧爱国主义作品的结构模式

    The structure pattern of the patriotic works of Yuan drama

  30. 粮菜产业结构模式及评估

    Structural models of grain and vegetable production and their evaluation