
  • 网络global climate change;global climatic change
  1. 研究人员表示,还需要开展更多研究,才能确定闪电对于抗击全球气候变化的贡献程度。

    Researchers say that more studies will need to be conducted to verify the degree to which lightning contributes to the fight against global climate change .

  2. 这项四月末发表在《科学》杂志上的新研究发现,闪电对全球气候变化的影响力可能比科学界先前所了解的更大。

    The new study published at the end of April in Science found that lightning may play a bigger role in global climate change than was previously2 known by the scientific community .

  3. 由于就全球气候变化的谈判破裂,通过这种方式来为REDD集资前景堪忧

    With global climate-change negotiations foundering , the prospects of raising cash for REDD that way look poor .

  4. 四川植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球气候变化的响应

    Response of net primary productivity ( NPP ) of Sichuan vegetations to global climate changes

  5. GIS支持的全球气候变化对中国Holdridge生命地带的可能影响研究

    Research on Impacts of Global Climate Change to Holdridge 's Life Zones of China by Geo-information System

  6. 以CO2为主的各类温室气体排放,引发了全球气候变化问题,而导致这一现象的主要原因是石化能源的燃烧。

    The greenhouse gas emission , such as CO2 , caused the global climate change , and this phenomenon is due to the burning of fossil energy .

  7. 研究结果进一步说明了加强湿地的保护和湿地恢复,可以缓解由大气CO2浓度升高所引起的全球气候变化。

    The results further illustrate the viewpoint that the protection and restoration of wetlands could lessen the global climate change caused by the increase in atmospheric CO_2 concentration .

  8. 分析了CO2对全球气候变化的影响和减排的必要性,介绍了CO2的基本特性和主要分离方法;

    The influences of CO2 on global climate change and the necessity of CO2 sequestration are reviewed , and the main approaches to CO2 separation and sequestration are introduced .

  9. 前后引起全球气候变化的中更新世革命(MPR)、西太平洋暖池的形成以及0.78MaB.P。

    Middle Pleistocene Revolution ( MPR ) that gave rise to the global climate changing , formation of Western Pacific Warm Pool ?

  10. 应用AHP方法确定各项指标的权重,以综合评分的方式得到滨海新区在全球气候变化条件下的灾害风险综合分值。

    Use AHP method to determine the weight of the indicators and in an integrated way to score comprehensive disaster risk of Binhai New Area under the conditions of global climate change .

  11. 天然气水合物中CH4的释放影响全球气候变化。同时,天然气水合物是一种潜在的环境灾害诱发因素。

    The release of methane from the gas hydrate can lead to the global climate changes , and the environmental disasters can be induced by the gas hydrate .

  12. 中国拥有世界上面积最大的人工林,有效的管理和抚育这些人工林,不仅可以改善生态环境,而且可以固定CO2、增加碳汇,为减缓全球气候变化做贡献。

    Because China owns the largest plantation in the world , the effective management and nurturing these plantations not only can improve the ecological environment , but also can increase CO2 fixation and carbon sink , slow global warming .

  13. 挥发性卤代烃VHCs(Volatilehalocarbons)是大气中重要的痕量温室气体和臭氧层破坏者,在全球气候变化和生态环境等方面起着重要作用。

    Volatile halocarbons ( VHCs ) are important atmospheric trace gases , potential greenhouse gases and ozone destructors , which play important roles in global climatic change and environment .

  14. 在过去一年中,世贸组织(wto)多哈回合谈判未获成功。如果世贸组织的谈判都不能取得成果,那么有多大可能在明年完成更为艰巨的、商讨全球气候变化协议的任务呢?

    In the past year the Doha round at the World Trade Organisation has failed . And if the negotiations at the WTO cannot be brought to fruition , what chance will there be of achieving the much more difficult task of negotiating a global climate-change agreement next year ?

  15. 氧化亚氮(N2O)是一种重要的温室气体,其增温潜势为二氧化碳的310倍。减少人类活动中温室气体排放,是目前减缓全球气候变化的有效措施。

    The main impact of human activities on climate change is anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases . N2O is one of the greenhouse gases , its global warming potential 310 times as high as that of CO2 .

  16. 由于燃烧化石燃料和砍伐森林引起CO2浓度升高并随之带来全球气候变化,陆地植被生态系统,尤其是森林的生长与碳循环之间的关系成为陆地生物圈与全球变化研究中的主要内容。

    The increase of CO2 content caused by the usage of fossil fuel and forest destruction has lead to global climatic change . The relationship between land vegetation , especially forest growth and carbon circle is the main content for the study on land biosphere and global variation .

  17. 然而,在原本旨在筹备明年年底的巴黎全球气候变化协议的利马(Lima)磋商中,这1000亿美元的数额却成为争论的焦点。

    The $ 100bn figure has become a source of contention at the Lima talks , which are supposed to smooth the way to a global climate deal in Paris at the end of next year .

  18. 由于人类污染而导致臭氧层衰减以及由此产生的地球表面紫外辐射增强已经成为全球气候变化的一个主要方面。UV-B胁迫,甚至当前的辐射水平,所带来的影响已经引起科学工作者的广泛关注。

    Contents of cadmium and arsenic were greatly influenced by anthropogenic pollution . One of the most important aspects of global change is that of stratospheric ozone depletion caused by serious anthropogenic pollution and the resulting increase in UV radiation reaching the surface of the Earth .

  19. 本论文建立了LCFORSKA模型,并且应用该模型对红松、兴安落叶松林交错区在全球气候变化下的森林动态过程进行了预测。

    LCFORSKA model is established and applied to predict the forest dynamic process in the ecotone of Pinus koraiensis and Larix gmelini under the global climate change in the paper .

  20. 当前,全球气候变化与陆地生态系统(GCTE)和土地利用/土地覆盖变化(LUCC)成为全球变化研究的核心项目和重要方向,并成为全球变化中最复杂、最具活力的研究内容。

    Currently , study on Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystem ( GCTE ) and Land-Use and Cover Change ( LUCC ) become the core item and the important direction , and become the most complicated and vitally research contents in global change research .

  21. 收集黄土高原区域近40a各主要气候要素变化资料并利用Petitt方法计算变点,滑动t检验气候变点或转折点,以分析判断黄土高原对全球气候变化响应的敏感性及敏感区域。

    The response sensitivity of climate in Loess Plateau in China to global change was investigated with the meteorological data during the recent 40 years , and the marked change points were calculated by Petitt method , and checked by moving T-test .

  22. 合理开发利用能源应对全球气候变化

    Rationally Developing and Utilizing Energy , Coping with Global Climate Change

  23. 全球气候变化对中国自然灾害的可能影响

    Possible Impacts of Global Climate Change on Natural Disasters of China

  24. 陆地生态系统与全球气候变化也是息息相关。

    Terrestrial ecosystem has a close relation with global climate change .

  25. 中国水资源响应全球气候变化的对策建议

    Suggestion on Water Resources in China Corresponding with Global Climate Change

  26. 减缓全球气候变化的国际合作的经济分析

    Economic analysis of international cooperation for mitigation of global climate change

  27. 全球气候变化影响下中国农业产量的可持续性

    The Sustainability of Chinese Agricultural Yield Affected by Global Climate Change

  28. 全球气候变化对国际航运经济的影响研究

    The Influence Study of Global Climate Change on International Shipping Economy

  29. 城市规划管理体制如何应对全球气候变化?

    How urban planning administrative system responds to global climate changes ?

  30. 全球气候变化与冬麦北移研究

    Global Climate Change and Winter Wheat Planting in Northern Region