
yuè cháo
  • lunar tide
月潮[yuè cháo]
  1. 激光测月距中月潮的影响

    Influence of lunar tide on LLR

  2. 远月潮在月球位于其轨道的最远点时发生。

    Apogean tides occur when the moon is at the apogee of its orbit .

  3. 在睡梦中,月潮向她报时,嘱她该起床了。

    In sleep the wet sign calls her hour , bids her rise .

  4. 平均月潮低低潮间隙

    Mean low - water lunitidal interval

  5. 月潮的由月球引起的潮涨潮落现象的,或与之有关的船正在起锚开动,以免落潮使它搁浅。

    Of or relating to tidal phenomena caused by the moon . The ship was weighting anchor to get away before the falling tide left her stranded .

  6. 台湾海峡南部1997年8月实测潮、余流特征

    The Characteristics of Tidal Current and Residual Current in the Southern Taiwan Strait in August , 1997

  7. 本文通过对1900~1996年全球的M≥7.0的全部地震发生在日、月引潮力极值与非极值附近的轮次检验,从而揭示出地震的发生与日月引潮力有着密切的关系。

    The relationship between the force caused by the Luni-solar tide and the global earthquakes over mag. 7.0 from 1900 to 1996 is analysed in this paper .

  8. 若把这种变化同复杂的干扰区分开并与理论重力值对比,似与日、月起潮力有所联系。

    If such variations should be separated from other disturbing factors and be com-pared with the theoretical gravity values on earth surface , it seems apparent that there exists certain connection with the tidal force of the earth .

  9. 尽管如此,英国特许人事和发展协会等机构的经济学家预计,未来几个月将会出现裁员潮,因为雇主也无能为力,由于订单大幅减少,他们将被迫裁减固定员工。

    Economists , including at the CIPD , nonetheless expect a flood of redundancies over the next few months as employers bow to the inevitable and are forced to cut permanent jobs in the wake of sharply reduced order books .

  10. 根据1988年7月和11月东山湾潮间带4个断面获得的多毛类样品,研究了多毛类的种类组成、数量分布及其与底质的关系等生态特点。

    Based on the data obtained from four sections of intertidal zone in Dongshan Bay in July and November , 1988 , the present paper studies the ecological characteristics of the species composition , the quantitative distribution of Polychaeta and the relationship between sediments and Polychaeta .