
zì shēn miǎn yì
  • autoimmune;autoimmunity
  1. 一位女士在患了引发手部剧痛的自身免疫疾病以后,被鼓励尝试编织,她在工艺纱理事会的网站上汇报说,她的手现在不那么僵硬和疼痛了。

    A woman encouraged to try knitting and crocheting after developing an autoimmune disease that caused a lot of hand pain reported on the Craft Yarn Council site that her hands are now less stiff and painful .

  2. B淋巴细胞在自身免疫疾病发病中扮演着重要角色。

    B lymphocytes have been shown to play fundamental pathogenic roles in autoimmune disorders .

  3. 过敏由外部环境比如空气污染、花粉浓度等,以及内部环境如遗传和自身免疫系统因素引起。

    Allergic rhinitis is caused by both the external environment — which includes air pollution and pollen — and internal factors , in which heredity and an individual ’ s immune system come into play .

  4. C型逆转录病毒和自身免疫病的关系

    Retrovirus with Type C. Morphology and Autoimmune Disease

  5. 检测血清B因子在自身免疫性疾病中的意义

    Significance of Serum Factor B in Autoimmune Disease

  6. 受体选择与B细胞自身免疫耐受

    Receptor Selection and B Cell Immune Tolerance

  7. 自身免疫性胰腺炎的MRI表现及临床分析

    The MRI Findings and the Clinical Analysis of Autoimmune Pancreatitis

  8. 重症肌无力(MG)是神经肌肉接头损害为主的自身免疫性疾病,其发病机理仍不清楚,一般认为遗传和环境因素共同作用的结果。

    Objective : Myasthenia gravis ( MG ) is a neuromuscular disorder of autoimmune disease .

  9. 细胞因子IFNγ可能是启动或加重GO自身免疫反应的重要因素;

    IFN γ might be the important factor for initiating and promoting autoimmune reactions in GO ;

  10. 另外,TALL1在转基因鼠中的过量表达可引起严重的B细胞增生以及与狼疮有关的自身免疫性疾病。

    Moreover , the overexpression of TALL 1 in transgenic mice can result in severe B cell hyperplasia and autoimmune lupus like disease .

  11. 颗粒酶B与自身免疫疾病及抗病毒感染密切相关,在恶性肿瘤细胞杀伤方面的应用价值正日益受到关注。

    Granzyme B is closely related to autoimmune diseases and anti-virus infection process . It is attracting increasing attention for its application in cancer treatment .

  12. 中国北方汉族人群自身免疫性甲状腺疾病与X染色体2个多态位点的连锁分析

    Linkage analysis of two susceptibility loci on chromosome X for autoimmune thyroid disease among the Hans in the north of China

  13. 结论MG的心脏损害可能与SH-Ab滴度增高抗原抗体结合等自身免疫机制有关。

    Conclusion The heart involvement in patients with MG may be related with the autoimmune mechanism of antigens and antibodies combination .

  14. 结论IL-8、TNF系统参与原发性甲减的发病过程,参与自身免疫反应的免疫病理过程。

    Conclusion IL-8 , TNF participate in hypothyroidism pathogenic process and the autoimmune pathological process .

  15. 免疫相关RSA分为同种免疫型和自身免疫型两种。

    Which are divided into alloimmune and autoimmune factors .

  16. 原癌基因c-kitmRNA在自身免疫性睾丸炎中的表达及意义

    Expression and Role of Oncogene c-kit mRNA in Development of Experimental Autoimmune Orchitis

  17. 抗CD4单抗诱导免疫耐受防治自身免疫性心肌炎的研究

    Monoclonal anti-CD4 prevents the development of experimental autoimmune myocarditis by inducing immune tolerance to cardiac myosin

  18. Ham′s试验阳性的宽热幅异常冷凝集素型自身免疫性溶血性贫血

    Ham 's positive autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to cold agglutinin with high thermal amplitude

  19. 目的研究温抗体型自身免疫性溶血性贫血IgG亚型及其临床意义。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical implications of IgG subclass in autoimmune hemolytic anemia ( AIHA ) .

  20. Graves病(简称GD)是一种常见的自身免疫性疾病。

    Objective Graves'diease ( GD ) is a kind of normal autoimmune thyroid disorder .

  21. PPA-ELISA技术在检测自身免疫病抗DNA抗体中的应用

    Application of PPA-ELISA to detecting anti-DNA anti-body in autoimmune diseases

  22. 目的探讨自身免疫性胰腺炎(AIP)的MRI表现及临床特点。

    Objective To discuss the MRI findings and clinical manifestation of autoimmune pancreatitis ( AIP ) .

  23. 血清IL-10和IL-12在自身免疫性甲状腺疾病中的表达特征

    Expression of Serum IL - 12 and IL - 10 in Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

  24. 目的:探讨自身免疫性及非自身免疫性甲状腺疾病中HLADR抗原的表达方式及其与甲状腺疾病的关系。

    Abstract : To evaluate the presence and pattern of HLA DR expression in autoimmune and non autoimmune thyroid diseases .

  25. 自身免疫甲状腺病患者血清中IL-12和IL-18水平的分析

    Measurement of IL-12 and IL-18 in sera of patients with autoimmune thyroid disease

  26. 结论关节内过度分泌的TNFα可能参与了TMD的自身免疫反应及关节组织的破坏过程;

    Conclusion It was possible that the excessively secreted TNF α in TMJs involved autoimmunity and joints destruction in TMD .

  27. 鼻粘膜耐受对实验性自身免疫性重症肌无力大鼠胸腺Fas、BCL-2表达的影响

    The Role of Nasal Immune Tolerance on the Expression of Fas and Bcl-2 in the Thymus of Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis Rats

  28. 结论:HP感染及自身免疫因素的异常是ITP发病的直接病因。

    Conclusion : The direct causes of ITP may be helicobacter pylori ( HP ) infection and autoimmune abnormality .

  29. 很可能它是通过与其它蛋白(如CBP)相互作用来调节胸腺内组织特异性抗原的表达,从而控制着自身免疫耐受。

    Aire might act together with another protein CBP to control self tolerance .

  30. 方法:Wistar大鼠分为对照组、自身免疫性甲状腺炎(EAT)组和硒治疗EAT组。

    Methods : Wistar rats were divided into three groups : normal control , experimental autoimmune thyroiditis ( EAT ) group and selenium cura - tio-EAT group .