
zì fā ɡuò chénɡ
  • spontaneous process
  1. 苯与Pt的化学吸附位能曲线呈单调下降,吸附作用是一个自发过程。

    The energy of chemical adsorption monotonously decreased and the adsorption was a spontaneous process .

  2. 热力学分析表明,F127在水中的胶束化是熵驱动的热力学自发过程。

    The thermodynamic analysis shows that the micellization of F127 in aqueous solutions is an entropy-driven spontaneous process .

  3. 谈焓变和熵变对自发过程的影响及其对△G的相对贡献

    A Discussion on the Effect of Enthalpy and Entropy Change upon Rational Process and Its Relative Contribution

  4. 自由能(ΔG)随温度升高而呈下降趋势说明此过程是自发过程。

    A decrease of Gibbs free energy (Δ G ) with temperature increase also indicated the spontaneous nature of the process .

  5. 尽管茶碱、维生素C和BSA的吸附均属于放热的自发过程,但前二者是一个焓驱动过程,而BSA的吸附是一个熵驱动过程。

    Although the adsorption processes of theophylline , ascorbic acid and BSA are all spontaneous and exothermic ; the first two are controlled by enthalpy , while the latter is controlled by entropy .

  6. 自发过程结束后,通以2V,50Hz或100Hz交流电4h,则此电池反应可形成可逆振荡。

    Reversible oscillations in the cell were also found after electrified with 2 V , 50 Hz or 100 Hz alternating current for 4 h.

  7. 结果表明:在305~337K之间,CTAB的临界胶团浓度(ccmc)随温度的升高而增大,形成胶团的过程是一个焓熵共同驱动的热力学自发过程;

    The results indicate that at the temperature ranging from 305K to 337K , the critical micelle concentration of CTAB will increase as the temperature rises . Under certain temperature , the CTAB micelle formation process is a thermodynamically spontaneous process that was animated by the enthalpy and entropy .

  8. 吸附过程为熵驱动的吸热、熵增的自发过程;

    EXTENSION OF ENTROPY The process of adsorption is mainly physical adsorption .

  9. 溶解度数据经热力学方法处理,表明这是个自发过程。

    The solution was a spontaneous process according to the thermodynamic theory .

  10. 关于热力学自发过程定义及判据的讨论

    A Discussion on the Definition and Deciding of Spontaneous Process

  11. 事实上,任何自发过程都会导致熵上升。

    And in fact any spontaneous process will make it go up .

  12. 泰乐菌素在黑土胶体和矿物表面的吸附是自发过程。

    Tylosin adsorption on Black soil colloids or minerals is a spontaneous process .

  13. 论述奥氏体晶粒长大的能量转变自发过程及各种影响因素。

    To discuss spontaneous energe transform process of austenitic grain growth and some effect factors .

  14. 自发过程的判据

    The Criterion of Spontaneous Process

  15. 其它任何情况下,也就是任何自发过程,都将小于零。

    Anything else , which is to say any spontaneous process , it 'll be less than zero .

  16. 热力学研究结果表明,反应条件下甲酸的分解反应为自发过程。

    Thermodynamic calculation shows that , under the reaction conditions , the decomposition of formic acid is a spontaneous process .

  17. 熵判据是热力学过程的基本判据,其它各种热力学判据都可归结为孤立体系熵增大的方向为自发过程的方向,即其它各种判据与熵判据是一致的;

    The entropy criterion is basal criterion of thermodynamical processes . The consistence of entropy criterion and other criterions is discussed .

  18. 根据热力学平衡状态的计算可知,磷化氢在活性炭吸附剂上的吸附过程是一个放热的、混乱度降低的自发过程。

    According to the thermodynamic equilibrium calculation , the PH3 adsorption process over the modified activated carbon adsorbent is a spontaneous exothermic process of decreased entropy .

