首页 / 词典 / good

  • Xi;tide during the night;night tides
  • 夜间的海潮:潮~。

  1. 试验组R组与B组之间下肢运动神经阻滞评分(ModifiedbromagesCore,MBS)无显著性差异汐>0.05人但B组会阴侧切率高。

    There were no difference in modified bromage score between R and B group , but the rate of lateral episiotomy is high in B group .

  2. 万达在中国拥有60家酒店,还拥有美国影院连锁AMC以及英国游艇制造商圣汐(Sunseeker)。

    It owns 60 hotels in China , US cinema chain AMC and yachtmaker Sunseeker .

  3. 今年,该公司投资10亿美元在伦敦兴建当地最高的酒店,并另支付10亿美元并购英国圣汐游艇公司(SunseekerInternational)。

    This year , it paid $ 1 billion to build London 's tallest hotel , and another $ 1 billion to buy British yacht maker Sunseeker International .

  4. 第七章悬索式馈源支撑系统50米室汐喉型。

    Chapter 7 is 50 Meter Outdoor Experimental Model .

  5. 长江口北支潮汐能源的综合利用

    A study on combined use of tidal energy of the North Branch of Changjiang Estuary

  6. 低潮时退去的汐流;

    Waters ebbing at low tide ;

  7. 您只需和伴侣在碧波中尽情享受圣汐带给您的奢华体验。

    All you have to do is to enjoy your Sunseeker with your companions on the waves .

  8. 总的趋势是译者越来越尊重原文的多语特色,忽略汐陌城汾的译法越来越少。

    The translators are generally paying more and more respect to the multilingual features of the original .

  9. 两架圣汐克28米游艇(见图)总价约760万英镑

    Two Sunseeker Phantom 28 metre yachts ( pictured ) would set you back around 7.6million in total

  10. 对长江北支潮汐电站冲淤措施的初步探讨

    A Preliminary Study on Silt-scouring Measure for A Tidal Power Station on The North-branch of Chang jiang River

  11. 在欧洲,卡明斯基出售价值数百万英镑的圣汐游艇,通常是在办公桌或会议桌上。

    In Europe , Kaminski sells his multi-million-pound Sunseekers over a desk , or perhaps a conference table .

  12. 由T/P卫星测高数据建立南中国海潮汐模型的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Establishment of Ocean Tide Models in South China Sea from T / P Altimetry

  13. 本月,荒汐相扑部屋的总教练因涉嫌袭击一名相扑训练选手在接受警方调查。

    The head of another stable , Musashigawa , this month came under police investigation for assaulting a trainee .

  14. 亲爱的朋友们,很荣幸向您介绍圣汐中国并欢迎您的到来。

    Dear friends , It 's a pleasure for me to welcome you to the world of Sunseeker China .

  15. 据此得出北京地区雾迷山组碳酸盐湖汐沉积模式。

    Therefore , a tidal sediment model for carbonatite of the Wumi-shah Formation in Beijing area can be drawn out .

  16. 王健林拥有一艘圣汐游艇,目前预计将花费数千万用于豪宅装修。

    Wang , who owns Dorset-based Sunseeker Yachts , is now expected to spend tens of millions giving the mansion a makeover .

  17. 圣汐游艇会给您带来顶级生活享受,我们的游艇受到各国名人和行家的钟爱。

    Sunseeker Yachts are built for the glamorous lifestyle , and our boats are loved by celebrities and connoisseurs all over the world .

  18. 恐怕它不会有那样的耐心听您的话,尼德·兰师傅。汐我用半信半疑的声调回答。

    If it 's in a mood to listen to you , Mr. Land , I replied in a tone far from convinced .

  19. 因此,在进行高分辨率古潮汐环境研究时需严格分析潮汐沉积的连续性。

    Therofore , it is emphasized that the continuity of ancient tidal rhythmites should be strictly examined when they are used to study paleotides .

  20. 对钱塘江七堡水文站历年潮汐特征资料统计表明,自1980年以来,钱塘江潮汐呈明显增强的趋势。

    Statistics of the tidal data from Qibao Hydrological Station over the years show an evident trent of being strengthened for the tide in Qiangtang River .

  21. 圣汐将最近出售给万达集团的战舰描述为天价游艇&基于夸张的价格是游艇吸引力重要组成部分的合理假设。

    Sunseeker describes the recently sold Predator as sky-high priced - operating on the reasonable assumption that an inflated price is a big part of the yacht 's appeal .

  22. 圣汐游艇专注于满足您的个人需要,为了使您的游艇成为独一无二的专属,我们将根据您的喜好和气质专门定制。

    Sunseeker China is dedicated to serving your every need , to making sure every yacht you own is unique yours , tailored for your own preferences and tastes .

  23. 现代潮坪观测表明潮汐沉积可以记录潮汐能量呈周期性变化的特性,因此,可通过研究保存较完整的潮汐韵律层的层偶组成来提取古潮汐信息。

    Modern tidal-flat observation shows that tidal deposits can continuously record the periodicities of tidal energy , so paleo-tidal cycles can be extracted from couplet-thickness variation of well-developed tidal rhythmites .

  24. 研究表明:我国陆区7级以上强震明显受潮汐力的调制触发,且主要表现为对活跃期内(即成组发生的)7级强震的调制触发。

    The research shows that the M S ≥ 7.0 events in the Chinese mainland have been significantly triggered by the tidal stress , especially within the active period with group strong earthquakes .

  25. 豪华现代的国际酒店相继进驻东京,有六本木的君悦酒店、汐留的港丽酒店和无比雅致的东方文华酒店,诱人地巍然耸立于日本桥上。

    Modern , luxury international hotels have opened one after the other , with the Roppongi Grand Hyatt , the Conrad in Shiodome and the supremely elegant Mandarin Oriental perched above Nihonbashi among the slickest offerings .

  26. 浅水动荡标志十分发育,拥有多种形态类型的叠层石,具有欧文(1965)、扬(1972)所提出的陆表海潮汐沉积特征。

    Shallow water turbulence marks and stromatolites with various shapes are developed very well ; the land surface sea tidal sediment features advanced by Elven ( 1956 ) and Yung ( 1972 ) exist in the rock .
