
  1. 这位鲁莽的青年在6月时种了些果树。

    The rude youth grew fruit in June .

  2. 嗯,你们知道为什么婴儿可以在6个月后种牛痘吗?

    Mm hmm , and do you know why kids get vaccinated at6 months ?

  3. 本章可从三个方面进行分析:一个方面是意象,这一方面主要论述了柳、水、月三种常见意象。

    This section is divided into three aspects : one is the prototype imago , which mainly discusses willow , water and moon .

  4. 4月6种树木净光合速率的最高值与光照强度的最高值基本同步,其峰值都出现在中午12:00左右。

    The highest values of the net photosynthetic rate of the six species in March and April were basically in step with the highest values of the illumination intensity and the peaks appeared at about 12:00 .

  5. 2003年3月,一种新的冠状病毒(CoV)&SARS冠状病毒被确认为引起SARS(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome)的病原。

    In March 2003 , a novel coronavirus ( CoV ) was discovered in association with cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) .

  6. 在我mba学业即将结束的前两个月,一种“回归现实”的可怕感觉开始降临,我开始怀疑,所有的这一切是否值得。

    Two months from the end of my MBA , a frightening feeling of " back-to-reality " is beginning to set in , and I am wondering whether it has all been worth it .

  7. 用免疫组织化学方法对出生后1天,1、2、3周,1及3月的Wistar种大白鼠脑垂体远侧部的促生长激素(GH)细胞的发育分化进行了观察。

    The hypophyses of postnatal male Wistar rats , first day , 1 , 2 , 3 weeks , 1 and 3 months after birth , were studied by immunohistochemical staining to ascertain the time of origin , development and differentiation of the growth hormone ( GH ) cells .

  8. 术后24小时alpha稳态组中低流量25ml/kg·min-1神经元特异性烯醇酶含量最高;术后4天脑电图和术后2个月智商两种稳态组间差别无显著性意义。

    At 24-hour postoperations , Neuron specific enolase level was the highest in the group of alpha stat with low flow 25 ml / kg · min - 1 . No electroencephalogram and intelligence quotient score difference were found between two kinds of blood gas managements during postoperations ' follow-up .

  9. 方法15月龄昆明种小鼠,随机分组,每日1次灌胃炒紫苏子醇提药物和水提药物,给药21次后,杀鼠取脑和血。

    METHODS 15 month-old mice of Kunming species were divided into groups at random .

  10. 21每三个月换一种睫毛膏,和每年换一种其他眼部化妆。

    Replace your mascara every three months and other eye makeup once a year .

  11. 而且,我发现每几个月就换种香波用是个好主意。

    Also , I find that switching shampoos every few months is a good idea .

  12. 5月,一种罕见的大肠杆菌菌株疫情在德国北部发端。

    In May , an outbreak of a rare strain of E.coli began in northern Germany .

  13. 菜园里的白菜是母亲每年7月头伏时种下的。

    The mother plants the cabbage seeds in July when the hottest season of a year begins .

  14. 过去的几个月真是种折磨我到罗新庄园只是为了见你

    These past months have been a torment . I came to Rosings only to see you .

  15. 明尼苏达州的一位农民种植了粉红色的南瓜,作为支持乳腺癌宣传月的一种方式。

    A Minnesota farmer has planted pink pumpkins as a way of showing support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month .

  16. 该搜索引擎在一名21岁的学生4月死于一种罕见癌症后受到密切关注。

    The search engine has been under heightened scrutiny following the death of a 21-year-old student from a rare form of cancer in April .

  17. 平壤今年6月以一种戏剧性的方式邀请国际媒体现场报道炸毁宁边核反应堆冷却塔的行动。

    In a dramatic gesture , Pyongyang invited the international media to cover its June destruction of a cooling tower at its Yongbyon nuclear complex .

  18. 当然,如果当前的经济复苏势头能一直维持到11月,两种理论都意味着共和党会遭到沉重的打击。

    And , of course , if the economy continues its apparent momentum into November , both theories imply the GOP will be soundly thrashed .

  19. 目前对埃博拉疾病还没有有效的治疗方法。不过一名被确诊患有埃博拉的美国医生今年8月接受一种试验药物的治疗之后,已经消除了埃博拉症状。

    There is no specific treatment , but an American doctor diagnosed with the virus was found to be Ebola-free after taking an experimental drug in August .

  20. 从对碗莲休眠特性的研究中发现,9月有2种碗莲生长未停止,处于形态建成末期。

    Research of the lotus dormancy characteristic showed that , two lotuses that were still in growth in September , so they were in the end period of morphogenesis .

  21. 这一切情形,当然朱吟秋都知道,因而他这什么停工三个月就是一种威胁。

    Chu Yin-chiu , of course , was aware of all this , and his talk of " closing down for three months " was nothing but a threat .

  22. 三面神经离断后3个月采用两种不同方法行肌肉的神经再支配,神经、肌组织形态结构和功能得到不同程度的恢复。

    At three month after mutilation , the morphology structure and function of nerve and muscle got to recover with different degree by two different kinds of reinnervation methods .

  23. 回顾过去的15个月,一种在上海生活的人都会有的感觉再次涌上心头:激动人心、节奏飞快。

    When I look back on the past 15 months , I am reminded of the feeling one has when living in Shanghai : great excitement at a frantic pace .

  24. 月桂树一种生长于地中海地区的常绿乔木(月桂月桂属),生有芬芳的单叶,结黑色的小浆果月桂树叶被阳光照到的地方像漆一般光洁。

    A Mediterranean evergreen tree ( Laurus nobilis ) having aromatic , simple leaves and small blackish berries . The leaves of the laurel are lacquer where the sunlight find them .

  25. 比较了辐射杀菌与其它杀菌方法的优势,试验在15~25℃常温条件下保存12个月的三种调味品,结果说明该项技术是可行的。

    It also indicates the radiation advantage over other methods , therefore , it 's also proved that the technique is feasible with a experiment preserved 3 kinds condiments under 15 ~ 25 ℃ for 12 months .

  26. 本文报告我院1974年至1986年7月使用九种心脏起搏器于70例病人进行150次人工心脏起搏的情况,重点是分析117个国产埋藏式起搏器的质量与临床应用结果。

    The status quo of the 9 types of implantable pacemaker used 150 times in 70 patients in this hospital between 1974 and July 1986 was reported . The quality and efficacy in clinical use of the 117 China-made pacemakers were assessed .

  27. 结论共聚物C4可有效顶压视网膜裂孔3个月,是一种有价值的玻璃体替代物。

    Conclusion copolymer C 4 may withstand the retinal tear effectively for 3 months , and can be a valuable vitreous substitutes .

  28. XML是W3C于1998年2月推出的一种标记语言,由于其独特的技术优势很快成为网络中数据表示及交换的标准。

    XML is a tag language exploited by W3C on Feb 1998 . Because of the unique advantages , XML becomes the standard of data denotation and exchange in Net .

  29. MDR-TB结核病患者需要在至多18个月里服用5种药,而标准结核病的患者需要在6个月时间里服用4种药。

    MDR-TB patients take five drugs for up to18 months and patients with standard tuberculosis take four drugs for six months .

  30. 7月30日优势种均为山楂叶螨(Tetranychusviennensis),生草果园多样性指数、均匀度相对较大。

    On July 30 the dominance was Tetranychus viennensis Zacher . , and diversity exponent and evenness exponent were higher in no grassing apple orchards .