  • tide;upsurge;current
  • damp;moist;inferior
  • 海水因为受了日月的引力而定时涨落的现象:~水。~汐。涨~。落~。~汛。~流。~涌。

  • 像潮水那样汹涌起伏的:思~。热~。新~。~红。~热。心~澎湃。

  • 湿:~气。返~。~湿。

  • 方言,技术不高:手艺~。


(潮汐; 潮水) tide:

  • 大 [小]潮

    spring [neap] tide;

  • 涨 [落]潮

    flood [ebb] tide;

  • 歌声如潮

    the sound of songs rising and falling like waves;

  • 下午两点退潮。

    The tide sets out at 2 p.m.


(比喻大规模的社会变动或运动发展的起伏形势) (social) upsurge; current; tide:

  • 工潮

    workers' strike;

  • 怒潮

    raging tide;

  • 思潮

    trend of thought;

  • 学潮

    student strike; campus upheaval


(潮湿) damp; moist:

  • 火柴受潮了。

    The matches have got damp.

  • 雨季里东西容易返潮。

    In the rainy season things get damp easily.


[方] (成色低劣) inferior:

  • 金[银]子成色潮

    low content of gold [silver]


[方] (技术不高) inferior:

  • 手艺潮

    inferior skill

  1. 通往该岛的堤道只有在枯潮时才能通行。

    The causeway to the island is only accessible at low tide .

  2. 那些不堪难民潮困扰的国家希望马上建立安全区。

    Countries overwhelmed by the human tide of refugees want safe havens set up at once .

  3. 他的证券经纪公司在1987年的股市狂跌潮中遭受重创。

    His stockbroking firm was hit by the 1987 crash .

  4. 潮水已经退去,他们走过岩石区的潮水潭。

    The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools .

  5. 这个铺位的床垫很硬,毯子也很扎人,而且还有点潮。

    The bunk mattress was hard , the blankets prickly and slightly damp

  6. 她清楚地记得她去岩石区潮水潭探险的那天。

    She remembered clearly that day when she 'd gone exploring the rockpools

  7. 退潮时,它便成为甲壳动物居住的岩石区潮水潭。

    When the tide ebbs it 's a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans .

  8. 6世纪初,从不列颠涌向布列塔尼的移民潮达到了高峰。

    During the early sixth century emigration from Britain to Brittany was at its height

  9. 到处都受了潮,整栋楼需要重新布线。

    There was damp everywhere and the entire building was in need of rewiring .

  10. 接连下了七八天雨,屋子里什么都是潮呼呼的。

    After a week 's rain , everything in the house became damp and clammy .

  11. 钱塘江潮是我国自然伟观之一。

    The Qiantang bore is one of the magnificent natural sights in china .

  12. 潮退了。

    The tide is out .

  13. 尽管布莱尔在很多方面反映出他属于典型的战后婴儿潮一代,他身上却也有着些许遗世独立的气质。

    Although in many ways Blair has lived a quintessential baby boomer 's life , there is an air of loneliness and detachment about him .

  14. 物联网(theInternetofThings)是2013年的潮词,它是对各类设备与用户间更多互动行为的精确总结。

    The Internet of Things was the ' it ' word for 2013 , it concisely1 summed up the act of devices being more interactive2 with users .

  15. 澳大利亚新浪潮派中最为振奋人心的导演之一

    one of the most exciting directors of the Australian new wave

  16. 纸板潮得都发酥了,手一捏就碎。

    The cardboard was sodden and fell apart in his hands .

  17. 远月潮在月球位于其轨道的最远点时发生。

    Apogean tides occur when the moon is at the apogee of its orbit .

  18. 气象学家说,气候变暖意味着暖潮现象会变得更普遍。

    Meteorologists say that the warming climate means the phenomenon is likely to become common .

  19. 帐篷里很闷热,我们感到空气都是潮的。

    It was so stuffy in the tent that we could sense the air was heavy with moisture .

  20. “暖潮”指的是秋冬出现的异常温暖的天气,使得植物或动物的表现好像春天到来了一样。

    Phantom1 spring refers to exceptionally2 warm fall or winter weather that causes plants or animals to act as though spring has arrived .

  21. 婴儿潮一代将开始到达退休年龄,公司必须准备好应对劳动力的大量减少。

    The baby boomer generation is beginning to hit retirement2 age , and companies must prepare for what could be a major exodus3 .

  22. 一阵分享个人藏书照片的新风潮正席卷社交媒体,这种拍下个人藏书的行为叫作“书架自拍”。

    A new trend for sharing photographs of one 's book collection has taken social media by storm , which is dubbed the ' shelfie ' .

  23. 在暖潮到来时,本来已经开始枯萎的植株因为天气太暖和了,又长出了新叶。

    It 's called a phantom spring where the plants start to die back but , because it 's so mild , they start to give fresh growth .

  24. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  25. 苏北潮滩湿地植被对沉积物N、P含量的影响

    Influence of Tidal Flat Plant on Contents of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in North Jiangsu Province

  26. GPS与形变仪器观测固体潮方法的初步比较

    Primary comparison of tide measuring method between with GPS and with deformation instrument

  27. 总N含量表现为:潮土>砂姜黑土>褐土。

    The content of total N was Alluvial soil > Shajiang black soil > Cinnamon soil .

  28. 利用验潮和GPS观测技术监测海平面绝对变化

    Absolute Change Monitoring of Sea Level with High Precision GPS Data and Tide Gauge Data

  29. K1分潮波具有开尔文波的基本特征。

    The conclusion is that the K1 tidal wave in the strait has the main features of the Kelvin wave .

  30. 最后,应用VISUALBASIC语言中的绘图功能编制了潮流场绘制静态流场图程序,并实现了欧拉潮流场的动态演示,运用到大连湾近岸海域潮流数值模拟中,流场演示结果良好。

    Lastly , using the drawing function of Visual Basic , programs of drawing static tidal current field map and demonstrating dynamic Eular tidal current field are realized .