
quán kē yī shenɡ
  • general practitioner
  1. 一位患者通过NHS的首次约诊通常是他们的全科医生。

    A patient 's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner ( GP ) .

  2. 居住在蒂米什瓦拉西城的75岁的IoanaGheorghe(化名)去全科医生那里看过两次病,主诉感觉不适。

    Ioana Gheorghe ( not her real name ), 75 , who lives in the western city of Timisoara went to her general practitioner twice complaining she felt poorly .

  3. 尽早去看你的全科医生。

    Go and see your GP as soon as possible .

  4. 在我们地区诊所有四个全科医生。

    There are four GPs in our local practice .

  5. 医疗卫生委员会不会批准他为全科医生。

    The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service .

  6. 病人大多数是在他们的全科医生建议下转往医院就医。

    Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their general practitioners

  7. 然后门诊医生将会写信给你的全科医生以取得他的同意。

    The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement .

  8. 她的丈夫打电话叫来了当地的全科医生。

    Her husband called their local GP .

  9. 一位全科医生跟踪记录发现,自从附近修建了25号高速公路以来,当地哮喘病患儿数量急剧增加。

    One GP has charted a dramatic rise in local childhood asthma since the M25 was built nearby

  10. 有模糊或非特定性症状的病人,包括原因不明的消瘦、腹痛,可能会被全科医生转诊去做不同癌症的多项专科化验。

    Those with vague , non-specific symptoms , such as unexplained weight loss or abdominal1 pain , can be referred several times for different tests for different cancers .

  11. 我们应该进行规划,在每个基本医疗护理机构(PCT)提供循证心理治疗服务,全科医生(GP)、雇主和就业中心可以让需要帮助的人向这些机构求助。

    We should plan for an evidence-based psychotherapy service in each primary care trust , to which GPs , employers and job centres could refer people who need help .

  12. Popescu说,其中一个建议就是关闭表现不佳的单位以确保表现较好的医院和挣扎在资金极少的全科医生获得额外资源。

    Popescu says that one suggestion to close underperforming units could assure additional resources for the performing hospitals and for general practitioners who struggle on shoestring budgets .

  13. 常驻阿拉德西城的全科医生MariaSuciu医生说:“我们从国家医疗保险机构获取的资金非常有限,因此我们无法为办公室配备设备。”

    Dr Maria Suciu , a general practitioner based in the western city of Arad , says : " The amount of money we receive from the National Health Insurance House is very small and we cannot equip our office . "

  14. 社区卫生服务网络建设不健全、全科医生数量不足。

    The network is not sound and general practitioner is short .

  15. 建立全科医生与专科医生的规范合作。

    Establishing standards for the cooperation between general practitioners and specialists .

  16. 将…转到(医院就医);将…转给病人大多数是在他们的全科医生建议下转往医院就医。

    Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their general practitioners .

  17. 他到他的全科医生那儿去看背痛。

    He went to see his GP about his bad back .

  18. 发挥全科医生在突发公共卫生事件中的积极作用

    Demonstrate The family doctors'ability to prevent and treat emergency public health events

  19. 周期性健康检查&全科医生开展临床预防服务的重要手段

    Periodic health examination : an important means of preventive care by GPs

  20. 论开展专科医生向全科医生转岗培训教育的规范管理

    A discussion on standardized administration of training specialized physicians into general practitioner

  21. 毕业以后,他打算做一个全科医生。

    After medical school , he wants to go into general practice .

  22. 我已经看这个全科医生很多年了。

    I 've had the same general practitioner for years .

  23. 全科医生把小儿的病诊断为肺炎。

    The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia .

  24. 应急机动作战部队医院全科医生的培养

    Discussion on Cultivation of Whole-subject Doctors in Grass Root Hospitals in Mobile Troops

  25. 高校卫生服务需要全科医生

    Health Service in Higher Learning Institution Neads General Practitioner

  26. 浅议全科医生接受灾害医学教育的必要性

    On systemic education of disaster medicine for general practitioners

  27. 全科医生的社会性及医学社会学素养

    The Sociality and Medical Sociology Quality of General Practitioners

  28. 综合性教学医院如何做好全科医生培训

    How to train general practitioners in general teaching hospital

  29. 全科医生在上海社区卫生服务中的作用全科医师〔中医药〕

    General Practitioners in Community Health Care Services , generalist [ Chinese medicine ]

  30. 全科医生告诉我没什么问题。

    The GP told me there was nothing wrong .