
  • 网络Foshan Ceramics
  1. 毋庸置疑,以资本为纽带的佛山陶瓷产业版图正在全国逐渐形成。

    There is no doubt that using capital as the link map of the Foshan ceramics industry is gradually taking shape nationwide .

  2. 佛山陶瓷产业发展过程中的政府职能定位

    Governmental Function Orientation in the Development of Foshan 's Ceramic Industry

  3. 佛山陶瓷工业区绿化植物的初步选择

    The Preliminary Selection of Green Plants in Ceramics Industry Area of Foshan City

  4. 佛山陶瓷企业劳动争议法律问题探析

    Analysis of Labour Disputes for Foshan Ceramic Enterprise

  5. 2004年佛山陶瓷十大新品盘点

    Ten New Foshan Tile Products in 2004

  6. 黄师父:最近,佛山陶瓷节就在那举行。你不仅可以欣赏那些叹为观止的陶瓷作品,还可以玩陶艺。

    Master Huang : Recently , Foshan Ceramic Festival was held there and people not only could enjoy amazing ceramic work , but also had fun with clay .

  7. 佛山陶瓷企业在激烈的市场竞争中,逐步确立了以建筑、卫生陶瓷为突破口,探索自身的发展道路。

    Many Foshan ceramic companies , represented by the architectural and the sanitary porcelain as the hit-products , have been hammering at the development of the companies all the time .

  8. 文章认为,只有加快科技创新、培育品牌、提高产品质量,提升陶瓷产品的核心竞争力,才能保证佛山陶瓷产业安全。

    It holds that , only by accelerating technological innovation , nurturing brands , and improving product quality , can Foshan Ceramic Industry enhance its core competitiveness and guarantee its security .

  9. 本文就佛山陶瓷企业面临的劳动争议法律问题的现状、成因提出几点看法,为陶企协调自身劳动雇佣关系,增强市场竞争力,规范行业秩序提供建议。

    This paper pointed out the status quo , causes and improvements of labour disputes of Foshan ceramic enterprise , and gave some legislative advice to coordinate employment relationship , to strengthen competition capability and to regulate trade order .

  10. 都市文化中的空间艺术&佛山欧神诺陶瓷都市温情系列产品鉴赏

    Space Art in Urban Culture & Appreciation of the Serial Products of Urban Tender Affection

  11. 佛山凤凰陶瓷有限公司,是一家集设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的现代化陶瓷专业生产厂家。

    Fenghuang Foshan Ceramics Co. , Ltd. , is a set of design , development , production , sales as one of professional manufacturer of modern ceramics .

  12. 佛山建筑卫生陶瓷产业清洁生产的潜力与途径

    The potential and ways of cleaner ceramics production in Foshan

  13. 对广东佛山家电、陶瓷208家生产性企业和68家物流企业的调查,得出的结论与物流中介运营模型基本一致。

    The investigation of some industries in Foshan is in accordance with the logistic intermediate operation model .

  14. 地处中国建陶之都广东省佛山市,著名陶瓷生产企业。

    China Building Ceramic Capital is located in Foshan City , Guangdong Province , the famous ceramic production enterprises .