
  • 网络chaoshan;chaoshan area;chaoshan district
  1. 击鼓开猜,更是我们潮汕地区特有的猜谜形式。

    Rataplan at game beginning is the unique form of Chaoshan lantern riddle .

  2. 在潮汕地区,甚至其他中国地方,大家喜欢跟群,跟大伙;

    In Chaoshan or even the China , we are more emphasis on the group .

  3. 方法以潮州、汕头(包括南澳县)城乡地区为中心随机抽取若干家庭,并以家庭为单位,以3d食物称重记录法进行膳食调查,建立潮汕地区城乡家庭膳食资料数据库;

    Methods The dietary survey was carried out based on 3-day weighed dietary record in the families randomly selected from in Chaozhou and Shantou .

  4. 潮汕地区鼻咽癌患者的临床、病理和EB病毒血清学分析

    PATIENTS WITH NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA IN SHANTOU AREA : Analysis of Clinical , Pathology and EB-Virus Serology

  5. 潮汕地区散发性病毒性脑膜炎的病毒病原学分析

    Analysis of viral etiology of sp or adic viral meningitis

  6. 潮汕地区民营企业可持续成长研究

    Research on Sustainable Growth of Private-owned Enterprise in Chao-Shan Area

  7. 潮汕地区家族企业伦理调查报告

    An Investigation Report on Family Enterprise Ethics in Chao-Shan District

  8. 广东省潮汕地区高血压流行病学初步调查

    Epidemiological Investigation on Hypertension in Chaozhou-Shantou Region of Guangdong Province

  9. 潮汕地区台风灾变的预测与研究

    Prediction and Research of Typhoon Disaster in Shantou Prefecture

  10. 区域性传统文化对人力资源流向影响研究&以潮汕地区为例

    Influence of Regional Culture Modality on the Human Resources

  11. 潮汕地区橄榄害虫种类及防治对策

    Control strategy and species of insect pests in Canarium album in Chao-Shan area

  12. 广东省潮汕地区鸟类的研究历史及其名录

    A Historical Overview of the Avifauna in the Chaozhou-Shantou Region , Eastern Guangdong Province

  13. 潮汕地区野生兰科植物资源

    Resources of Escape Orchidaceae in the Chaozhou_Shantou Region

  14. 潮汕地区精神分裂症患者求医行为及影响因素

    The study of help-seeking behavior before seeing psychiatrist and its related factors in schizophrenics

  15. 潮汕地区优质丰产杨梅的栽培技术

    Cultural Techniques of Myrica rubra of high quality and yield in Chaozhou and Shantou areas

  16. 圣俗之间:近代潮汕地区的基督徒与教会

    Between Deity and Mortal : the Modern Christians and Churches in Chao - Shan Area

  17. 主要报道了潮汕地区茄科农药植物资源及其开发利用的前景。

    This paper mainly reports the pesticide plant resources of Solanaceae and its prospect in exploitation .

  18. 潮汕地区的工艺美术源远流长,如花似锦,驰名中外。

    Chaozhou-Shantou area has a long history of arts and crafts , will have a bright flowery and famous .

  19. 目的制定潮汕地区的半定量食物频率调查表,为饮食与疾病之间的医学研究提供工具。

    Objective To develop a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire ( SQFFQ ) in Chaoshan region for the related medical research .

  20. 对潮汕地区兰科植物种类、分类、生境等进行了整理报道.根据野外调查和文献考证,潮汕地区野生分布的兰科植物计有23属,41种。

    By field investigations and textual research , there are 23 genera 41 species of wild orchidaceous plants in the Chaozhou_Shantou Region .

  21. 方法在中国食管癌高发区之一潮汕地区进行了一项大型的病例-对照研究。

    Methods A large scale of case-control study was conducted in Chaoshan region of China , which is one of high incidence district of esophageal cancer .

  22. 很早就听说潮汕地区的学生不是很爱学习,而更重视现实的金钱主义;

    Very early on the students heard that the Chaoshan region is not love learning , and pay more attention to the reality of the money ;

  23. 这种现象,不仅对农村女性自身的发展有很大的限制,也对潮汕地区的经济和社会发展产生了极为不利的影响。

    These phenomena , not only restrict rural females from self-development , but also have an adverse effect on the economic and social development of local area .

  24. 20世纪20年代潮汕地区的收回教育权运动是一次大规模民众运动与地方政府外交途径相结合的爱国运动。

    The Movement to Restore Educational Rights in 1920s in Chaozhou and Shantou Area is a large-scale , popular movement combined with local government 's diplomacy and patriotic campaign .

  25. 大峰祖师是我国宋朝一位普通僧人,因其慈悲为怀,仁义济世,受到潮汕地区人们的尊奉。

    Dafeng was an ordinary monk in the Song Dynasty , because of his kindness and benevolence , he was respected and worshipped by people in Chao Shan area .

  26. 站在潮汕地区一体化的高度,认为加快工业化提高产业结构层次,开展多边合作减少内耗争取双赢是潮汕地区产业重构的中心任务。

    At the view of incorporation , the paper believes that it is the core task industrializing to enhance the level of industry structure and cooperating for double winning .

  27. 认为基本处在工业化前、中期阶段的潮汕地区,产业发展机遇与挑战并存,问题与优势同在。

    It thinks that Chaoshan is in the course of early or middle industrialization , that opportunities are in company with challenges , and that problems are in company with advantages .

  28. 本文分析比较了近代粤中五邑地区、粤北兴梅地区、粤东潮汕地区等侨乡建筑的审美文化特征,论述了近代岭南侨乡建筑发展的适应性规律及其文化地域性格。

    This paper analyzes the aesthetic properties of the architecture by overseas-chinese in central Guangdong , north Guangdong and east Guangdong , discusses the architectural adaptability and the cultural regional disposition of the architecture by overseas-chinese in modern Guangdong .

  29. 厦门枢纽地处福建省东南部的厦门市和漳州市,九龙江入海处,隔海与台湾相望,陆上与广东梅州、潮汕地区及福建的龙岩、泉州市为邻。

    Xiamen terminal spreads over Xiamen and Zhangzhou , southeast Fujian province , locates at the entrance of Jiulong River , opposites to Taiwan , neighbor with Longyan , Quanzhou in Fujian , Meizhou in Guangdong and Chaozhou-Shantou region by land .

  30. 对选定典型的潮汕地区农村住宅进行室内外热环境与风环境实测,主要测试内容为:室内外空气温度,室内外空气湿度,室内外风速、风向,室内黑球温度。

    The author measured the thermal and the wind environments of indoor and outdoor on selected typical rural houses . The main contents of the measurement includes air temperature , humidity , wind speed and direction indoor and outdoor and WBGT in door .