
  1. 70年前的苏州丝绸国货救济运动

    Domestic Goods Salvation Campaign Launched 70 Years Ago by Suzhou Silk Sector

  2. 试论民国时期苏州丝绸业同业公会

    On the Same Trade Alliance of Suzhou Silk Industry in the Republic China Period

  3. 直至新中国成立,对其进行改革,苏州丝绸业又逐步的恢复发展起来。

    Until the founding of New China , and for reforming , and Suzhou silk industry recovery and gradually developed .

  4. 在古代就流传我国的丝绸产于苏杭,又分为苏州丝绸和杭州丝绸两大类。

    In ancient Chinese silk is spread from jervois , suzhou and hangzhou , silk and divided into two types of silk .

  5. 与传统行会相比,苏州丝绸业同业公会在组织形态及机构设置上都大为完备。

    Compared with traditional guild , the same trade alliance of Suzhou silk industry improved a lot in organic form and the organ .

  6. 我公司与苏州丝绸博物馆共同参加本次展会,展位位于中国非物质文化遗产单位区域。

    Our company and the Suzhou Silk Museum together participate in this exhibition booth are located in China 's non-material cultural heritage unit area .

  7. 由于行业发展艰难,苏州丝绸业的劳资关系在此时也是矛盾重重。

    Difficult due to the development of the industry , the labor relations of the Suzhou silk industry at this time is full of contradictions .

  8. 其次,苏州丝绸业的发展过程中,原料、电力、资金等问题严重,无法满足丝绸业的发展要求。

    Second , the serious problem of raw materials , electricity and capital , unable to meet the requirements of the development of the silk industry .

  9. 虽然近代中国发展落后于世界先进水平,但苏州丝绸业并不是一开始就呈现衰败局势。

    Although modern development has lagged behind the world advanced level , but the Suzhou silk industry did not start showing the decline of the situation .

  10. 最后,国际市场上丝绸业竞争激烈,苏州丝绸业不管在生产技术上还是价格优势上都处于劣势。

    Finally , the silk industry highly competitive on the international market , Suzhou silk industry , whether in production technology or price advantage at a disadvantage .

  11. 古色古香的展位引来了众多参展者的青睐和问询,这也得益于苏州丝绸博物馆的对于我公司产品的技术支持。

    Antique booth attracted a large number of exhibitors of all ages and inquiries , which also benefited from the Suzhou Silk Museum for our company , products , technical support .

  12. 以得天独厚的气候,与周边地区的苏州青睐适合提高丝绸和种植桑树。

    Favored with the advantaged climate , Suzhou with its surrounding areas is suitable for raising silk and planting mulberry trees .