
quán chēnɡ mìnɡ tí
  • universal proposition
  1. 本文通过欧拉图我们可以证明以全称命题为前提的换质位法推理中O命题是能够换位的。

    In fact , it is possible to exert conversion on O-proposition in conversion by contraposition inference which takes the premise by the universal proposition .

  2. 我们必须从经验的全称命题开始。

    We must begin from universals of experience .

  3. 断定有某种趋势存在的命题是存在命题而不是全称命题。

    A statement asserting the existence of a trend is existential , not universal .

  4. 带有全称量词命题与蕴含命题的数据查询是数据库应用系统中最实用的两类查询,但也是最难的两种数据查询。

    Data query for proposition with universal quantifier and data query for implication proposition are two categories of the most practical and difficult data queries .

  5. 慎待含全称量词的命题&谈谈《离散数学》一书存在的几个问题

    Treating the propositions with measure word all cautiously & some problems in discrete mathematics