  19. 但是,在主体世界观建构中,自发过程与非理性因素、自觉过程与理性因素之间的对应关系并不是绝对的。

    However in the building of subject world outlook , the corresponding relations between spontaneous course and non-rational factor , conscious course and rational factor are not absolute .

  20. 针对物理化学教材中对自发过程的定义说法不一,进行了归纳和本质上的阐述,并结合教学实践就热力学中较为抽象的自发过程进行了深入的探讨。

    In this article , several definitions of the auto-process existed in the present physical chemistry textbooks and the relatively abstractive conception of auto-process in thermodynamics are inductively expounded in the light of teaching practice .

  21. 茧丝的外层丝胶溶液的构象由无规卷曲向β折叠结构转变是一个自发过程,而茧丝蜡的存在能加速这一转变过程。

    The conformational conversion of the sericin solution of the outer layer of the bave from random-coil to β - folded structure is a spontaneous process which can be accelerated in the presence of waxy substance .

  22. 本文重点分析了工程热力学课程中的几个基本问题,包括自发过程的概念、平衡状态的概念,以及温度的相加计算问题、单一热源的热力循环等,对这些概念的本质进行了深入阐述。

    This paper has analyzed several basic problems in the engineering thermodynamics course especially , including the conception of spontaneous course 、 balanceable state , and the issue of temperature summing 、 single heat reservoir thermodynamic cycle .

  23. 鉴于此,讨论了迄今为止几种自发过程定义的优缺点,分析了造成自发过程定义不统一的主要原因,讨论了熵判据可作为自发过程判据的条件。

    In this respect , discussions are made on the merits and demerits of different definitions with analysis made on the reasons for the discrepancies of definitions . Moreover , the conditions for deciding according to entropy as deciding according to spontaneous process are discussed .

  24. 本文指出了当前出版的几套物理化学教科书中,由于各书对自发过程含意和特征有不同的理解,因而造成由第二定律引出的判据意义及使用条件也各不相同的一些问题。

    Since the definition and characteristics of spontaneous processes given by various textbooks of physical chemistry published in the past years have been differently comprehended , both the meaning and the conditions of using the criteria derived from the second law of thermodynamics have become confused .

  25. 青少年自我意识发展并不是一个完全自发过程,如何以有效的教育策略促进青少年自我意识不断完善,既是其人格发展的核心内容,也是保证其顺利解决人格发展中所面临新问题的关键所在。

    The self-consciousness development of youth is not a complete spontaneous process . How to promote the perfection of self-consciousness by means of effective pedagogic strategies is the key to ensure the successful solution of new problems emerged in the personality development as well as the core of the development .

  26. 热力学参数表明,改性玉米秸秆对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附是一个自发吸热过程,升高温度有利于吸附的进行。

    The thermodynamic parameters showed that the adsorption of Cr ( VI ) onto MCS was an spontaneous and endothermic process .

  27. 拉曼光谱测试表明,非晶Se薄膜在自发晶化过程中,出现标志Se8环和链的结构,不完整的环和链结构在自发晶化过程中得到了增强。

    The distorted chain and incomplete Se 8 ring structures were also enhanced during the spontaneous crystallization process measured by the Raman scattering measurement .

  28. 益气养阴方对U14子宫颈癌自发转移过程中血液流变学的影响

    Influence of supplementing Qi and nourishing Yin prescriptions on hemorheology in unprompted transfer process of cervix cancer

  29. 在肝硬化的自发逆转过程中MMP1基因表达保持在明显高于正常对照的水平。

    MMP 1 gene expression maintained at relative high level in reversal of liver cirrhosis .

  30. RNA沉默最显著的特征在于它是一种非细胞自发的过程,即在植物和小杆线虫(Caenorhabditiselegans)中RNA沉默均能被局部诱导,随后将沉默状态传导至整个生物体。

    One of the most intriguing aspects of RNA silencing is that it is non-cell-autonomous , namely , in both plants and Caenorhabditis elegans it can be induced locally and then spread to distant sites throughout the organism .