
zì rán liáo fǎ
  • Natural therapy;naturopathy;natural ways of healing ;physiocracy
  1. 幸运的是,有些自然疗法对治疗ADD和ADHD很有帮助,如果你愿意将其纳入考虑范围的话。

    Thankfully , there are natural options that can help with ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder ) and ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) if you 're willing to consider them .

  2. 有关“自然疗法”的讨论不断涌现。

    Discussions about " natural cures " are constantly springing up .

  3. 自然疗法正在寻求更多的合作。

    Natural Cures are being sought for more and more .

  4. 自然疗法是不工作,他们说。

    Natural cures just don 't work they said .

  5. 乳痈的解剖机理与自然疗法

    The anatomical mechanism and natural therapy of mastitis

  6. 这些医疗人员懂得疾病和创伤的自然疗法。

    These medicine men and women knew natural methods of treating diseases and injuries .

  7. 中医自然疗法的基本特点探要

    Approach to basical feature of TCM natural therapy

  8. 有很多种不同的帮助克服缺铁的自然疗法。

    There are many different kinds of natural remedies that help overcome iron deficiency .

  9. 我和很多大夫、外科医生和自然疗法专家聊过,的确有其他的选择。

    I have spoken to many doctors , surgeons and naturopaths . There are other options .

  10. 4.尝试自然疗法

    Step 4 Try natural remedies

  11. 现在有许多其他的和自然疗法,帮助人们谁遭受头痛和偏头痛。

    There are now many alternative and natural treatments to help people who suffer from headaches and migraines .

  12. 一位泰国自然疗法医师称,她可以通过“扇耳光”让青春倒流。

    A Thai natural health practitioner claims she can turn back the clock simply by ' face-slapping . '

  13. 所有的自然疗法,您可以找到我认为有一个停留下的雷达。

    Of all the natural cures you can find I think there is one that stays under the radar .

  14. 樱桃血管瘤的自然疗法,可但是,你必须先了解的原因樱桃状血管瘤。

    Cherry angiomas natural treatments are available , however , you must first learn the cause of cherry angioma .

  15. 瑜伽练习对于糖尿病并发的心脏疾病同样也是一种重要的自然疗法。

    Exercise is also an important natural treatment for heart disease , a common condition that occurs along with diabetes .

  16. 自然疗法专家告诉你如何抛开抗生素、利用自身的免疫系统来治疗感染。

    Leading naturopath shows how to su percharge your immune system and fight infections with out relying on antibi otics .

  17. 他是自然疗法和精氨酸使用的热心支持者,有着十多年的经验。

    He has been an ardent supporter of natural remedies and a proponent of arginine use for more than a decade .

  18. 这种信息激增的大门打开了许多曾经被遗忘和现代药物自然疗法取代。

    This surge of information has opened up the door to many natural therapies that were once forgotten and replaced by modern medicines .

  19. 山金车内部的不推荐使用和管理应该只由专业执业中医,自然疗法或健康。

    The internal use of Arnica is not recommended and should only be administered by a professional herbalist , naturopath or health practitioner .

  20. 在我们疗养院,在安宁与舒适中,您可以享受健康美味的食品,接受自然疗法,以及进行适当的体育锻炼。

    Peace and comfort , you can enjoy healthy and delicious food , natural therapies and treatments , and suitable physical exercise in our sanatorium .

  21. 每日用量以及使用服用时间长短由肌肉测试得到,或寻求懂得肌肉测试的自然疗法医师的帮助。

    Daily dosages will need to be muscle tested along with length of treatment by oneself or a natural health practitioner that understands muscle testing .

  22. 针对症状而非个人的对抗疗法,令人们对历史悠久的自然疗法恢复很大的兴趣。

    The impersonal approach of allopathic medicine has aroused the great revival of interest in natural therapies , the nature 's way to health and relaxation .

  23. 我们可以借助一些自然疗法来增强机体的免疫力。在对症的情况下,抗生素的确是不可多得的灵丹妙药,但我们需要加以选择地使用。

    There are natural ways to boost your body 's defence system.In the right circumstances antibiotics are invaluable , but we have to use them selectively .

  24. 自然疗法之理念让您和您的亲人达到健康、平衡、自然的最佳状态。

    The idea of natural therapy promoted by scolly 's always leaves you and your family members in a state of greatest health , balance and nature .

  25. 我国的自然疗法吸取古代传统美容保健、亚洲从文化与精致的美感和庆祝荣誉大自然的珍贵礼物。

    Our all-natural treatments draw on the ancient health and beauty traditions of Asia , from cultures that celebrate beauty and refinement and honour nature 's precious gifts .

  26. 人们摄取蓖麻油是为了润肠通便、引产,还可用于其他自然疗法,但你决不能吃完全未经处理的蓖麻子。

    People ingest castor oil to relieve constipation , to induce labor , and for other naturopathic purposes , but you should never eat whole raw castor beans .

  27. 自然疗法的医师主张处于慢性病恢复期的患者大量食用西兰花,因为业已表明西兰花类的蔬菜可以加速这类患者的康复。

    Naturopathic physicians recommend generous daily servings of broccoli to patients recuperating from a lengthy illness , as this veggie has been shown to speed their return to good health .

  28. 德国陶道自然疗法研究中心以中医针灸术为主,治疗各种疑难杂病,取得显著的临床疗效。

    Chinese acupuncture therapy has mainly been used for treating various intractable diseases in the Tao Dao Natural Therapy Research Center in Germany , and good therapeutic effects have been achieved .

  29. 虽然世界上所有其他古代文明也有使用植物治疗疾病的自然疗法,但最早的使用草药的文字记载起源于中国。

    The first written accounts of the use of herbs originate in China , although all other civilisations from the ancient world were using plants as natural remedies for their ailments .

  30. 如果你有耐心和自制力,并且希望找到科学的方法,你可以试试下面一些面部除毛的自然疗法。

    If one has the patience , discipline , and the will power to follow a regime , one can try some of the following natural methods of facial hair removal .