
  • 网络Deca-cycle;lunar cycle;Cycle
  1. 12月季节性周期是主要周期;6月周期有种类与区域差异,多出现在季节性波动附近,呈非连续分布状态。

    12 months seasonal cycle is the main cycle ; 6 months cycle has differences in varieties and regions , which occurs mostly near the seasonal fluctuation period and distributes in a non-continuous state .

  2. 这个月开始收获,并开始透过选择显化能量改变的六个月周期。

    This month begins a harvest and begins a new6 month cycle of manifesting energetic change through choice .

  3. 新的许可模式针对的是每个VM,基于12个月周期平均的VM使用率而非最高使用率,这样我们就不必为VM繁忙期的“爆发”而感到头疼了。

    The new licensing model is per VM , and is based on average VM usage during a twelve month period rather than the high water-mark , allowing an option for " bursting " during peak periods .

  4. 潮汐电站月周期优化调度模型及其应用

    Optimum model for month-term operation of tidal power station and its application

  5. 运用统计模式分析的方法对实时监测数据进行分析,建立了监测数据的日周期模式和月周期模式。

    Using statistical pattern analysis real-time monitoring data , and established short-term and long-term pattern of monitoring data .

  6. 结果显示:纬向风应力有35、47和57个月周期的传播型振荡;经向风应力有28和38个月周期的传播型振荡。

    The results show that the oscillations of zonal wind stress have 35 47 57 months , the oscillations of meridional wind stress have 28 38 months .

  7. 结果表明:该湿地水文具有显著的年周期、月周期和日周期特征,不同高程植被带的淹水频率、淹水历时和淹水周期都有明显差异,由此控制着湿地植被分布呈现显著的带状特征。

    The result shows that this wetland hydrology has remarkable characteristic of annual period , monthly period and daily period . There exist obvious differences of submerging frequency , submerging duration and submerging period of different vegetation belts , which controls distribution of the wetland vegetation .

  8. 通过山东基准站数据分析,清楚地探测到微弱的月周期、半年周期和年周期及其复杂性,表明:利用小波谱和小波熵探测大地测量信号内涵的特征信息是有效的。

    The analysis results of Shandong monitoring station coordinate series show that combining wavelet spectrum and wavelet entropy analysis can extract all feature signals of weak monthly periodicity , semi-annual periodicity and annual periodicity and their complexity can be respectively detected , but Fourier spectrum analysis .

  9. 实现快速上市(在3个月的周期中10周就可以交付)。

    Achieving faster time-to-market ( 10 weeks earlier delivery within a3-month cycle ) .

  10. IT部门希望交付结果而不需要正式(或通常)的六个月发布周期。

    IT departments want to deliver issues without the formal ( or normal ) six-month release cycle .

  11. 如果由于某种原因,某一次你失败了,那么就将一个月的周期延长,从那次开始的再下个月时间里尝试保持始终如一。

    If for some reason you fail , extend the one-month period and try to be very consistent from that point onward .

  12. 如果是在月运周期的任何其他时间,就不会发生,”迈克尔斯说道。

    If it had occurred any other time in the lunar cycle , that wouldn 't have happened , " Michaels said .

  13. 在天球里,太阳的活动周期也反映在月亮的盈亏圆缺和相对应的潮起潮落的月运周期。

    Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood .

  14. 我们发现上海股票市场确实存在过度反应现象,特别是在36&54个月的周期中,过度反应效应最为强烈。

    The results show that overreaction does exist in Shanghai stock market , and it is especially strong in the period of 36-54 month .

  15. 温度对蔬菜价格的季节性变化和波动强度有影响;降水对蔬菜价格的季节性变化,6月短周期变化及波动强度有影响。

    The temperature impacts on seasonal fluctuation and fluctuation intensity . The precipitation influence seasonal fluctuation , 6 months short-cycle change and fluctuation intensity change .

