
  • 网络three forces;Three Evils
  1. 保持对“三股势力”(分裂主义,极端主义,恐怖主义)严打高压态势

    Strike hard and maintain high pressure on the three forces ( of separatism , extremism and terrorism )

  2. 中亚三股势力再度活跃与我们的战略应对

    Revitalization of the Three Forces in Central Asia and Our Strategic Response

  3. 宗教极端主义催生的恐怖主义困扰着世界;打击三股势力,维护祖国统一;

    The terrorism caused by the religious extremists haunts the world .

  4. 打击三股势力犯罪的立法完善论

    Perfecting China 's Legislation on Attacking " Three Evil Forces "

  5. 新疆地处打击“三股势力”的前沿阵地。

    Xinjiang is located in the frontier of the battlefield against " Three Evil Forces " .

  6. 关于三股势力的现状及对我国安全影响的分析

    Analyzing present situation of the " Three evil forces " and the influences on China 's security

  7. 打击三股势力相关法律问题研究

    A Study of Several Legal Issues Related to Crackdown on the Three Evil Forces of Terrorism , Separatism and Extremism

  8. 一句话的说,对这三股势力,要坚决打击,不得让他们翻身。

    A words say , these three influences , determinedly fight , can not make them turn over a body .

  9. 现在有不少人都认为,互联网将是与无线电台和电视共存的,广播业的第三股势力。

    There is much talk these days of the internet being the third force in broadcasting along side the radio and television .

  10. 中国西部地区三股势力的恐怖活动对国家和平、安全与发展构成了严重威胁。

    The terrorist act of the three kinds of power in west China has been a serious threat to the peace , safety and development of China .

  11. 对此,要提高警惕,认真研究分析这类案件的规律、特点,充分做好防范工作,促进社会治安的稳定,不给新疆“三股势力”和其他犯罪分子以可乘之机。

    To this , we will raise the vigilance , analyze this kind of cases and do guard work well to promote the stability of public order .

  12. 他还对阿富汗问题,以及打击三股势力、开展经贸合作等问题阐述了乌方的看法。

    He also expounded the views of Uzbekistan on Afghanistan , on cracking down on the three evil forces , and on developing economic and trade cooperation .

  13. 他认为,“上海公约”将为打击“三股势力”提供必不可少的法律基础。

    He holds that the Shanghai Treaty on cracking down on terrorism , separatism and extremism will provide an essential legal basis for battling the three evil forces .

  14. 寻求边境安全是上海五国阶段的主要议题,它向联合反恐议题的转换是通过上海五国共同打击三股势力这一任务来完成的。

    It is the main topic at stage of Shanghai Five to seek border security . And its conversion to ally on anti-terrorism was realized through Shanghai Five beating three force .

  15. 该组织最初由中国发起,当时对外宣称,目的是打击中国所说的中亚恐怖主义、极端主义和分裂主义三股势力。

    The grouping was initially established on Beijing 's initiative with the stated aim of tackling what China has called three evils of terrorism , extremism and separatism in central Asia .

  16. 中亚各国的民族、宗教、经济、政治等问题,以及三股势力的兴起,成为影响地区安全和稳定的最主要因素。

    The ethnical , religious , economic and political problems and the rise of separatism , extremism and terrorism all become the main factors that affect the safety and stability of the region .

  17. 当前,在国际国内三股势力的影响下,与国内诸多因素相交织,我国西部地区民族宗教突发事件发生频繁,群体性增强。

    At present , due to the impact of terrorism , separatism and extremist as well as the domestic complicated factors , the nationality and religionary conflicts happened very often in the west regions of China .

  18. 本文从打击三股势力的现实意义出发,具体阐述如下内容:第一章使用地缘政治学理论的研究方法,论述了中亚地区的战略意义。

    This thesis clarifies in detail the realistic significances of fighting against the " three forces " as follows : The first part of the thesis analyzes the important strategic role of Central-Asia with the view of geopolitical theory .

  19. 上海合作组织建立12年来,在合作打击三股势力,维护地区乃至世界和平稳定方面发挥了重要作用。

    Since its founding 12 years ago , the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( SCO ), has played an important role in combating terrorism , separatism and extremism , and in maintaining peace and stability of the region and the world at large .

  20. 近年来,对边境地区和口岸实行常态化严查严管严控,防范打击三股势力、敌对分子的分裂破坏和暴力恐怖活动。

    In recent years , regular strict inspections , management and control in border areas and at ports have been carried out to guard against and subdue separatist , sabotage , violent and terrorist activities by the three forces or hostile individuals .

  21. 对恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义这三股势力,必须采取零容忍态度,加强国际和地区合作,加大打击力度,使本地区人民都能够在安宁祥和的土地上幸福生活。

    We should have zero tolerance for terrorism , separatism and extremism , strengthen international and regional cooperation , and step up the fight against the three forces , in order to bring a life of happiness and tranquility to the people of this region .

  22. 中亚四国存在的三股恶势力主要是民族分离主义、宗教极端主义和国际恐怖主义。

    The vicious powers are national separatism , religious extremism and international terrorism .

  23. 打击三股恶势力、维护国家安全是上海合作组织成员国间的第二个共同利益。

    To strike the three vicious powers and maintain national safety is the second common benefit of SCO .

  24. 两国元首认为,“三股恶势力”和跨国有组织犯罪是两国及本地区面临的共同威胁,必须严厉打击。

    They also agreed the " three evil forces " and organized cross-border crimes are the common threats of the two countries and the region , and have to be harshly cracked down .