
  • 网络globalization
  1. 经济全球化进程的加快要求我国健全经济法制,尽快制定反垄断法,对竞争领域的有关问题做出规定。

    The acceleration of economic globalization requires the formulation of the anti-monopoly law and regulations of competition .

  2. 在Internet的支持下,世界经济一体化和全球化进程进一步加快,电子商务作为新经济的标志也得以迅猛发展。

    Supported by Internet , economic integration of the world and globalization process are accelerated further , e-commerce can develop rapidly too as the sign of new economy .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,意味着逐步参与到全球化进程中,势必出现影响政治稳定的矛盾问题。

    After joining WTO , China will participates in the evolution of economic globalization gradually and contradictions influencing political stability are sure to emerge .

  4. 随着全球化进程的加快,Web作为一种重要的沟通手段受到的关注越来越多,对Web服务描述的正确性投入的精力随之增加。

    As an important means of communication , Web is rapidly developed with the accelerating process of globalization . People are paying more and more attention on the correctness of Web service description .

  5. 当前,随着中国加入WTO。经济全球化进程加快,我国产业结构调整和升级进入一个新的历史阶段。

    At present , along with China 's entering into the WTO , and The accelerating economic globalization process , the adjustment of our country 's industrial structure and upgrading will enter a new historical stage .

  6. 范围更广泛的反对者,将会加入支持全球化进程的行列,包括印度、巴西及欧盟,因为如果“b计划”取代了多哈回合谈判,它们将受到极为不利的影响。

    A broader group of naysayers would be jolted into supporting the global approach , including India and Brazil as well as the EU , because they would be so adversely affected if " plan B " were to supplant Doha .

  7. 我国加入WTO,国内经济将全面与国际经济接轨,中国经济将全面参与经济全球化进程,融入世界经济主流。

    With China entering WTO , the domestic economy will join together with the international economy . Chinese economy will participate in the global economic progress and be in perfect harmony with the main stream of the World economy .

  8. 中国加入WTO后,经济全球化进程明显加快,对期货市场也提出了更高的要求,发展期货投资基金是期货行业创新发展的必然选择。

    Since we entered the WTO , the process of the economic globalization is improving , and the higher requirement is put forward to the futures market , Therefore , developing the futures investing funds is the necessary choice to have a creative development in this field .

  9. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)亚洲并购业务负责人雷俊(JohanLeven)表示:这些交易是建筑设备和个人电脑等行业正在发生的全球化进程的例证。

    These deals are examples of the globalisation occurring in industries such as construction equipment and PCs , says Johan Leven , head of M & A in Asia for Goldman Sachs .

  10. 全球化进程中国家权力调整的必要性

    The Necessity to Adjust State Power In the Process of Globalization

  11. 国家主权在全球化进程中面临的困境和出路

    State 's Sovereignty Facing Strait and Outlet During the Globalization Process

  12. 全球化进程的法律移植问题综述

    A Comprehensive Study of Legal Transplantation in the Process of Globalization

  13. 全球化进程对世界高等教育产生了多方面影响。

    The process of globalization has several influence on higher education .

  14. 经济全球化进程及新阶段的特点

    The Process of Economic Globalization and the Characteristics of New Period

  15. 经济全球化进程中执政风险的防范

    Preventing Risks in Power in the Drive of Economic Globalization

  16. 经济全球化进程中浙江省加工贸易发展的对策研究

    Studies on the Strategy for Promoting Zhejiang Processing Trade in Economic Globalization

  17. 全球化进程中对高等教育主权的重新审视

    Reconsideration of Higher Education Sovereignty in the Process of Globalization

  18. 全球化进程中文化冲突的两重性

    The Duality of Cultural Conflicts in The Process of Globalization

  19. 全球化进程中中国先进文化建设的战略选择

    The Strategic Choice of Advanced Chinese Culture in Globalization Process

  20. 论马克思主义哲学的全球化进程&兼论三个代表的划时代意义

    A study of the globalization 's course of Marxist philosophy

  21. 全球化进程中新闻媒介功能的变异

    Functional Variation of News Media in the Course of Globalization

  22. 当前的世界正处于全球化进程时期。

    The world is still in the chrysalis of globalization .

  23. 论全球化进程中的价值目标冲突

    On Conflicts of Value Goal in the Course of Globalization

  24. 经济全球化进程中的思想政治教育

    Ideological and Political Education in the Process of Economic Globalization

  25. 对经济全球化进程中民族文化建设的思索

    To Think about the National Culture in the Process of Economic Globalization

  26. 上海全球化进程中工业空间重构的动力机制和策略

    Dynamic mechanism and strategy of restructuring industrial space in Shanghai

  27. 所以,政府在经济全球化进程中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    So , government plays a very important role in this process .

  28. 全球化进程与社会主义的历史命运

    The Process of Globalization and the Historical Destiny of Socialism

  29. 全球化进程中的文化同一性与文化多样性

    Cultural Identity and Cultural Diversify in the Process of Globalization

  30. 全球化进程加速了保险资本的国际流动。

    The globalization accelerates the international transfer of insurance asset in the world .