  16. 酱油是由大豆和小麦的加盐混合物用多种微生物(包括酵母)发酵而成的混合物精制得到,要经过到12个月的周期。

    Soy sauce is prepared by fermenting a salted mixture of soybeans and wheat with several microorganisms , including yeast , over a period of8 to12 months .

  17. 结果医院住院患者时间序列在频域范围内进行分析,儿童伤害住院人次数的时间规律呈现以6个月为周期的波动。

    Results Hospital time series in the context of frequency domain analysis , the number of people hospitalized children hurt in a time of six months for the cycle fluctuations .

  18. 我们与项目团队合作,在九个月的周期内执行了多次体系结构复查,并开始建立卓越中心方法的基础。

    Working with the project team , we conducted multiple architectural reviews over a nine month period , and began to establish the underpinnings of a Center of Excellence approach .

  19. 此应用程序每次发布典型版本,都将大量时间(长达7个月的周期中的4个月)消耗在制定概念和计划阶段。

    A significant amount of time of each typical release of this application ( four months out of a seven month cycle ) was spent in the concept and plan phases .

  20. 因此,如果你要在36个月的周期内花费一百万美元的费用,你应该预算附加的两百万美元的实现费用。

    Hence , if you are going to spend $ 1 million on license and maintenance over a36-month period , then you should budget an additional $ 2 million for implementation costs .

  21. 其中,水下砂坝运动以准季节性变化为主,滩肩和后滨地形蚀积则显示出准2个月变化周期性。

    Three main spatial processes indicate multi-scale oscillations in temporal and frequency domain , in which the variations of bar movements are mainly quasi-seasonal while the berm and backshore erosions exhibit the quasi-two month period .

  22. 最后利用DowJones30指数,比较了在2个月时间内周期性调整和非周期性调整两种不同调整方法的实证分析结果。

    Results of numerical experiments on these two adjustment methods for the 30 indices of Dow Jones Industrial Average in two months are given .

  23. 由分析结果清楚地看出,SST具有高频准周期变化:黄海北部以2.63.2,1.41.7,3.63.8和6.7个月的准周期为主;

    From the result , it is clear that there are high frequency quasi-periodic variations of the SST : the dominant quasi-periods of 2.6-3.2 , 1.4-1.7 , 3.6-3.8 and 6.7 months in the northern part of the Huanghai Sea ;

  24. 唐菖蒲悬浮培养细胞系的培养方法为:悬浮细胞的初始接种量为2g/40ml,初始继代周期2~3d,一个月后继代周期为5~8d。

    Culture methods of suspending culture cells of the gladiolus were as following : First inoculation quantum was 2g / 40ml , and first sub-culture cycle was 2-3d and 5 ~ 8d after a month .

  25. 南海季风区有很强的年变化,30~60d和20~30d的变化也比较显著,还有3个月左右的周期变化。

    In the area of the SCS monsoon , the annual cycle is very evident , and the oscillations of 30 ~ 60d and 20 ~ 30d are also evident .

  26. 谱分析结果表明,垂直形变周期为12个月,半周期为6个月,基准站高程主要表现为季节性变化,最大可达20mm。

    From spectral analysis of the results , we can see that the periods of displacements are 12 months and the semi-periods are 6 months . The results also show that the maximum seasonal displacements can reach 20 mm and even larger .

  27. 对100hPa南亚高压的振荡指数及500hPa西太平洋副高的强度指数、西进指数进行了谱分析,着重考察了5天到一个月的振荡周期。

    In this paper , spectral analyses of both the oscillation index of the South Asia High ( SAH ) in 100 hPa and the index of extending westward of the West Pacific Subtropical High ( WPSH ) in 500 hPa have firstly been done .

  28. 优质皮革有6个月的交货周期。

    The high quality leather is a six - month lead time .

  29. 太平洋月平均水位周期变化和线性升降趋势地壳变动海面升降运动

    Periodic variation and linear rise trend of monthly mean value of sea-level in Pacific Ocean

  30. 该指数寻求提前6个月左右找出周期中的转折点。

    The index seeks to identify turning points in the cycle about six months in advance .