
zhí yè yī shī
  • practicing physician;practicing doctor
  1. 我是一名此时此刻只想治病救人的执业医师。

    I 'm a practicing physician trying to help people here and now

  2. 卫生监督人员说,该诊所确实有一位有执业医师资格的“黎主任”,但并不是这位。

    The sanitary supervision personnel said that this clinic has one to have practicing physician truly the qualifications " Director Li ", but is not this .

  3. 戴维•英沃斯塔德(DavidIngvoldstad)是内布拉斯加州奥马哈市(Omaha)MidwestEyeCare的私人执业医师,身为眼科医生,他从病人身上看到的健康问题远远不止眼睛本身。

    As an ophthalmologist , David Ingvoldstad sees much more about his patients ' health than just their eyes .

  4. 同时,还对鉴定PBL教学实施效果的标准和教学规律在基础医学教育中的运用这两方面的问题进行了论述,进而提出应当将PBL教学与国家执业医师考试结合起来。

    The authors also discuss the criteria of the PBL implementing effect and its teaching rules in basic medical sciences education . It is proposed that the PBL should be combined with the licensure examination for medical doctor .

  5. 《执业医师法》的实施与医学教育

    The implementation of Law for Licensing Medical Practitioners and medical education

  6. 在美国成为执业医师同样包括其他几个步骤。

    Practicing medicine in the United States also involves other steps .

  7. 医务人员收取药品回扣的法律理性思考&兼谈《执业医师法》和《药品管理法》立法缺陷

    The Contemplation of Medical Staffs ' Received Rebate of Drugs From Law

  8. 军队执业医师管理系统的开发与应用

    Exploiture and application of management system of military certificated doctors

  9. 《执业医师法》是医师、患者的依靠

    The Law for Licensing Medical Practitioner being a dependency of Doctors and Patients

  10. 民国时期执业医师许可制的健全过程

    Strengthening process of the licensing system for physicians in the Republic of China

  11. 方法:采用访问调查法,对执业医师进行随机抽样问卷调查。

    METHODS : The licensed physicians were investigated in a randomized sampling questionnaire .

  12. 我国执业医师临床技能考试方法的探讨

    Discussion of the method of examination in clinical skills for medical practitioners in China

  13. 执业医师如何防范医疗纠纷

    How to Prevent Medical Dispute as Registered Doctor

  14. 《执业医师法》与《执业药师资格制度》的对比与分析

    Analysis on the Licensed Physician Law and the Temporary Provisions on Licensed Pharmacist Qualification

  15. 这些来自国家和公司记录的数据主要反映支付执业医师的钱。

    These data from state and company registries largely reflect payments to practicing physicians .

  16. 执业医师对药品说明书的理解状况分析

    Comprehension of Drug Instructions in Licensed Physicians

  17. 卫生监督职能还未包括对医疗机构和执业医师的监督。

    Sanitation supervision functions did not include the supervision of medical institutions and medical practitioners .

  18. 知情同意病人的权利与立法兼谈对《执业医师法》第26、37条的修改

    Informed Consent-Patients ' Right and the Legislation

  19. 执业医师的细分与规范化管理

    Subdivision of Licensed Doctors and Standardization Management

  20. 《中华人民共和国执业医师法》、《医疗事故处理条例》等国家法律、法规要求医疗机构及其医务人员在医疗活动中,应当维护患者的知情同意权。

    Relevant laws request the medical staff to protect the rights informed consent of patients .

  21. 这说明民国时期执业医师许可制度在逐步健全。

    All of these showed that the licensing system for physicians was strengthened step by step .

  22. 医师资格考试分为执业医师资格考试和执业助理医师资格考试。

    The examination of doctors'qualifications is divided into examination of practicing doctors'qualifications and examination of assistant practicing doctors'qualifications .

  23. 这项在荷兰进行的研究,研究对象是11个家庭执业医师的49229名病患。

    This study was conducted in The Netherlands at11 family practices with a total practice population of49,229 patients .

  24. 该研究的结果引发一个大的问题:这种联系是否在执业医师中也是如此呢?

    Results from this study also raise a larger question : Is this association also true in practicing physicians ?

  25. 本办法所称医师,包括执业医师和执业助理医师。

    The term " doctors " as mentioned in these Measures includes the practicing doctors and practicing assistant doctors .

  26. 评估还发现卫生工作者短缺,包括全科执业医师以及产科和外科专科医师。

    The assessment also found shortages of health workers-including in general practitioners , and specialists in obstetrics and surgery .

  27. 论增强医患信息沟通在贯彻《执业医师法》中的作用

    Discussion on the Role of Strengthening Information Communication Between Doctors and Patients in Carrying out the Law for Licensing Medical Practitioner

  28. 执业医师考试报名人数逐年增加,但通过率却在逐年下降。

    The number of taking the Examination of Doctor Qualification is rising , while the pass rate is dropping each year .

  29. 本文在业界首次提出将强制参加医疗责任保险写入《执业医师法》。

    This paper first put forward in the field that compulsory medical liability insurance should be written in Medical Practitioner Act .

  30. 目的:研究执业医师对药品说明书的理解状况,促进合理用药。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the comprehension of drug instructions in licensed physicians in order to promote the rational drug use .