
shuāi wáng
  • decline and fall;become feeble and die;wither away
衰亡 [shuāi wáng]
  • [become feeble and die;decline and fall] 衰落以至灭亡

  • 古风衰亡

衰亡[shuāi wáng]
  1. 我想我甚至把整册爱德华•吉本(EdwardGibbon)的《罗马帝国衰亡史》的完整版装进箱子里。

    I think I even loaded the complete unabridged text of Gibbon 's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire into that box .

  2. 基督教与西罗马帝国衰亡辨析

    On Christianity the Decline and Fall of the West Roman Empire

  3. IAA的变化较晚发生,几乎与分蘖的形态衰亡同步进行。

    The change of the IAA content occurs later , almost Simultaneously with the course of senescence .

  4. 培养2h即进入对数生长期,8h后进入菌体衰亡期,没有明显的稳定期;

    After 2 hours culture , the bacterium get a post exponential growth phase .

  5. 没有什么能比Mt.Gox交易所不断走向衰亡的事实更能说明这个转变的了。

    Nothing illustrates that transition quite like the ongoing fall of the Mt. GOx exchange .

  6. 媒体会问,“Amanda,音乐产业在衰亡,而你鼓励盗版。

    And the media asked , " Amanda , the music business is tanking and you encourage piracy .

  7. 加之有毒元素Al在冷杉体内富集,抑制了冷杉对营养元素Ca、Mg等的吸收,导致冷杉秃顶及衰亡。

    In addition , aluminum became rich in fir root , it inhibited fir root to absorb nutrients , such as Ca , Mg etc , therefore caused dieback or death of fir .

  8. 看起来,MySpace在经历了漫长而痛苦的衰亡过程后,终于要寿终正寝,永远安息了。

    It appears that MySpace might finally find sweet relief from its long , slow , painful demise .

  9. 当细胞培养到120h以后,活性开始急速下降,细胞进入衰亡期,到144h,活细胞只有8.56%。

    In decline phase , the viable cell is 8.56 % .

  10. 此外,玻璃化苗去甲基化位点与叶片等组织衰亡有关,在DNA水平上,可能是叶片等组织衰老发育相关区域甲基化状态的改变直接影响植株的发育。

    In addition , demethylation sequences of hyperhydric shoots are associated with decline of tissues , such as leaves , and at the DNA level , it is possible that the changes the of methylation status in the declining tissues has a direct impact on plant development .

  11. 晚二叠世长兴(大隆)期的δ13C值急剧降低,并在三叠纪初步达到极小值,反映了二叠-三叠系界线附近生物的迅速衰亡和集体绝灭。

    The δ 13C value remarkably drops since the Changxing stage ( late Permian ), and reaches a minimum in the Triassic , consistent with the reduction and final extinction of biomass .

  12. 根据酵母菌生长曲线,26h时是其生长稳定期和衰亡期的临界点。

    According to the yeast growth curve , 26h was the critical point between the growth stability period decline period .

  13. 研究初步认为,分蘖衰亡前ZR+Z和ABA的这种变化是导致分蘖衰亡的主要原因,而IAA的变化则是伴随原因。

    It was concluded that the changes of the ZR + Z and ABA contents of the tillers before senescence is the primary cause of the senescence of them , whereas the change of the IAA content is only a secondary cause .

  14. 研究了不同底物对BacilluspumilusWL-11产生木聚糖酶的影响,并对以木糖作唯一碳源培养菌体在衰亡期时发酵液中木聚糖酶酶活的升高现象进行了研究。

    In this article , we studied the influence of different carbon sources to the production of the xylanase from Bacillus pumilus WL-11 , and the phenomenon that the xylanase activities rising during the cell death period when using xylose as the only carbon source .

  15. 结果表明,球形棕囊藻细胞壁的超声波破碎最适条件为:功率600W,4℃下处理30min。对数生长期、平稳期和衰亡期藻细胞适宜处理量分别为每次3000、2000、1000ml;

    Optimal conditions for breaking algal cell wall by ultrasonic was 600 W of power treated for 30 minutes at 4 ℃, the maximum volume of cultures being 3 000 , 2 000 and 1 000 ml at logarithmic , stationary and senescent phases , respectively .

  16. 但迪士尼高层并没有努力削减损失、试图出售美国广播公司,据称反而是在这个日渐衰亡的品牌上加码投资,与西班牙语传媒巨头Univision合作,计划打造另一个24小时英语有线新闻网络。

    But instead of cutting its losses and selling ABC , Disney executives are reportedly gearing up to double down on the dying brand by forming a partnership with Spanish-language powerhouse Univision to create yet another 24-hour cable news network – in English .

  17. 空气消毒器启动120min,其周围空气中臭氧浓度平均值为0.02mg/m3。紫外线循环风空气消毒器开启120min,对空气中人工污染的白色葡萄球菌的平均杀灭率为99.93%,自然衰亡率平均为48.99%。

    Operation of the Air Disinfector for 120 min produced ozone concentration 0.02 mg / m ~ 3 in air surrounding it and killed 99.93 % in average of Staphylococcus albus in artificially contaminated air , while the natural decay rate of the bacteria was 48.99 % in average .

  18. 但有谁知道那水晶只是衰亡的雾?

    And who knows but a crystal is mist in decay ?

  19. 假如骗人的衰亡,爱走到起点。

    If deceiving emerges , the love goes to its end .

  20. 《墨西哥政治:威权主义衰亡》,纽约:牛津大学出版社,1999,第21-52、179-205页。

    New York : Oxford University Press , 1999 , pp.21-52,179-205 .

  21. 沈阳北陵古油松衰亡原因的初步研究

    Preliminary Research on the Reasons of Declining and Dying of Palaeo-Chinese

  22. 罗马帝国在那时已经衰亡。

    At that time , the Roman Empire had already decayed .

  23. 沉水植物衰亡过程中氮磷释放规律及温度影响的研究

    Release Rule Research of Submerged Plants with Temperature Impact in Contabescence

  24. 我们正在研究古罗马的衰亡。

    We are studying the decline and fall of ancient Rome .

  25. 叙述罗马帝国衰亡的书。

    A book which traces the decline of the Roman empire .

  26. 实际上,这些变化却加速了模仿论的衰亡。

    In fact , these changes accelerated the decay of imitation theory .

  27. 人们现在担心煤炭工业会逐步衰亡。

    The coal industry is now feared to be in terminal decline .

  28. 假定我们就是要使自已衰亡得更快。

    Suppose that we choose to wear ourselves out faster .

  29. 封建制度在缓慢地衰亡。

    The feudal system slowly fell into decay , ie stopped working .

  30. 美国是否会如同历史上其他强国一样走向衰亡?

    Is America going to decline like other great nations have before ?