
shuāi biàn chǎn wù
  • decay product
  1. 铀母体与其衰变产物分离。

    The parent uranium has been partitioned from its decay products .

  2. J/φ辐射衰变产物自旋宇称分析的实验方法

    Experimental method for spin-parity analysis of j / ψ radiative decay products

  3. 氡很容易从地下释放到空气中并通过称为氡子核的短命衰变产物分解。

    Radon escapes easily from the ground into the air , where it disintegrates through short-lived decay products called radon progeny .

  4. 此外,还介绍了一些新方法,例如测量大气中的氡及其衰变产物。

    In addition , reference is made to the novel techniques of the determination of radon and its daughter products in the atmosphere .

  5. 在粒子关联测量中,利用探测到的非稳态粒子的衰变产物,对探测器组进行能量刻度的修正,可以使探测器组的能量刻度达到一个较高的相对精度。

    The accuracy of energy calibration can be improved through the analysis of detected products coming from decay of unstable particles in the measurement of particle correlations .

  6. 阿尔法粒子是氦核,它们是放射性衰变的产物。

    Alpha particles are these helium nuclei , and they are the result of radioactive decay .

  7. 这三个衰变道的衰变产物的质量都很大,接近B介子的质量,使得产生的粒子动量很低,重建效率比较低。

    The mass of daughter particles are very large for these three decay modes , sum of these masses is close to B meson mass .

  8. 氡是天然放射性惰性气体,是铀系衰变链中的一个衰变产物。

    As a product from the uranium disintegration , radon is a natural radioactive idle gas .