
dī yán yǐn shí
  • low-salt diet
  1. 发表于《GeneralInternalMedicine》杂志网络版上的这一研究并没有证实低盐饮食本身对心脏有害。

    The study , published online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine , doesn 't confirm that a low-salt diet itself is bad for the heart .

  2. 慢性充血性心力衰竭低盐饮食与低钠血症

    Low-salt diet and hyponatremia in chronic congestive heart failure

  3. 用多元协方差分析调整某些混杂变量后,高盐饮食组血浆粘度仍显著高于低盐饮食组(P<0.05);全血粘度在各组之间差异仍不显著(P>0.05)。

    After adjusted with confounding factors PV still showed a significant different by multi covariance analysis for the higher salt intake than lower one ( P < 0 05 ) .

  4. 结论:戒烟酒、低盐饮食、增加锻炼、保持心理平衡对EH和脑卒中都有重要防治作用;

    Conclusions : No smoking , low salt diet , more exercises and psychologic equilibrium are important to EH and stroke .

  5. Graudal表示,低盐饮食也会影响到人体自身的盐分调节系统。

    Graudal says the body 's natural salt-regulation system was also affected by a low-sodium diet .

  6. 举例来说,肾脏病和心脏病病人应吃低盐饮食;

    For instance , a low-salt with kidney or heart diseases ;

  7. 低盐饮食对高血压病患者血中内皮素浓度的影响

    Effects of low sodium diet on concentration of endothelin in patients with hypertension

  8. 对低盐饮食所持的态度则多呈正向;

    Attitude toward low salt diet was optimistic .

  9. 一项新的研究将矛头指向了低盐饮食的后果。

    A new study casts doubt on the merits of reducing salt in our diet .

  10. 肝癌腹水患者对低盐饮食的认知、态度与遵从行为的探讨

    Study on cognition , attitude and compliance of patients with ascites hepatoma toward low salt diet

  11. 至今众所周知的是,低盐饮食有助于降压。

    By now , most of you know that eating less sodium can help lower blood pressure .

  12. 低盐饮食也能够增加可以提高血压的肾素水平和醛固酮水平。

    Lower-sodium diets also boosted levels of the hormones renin and aldosterone , which can raise blood pressure .

  13. 我们强调治疗方式的改变,例如:使所有超重儿童体重下降和低盐饮食。

    We stress therapeutic lifestyle changes such as weight loss in all overweight kids and a low-salt diet .

  14. 他在《美国高血压杂志》上发表的这篇报告对先前那些关于低盐饮食影响的研究进行了修订。

    His paper reviewing previous studies on the impact of low-sodium diets is published in the American Journal of Hypertension .

  15. 方法选择肝癌腹水医嘱低盐饮食的住院患者44例,采用自制问卷调查其对低盐饮食的认知、态度及遵从行为。

    Method 44 patients with ascites hepatoma were selected to study their cognition , attitude and compliance toward low salt diet .

  16. 研究人员发现,虽然低盐饮食可以降低血压,但是这同时会给身体带来其他的不利影响。

    The researchers found that a modest lowering of blood pressure may be offset by other less desirable effects of a low-sodium diet .

  17. 如果你在一个低盐饮食,你需要限制你摄取的盐和其他形式的钠在你所吃的食物。

    If you are on a low-sodium diet , you need to limit your intake of salt and other forms of sodium in the food you eat .

  18. 这些报告的研究者大部分都是欧洲和北美的研究员,可是研究表明,低盐饮食对亚洲人和黑人降低血压的作用更大一些。

    The people in the studies were largely European and North American , although Asians and blacks on low-sodium diets showed a somewhat larger reduction in their blood pressure .

  19. 低盐饮食,减重,戒烟,限制酒精摄取,运动可以预防或治疗高血压,或是在证明药物疗法不可少时减少药物。

    A low-salt diet , weight loss , smoking cessation , limited alcohol intake , and exercise can prevent or treat hypertension or reduce medication if drug therapy proves necessary .

  20. 在西方工业国家,血压问题很常见。而人们50年前就知道,低盐饮食(每日低于2克)的人不会出血压问题。

    It has been known for 50 years that people who eat a low salt diet ( under 2g a day ) are free from the blood pressure problems common in western industrial countries .

  21. 本研究为低盐饮食配合活血化瘀法预防高血压病提供了实验依据和理论基础,为高血压病的中医治未病研究提供了新思路和新方法。

    This research provides the experimental evidence and theoretical basis for preventing hypertension via combining low-salt diet with method of activating blood and removing blood stagnation , and launches a new ideology and approach for treating latent hypertension with TCM .

  22. 对照组44例给予休息、低盐饮食、低流量持续吸氧、保持呼吸道通畅、抗感染、止咳祛痰平喘、强心、利尿等综合治疗;

    The control group ( 44 cases ) was treated with bed rest , low salt diet , constant oxygen inhalation , keep respiratory tract from impeding , antiinfection , ease cough , reduce phlegm , cardiotonic , diuretic etc ;

  23. 《癌症研究》今天出版的一篇论文报道,MUHC科学家研究发现低叶酸盐饮食会增加结直肠癌的风险。

    A new study by scientists at the MUHC has revealed that a diet low in folate may increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer .

  24. 十个月来,他严格地遵守无脂肪、低盐的饮食。

    For ten months , he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet .

  25. 低盐低蛋白饮食可防肾结石

    Low-salt , low-protein diet can prevent kidney stones

  26. 对照组采取低盐、低脂饮食,限制总热量摄取,每天运动1h~2h。

    The pts in CG took food with low salt and fat , the total calories were limited and exercised 1-2 hours a day .

  27. 低盐低蛋白饮食允许每天摄入盐2900毫克,美国心脏学会推荐的最大量是2400毫克。

    The low-salt , low-protein diet allowed 2,900 milligrams of salt per day ; and 2,400 is the maximum recommended by the American Heart Association .

  28. 方法:将80例慢性肾病患者分为A组(对比组)和B组(治疗组),A组为常规治疗:低盐、低蛋白饮食、控制感染、控制血压等;

    Method : 80 patients with chronic nephropathy were divided into group A ( controlled group ) and group B ( treated group ) .

  29. 结果近40%的DN患者对低盐、低蛋白饮食在肾病防治中的相关知识缺乏;

    Results Among 100 DM patients , 40 % of them lacked the knowledge on low-salt diet and low protein diet ;

  30. 彻底戒烟,低胆固醇、低盐饮食同样重要。

    Strictly to give up smoking , low cholesterol , low salt diet is also important .