
zhí xínɡ lì
  • executive force
  1. 第三章主要对HT公司执行力现状的分析。

    The third chapter of company HT company executive force analysis of the status quo .

  2. 主要从观念建设、流程建设和组织建设3个方面探讨了如何提升BPR的执行力的问题。

    This paper mainly discusses on how to promote and carry out the problem of lifting the executive force of BPR from three respects of the concept construction , technological process construction and organizational construction .

  3. 转变政府职能,深化简政放权,创新监管方式,增强政府公信力和执行力,建设人民满意的服务型政府。

    The government needs to transform its functions , further streamline capacity , building itself into a service-oriented government able to satisfy the needs of the people .

  4. 所谓执行力(ExecutiveAbility)就是将战略规划落到实处,是一门如何完成任务的学问。

    Executive Ability is the knowledge on how to accomplish tasks , it puts strategic layout into practice .

  5. TT集团公司的组织执行力研究

    Executive Force Study on Executing Capacity of TT Group

  6. 第四章HT公司的执行力体系建设的思路和方法。

    The fourth chapter to ensure execution system of company HT of ideas and methods .

  7. 由于执行力定义过多过泛,笔者试着给出了自己的定义。同时介绍了两种执行力模型:执行力分析模型和4R执行系统模型;

    Simultaneously , two models of the executive ability have been introduced : the analysis model and the 4R execution system model ;

  8. 认为HT公司必须结合公司自身实际,从战略、运营和人员三方面系统改进,并构建执行力企业文化。

    Think HT must be combined with its own actual , strategy , operations and personnel from three aspects of system improvement , and construction of executive power of enterprise culture .

  9. 另外,通过引入OEC管理法的日清体系,解决战略执行力的日常管理问题。

    In addition , through the introduction Day Clear system of OEC management , the mode can solve daily strategy management in the power of execution .

  10. 本文从BSC的理论出发并结合BSC的实施经验,认为BSC可以解决上述两个战略管理难题,即提升战略执行力和实现企业基业长青。

    In this paper , the theory of BSC implementation experience combined with BSC , the BSC strategic management can solve these two problems , namely , to enhance strategic execution and implementation of enterprise Everlasting .

  11. 赛诺菲(Sanofi)的魏巴赫(ChrisViehbacher)成为因管理直率、喜欢单干以及执行力存在瑕疵而被董事会罢免的最新一位魅力型首席执行官。

    Sanofi 's Chris Viehbacher is the latest larger-than-life chief executive to be ousted by his board for a direct , go-it-alone style and spotty execution .

  12. 第三种偏见是,卡斯滕斯是个没有幽默感的技术官员,而imf需要一位兼具个人魅力和执行力、灵活机敏的政治家作为领导人,比如举止优雅的法国财长克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christinelagarde)。

    The third prejudice is that Mr Carstens is a humourless technocrat , when what is required at the head of the IMF is a nimble politician who can alternately charm or enforce , like the elegant French candidate and finance minister , Christine Lagarde .

  13. 三是个人执行力及员工执行文化。

    The third are individual executive force and employee executive culture .

  14. 提高电力安全生产反事故的执行力

    Improving anti - accident executive force for safe production of power

  15. 建立了一个方便实际操作的企业执行力建设体系,即执行力的创建维护变革体系。

    The third , built up an operation execution construction system .

  16. 增强执行力,落实公交优先战略

    Implementation of Public Transit Priority Strategy by Enhancing the Execution Force

  17. 组织的执行力论执行标的

    A Trial Discussion on Execution of Probation Executive power of organization

  18. 国有企业反腐倡廉制度执行力的社会学研究

    A Sociological Study on the State-owned Enterprises ' Anti-corruption Execution Ability

  19. 伊万尼克因其一丝不苟的执行力和跳跃性思维而名声卓著。

    Ewanick built his reputation on meticulous execution and unconventional thinking .

  20. 政府执行力:当前公共行政研究的新课题

    Governmental Executive Ability : the New Research Subject of Public Administration

  21. 普通中学体育政策执行力影响因素探析

    An Analysis of Influencing Factors on Policy Execution in School Sports

  22. 构建了虚拟企业战略执行力理论体系。

    Construct theoretical system of strategy implementation capability of virtual enterprise .

  23. 形成判决的既判力不能代替形成力,而且没有执行力。

    Res judicata of formation judgment can not replace formation force .

  24. 执行力是影响企业战略目标实现的重要因素。

    Strategy execution of business is an important factor to success .

  25. 目前针对员工满意度与执行力相关关系的研究不足,绝大多数都只是对于员工满意度或者员工的执行力进行单独的研究,很少有研究者对其相关性进行过研究。

    Most researches are about the employee satisfaction or employee execution separately .

  26. 第四章:公共政策执行力评估指标设计。

    Chapter IV : Evaluation of the implementation of public policy design .

  27. 第二部分,提出制度和执行力的概念。

    The second chapter leads to the concept of the system execution .

  28. 通过绩效管理提高销售人员执行力的研究

    A Study about Improving the Executive Force of Salesperson through Performance Management

  29. 移动通信企业文化执行力的探讨

    The Discussion of the Conducted Force of Mobile Communication of Corporate Culture

  30. 地方政府公共政策执行力评估指标体系构建研究

    Construction of the Index System of Local Government Public Policy Executive Power