
  • 网络Chaozhou Music
  1. 至明代中叶潮州音乐已形成一种曲目丰富、形式多样、自成体系的民间音乐艺术。

    In the mid Ming Dynasty , Chaozhou music had become a systematic folk music art form with rich contents and diverse performances .

  2. 从“二四谱”及潮州音乐特殊音律进行研究,均可见唐、宋音乐文化对潮州音乐的影响。

    Study on the Ersipu notation and the special rhythms of Chaozhou music reveal the influences of Tang and Song music culture on Chaozhou music .

  3. 潮州音乐的演奏方式和乐器组合种类多样,是一种雅俗共赏的群众性民间艺术形式。

    Chaozhou music can be played in various forms and with various musical instruments , which make it an art form appealing to both refined and popular tastes .

  4. 潮州音乐保留着我国古典音乐的特点与风格,同时又富有浓郁的地方色彩,是我国民族音乐遗产中的珍宝。

    Chaozhou music is the treasure of our folk music heritage , For one thing , it holds the characteristic and style of Chinese classical music ; for another , it is the music with full local color .

  5. 作为中国古筝艺术中的一个著名流派,潮州筝乐在音乐内容、技法表现、演奏特点上有着鲜明的美学特征,同时又有着广泛而深远的群众基础。

    As a famous genre in the art of the Chinese Zheng , the Chaozhou Zheng music has its obvious aesthetic characteristics in music content , technique representation , performance feature and also has a broad and deep mass foundation .

  6. 潮剧孕育于潮汕文化,用潮州方言演唱、以潮州音乐伴奏,是极富潮汕地域特色的地方戏曲。

    Chao opera , springing from Chaoshan culture , sung in Chaozhou dialect , and accompanied by Chaozhou music , is the local opera with Chaoshan characteristics .