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  • 网络At low tide;Time of Low Water;low water time
  1. 在低潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。

    Miles of sand are exposed at low tide .

  2. 这海水好像在低潮时会倒逆流回大海。

    The water seems to retrograde back into the ocean low tide .

  3. 我们在低潮时涉水去希尔伯岛。

    We walked across to Hilbre island at low tide .

  4. 如今,他在瑞银处于历史低潮时加盟瑞银。

    Now he joins UBS at a low point in its history .

  5. 低潮时,你们都会做什么?

    At low tide , what you will do ?

  6. 当你处于低潮时,我会和你一起哭,为你分担痛苦。

    I would cry with you and share your burdens when you are down .

  7. 我在人生最低潮时认识了菲尔。

    I met Phil when I was at such a rocky place in my life .

  8. 当你面对低潮时,您可做运动调和一下。

    So next time you 're feeling low , it may be time for some exercise .

  9. 低潮时退去的汐流;

    Waters ebbing at low tide ;

  10. 在高潮时浸湿的任何海堤的后面,当低潮时也会出现急遽的水面降落现象。

    Sudden drawdown also occurs at low tide behind any sea wall which is wetted at high tide .

  11. 我多傻,竟没有意识到我能乘低潮时一天两次地到马尔!

    How stupid of me not to realize that it was possible to get to Mull , twice a day , at low tide !

  12. 但也有其它事让你有兴趣,能在你感到低潮时提升你的精神。

    But there are other things , which hold every bit as much interest for you , and can lift your spirits when you are feeling low .

  13. 洪水条件下河口泥沙浓度会有激增现象,基本发生在低潮时,这主要与低潮时盐水楔的后退有关。

    With situation A , the sediment concentration in the estuary would increase abruptly when low tide , this phenomenon is attributed to the retreat of the salt-wedge .

  14. 这次台风过程未对上海市沿海造成超过警戒水位的原因是当台风位置处于有利于产生极大增水时,上海市沿海恰逢天文小潮汛(出现在低潮时);

    For all the strong Typhoon and storm surge , the actural water level in Shanghai area did not exceed the warning level because of astronomic low tide .

  15. 处于人生低潮时,伸出左手,紧紧地握住你的右手,告诉自己也能温暖自己;

    At a low ebb in life , stretch out your left hand , firmly hold to your right one , let me know I can warming myself ;

  16. 在生命低潮时仍然培养它们直到看到太阳和光明,而这些只属于那些真诚希望实现梦想的人们。

    nourish them through bad days until they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true .

  17. 沙脊和沟槽在高、低潮时处于高流速侵蚀阶段,在转流时处于低流速淤积阶段。

    The sand ridge and trough are in High Flow Erosion phase at high tide and low tide time and then step into Low Current Deposition phase when the current direction changes .

  18. 全国革命低潮时,割据地区最困难的问题,就在拿不住中间阶级。

    When the revolution is at a low ebb in the country as a whole , the most difficult problem in our areas is to keep a firm hold on the intermediate class .

  19. 低潮时潮流整体由西向东从渤海流出,表层平均流速介于30cm/s~40cm/s之间。

    At low tide water flows from the Bohai Sea . As a whole the direction is from west to east . The average velocity of flow is between 30cm / s and 40cm / s at surface layer .

  20. 我们有些人让梦想消失,但有些人却培养、保护它们;在生命低潮时仍然培养它们直到看到太阳和光明,而这些只属于那些真诚希望实现梦想的人们。

    Some of us let these dreams die , but others nourish and protect them ; nourish them through bad days until they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true .

  21. 一些砂洲和沟槽在低潮位时,露出于水面。

    Water in sand estimator Some of the bars and troughs are exposed by low tide .

  22. 海水在高潮位时淹过了礁石,可是在低潮位时却淹不过。

    At high tide the sea covers the rocks , but at low tide it uncovers them .

  23. 低潮之时,日出的伟大意象里,我们可以回想起所有那些永恒的不分时代的关于重生的原型;

    From the great image of sunrise at low tide we can recall the ageless idea or archetype of rebirth ;

  24. 结果胃粘膜下占位双对比造影近地壁低潮相时均出现晕征,其范围广泛且均匀;

    Result All submucosal lesion showed ″ helo sign ″ which was wide and even in the low quantity barium phase and near ground wall position .

  25. 多年前当我处于一次人生低潮期时,一位老朋友曾劝诫我抬头挺胸,别再怨天尤人。

    An old friend told me years ago during a time of decline in my life to hitch up my girdle and stop feeling sorry for myself .

  26. 20世纪末,在世界社会主义运动遭受挫折,处于低潮之时,当代资本主义却得到长足的发展,处于相对繁荣时期。

    At the end of the 20 th century , when socialism as a movement met with serious setbacks , capitalism developed into a stage of relative prosperity .

  27. 当种群数量处于高峰期时,雌性少于雄性;而种群数量处于低潮期时,雌性多于雄性。

    When the population sizes reached the peak , the females were less than males . Nevertheless , when the population sizes were low , the female were more than males .

  28. 多年前当我处于一次人生低潮期时,一位老朋友曾劝诫我“抬头挺胸,别再怨天尤人。”好主意!

    An old friend told me years ago during a time of decline in my life to " hitch up my girdle and stop feeling sorry for myself . " Good idea !