
  • 网络Moon Base;Lunar Base;Moonbase
  1. 注意,所有战斗机返回月球基地做任务报告

    Attention , all fighters are to return to moon base for debriefing .

  2. 那对未来月球基地上的宇航员有着很实际的价值。

    That would be a very practical value for a future moon base for astronauts .

  3. 开发自然资源,特别是水资源,将是建造未来永久月球基地的关键。

    Tapping into natural resources , particularly water , will be key to a permanent future lunar base .

  4. 所有这些物理环境让月球基地的建设更加容易。

    All these physical conditions make it a lot more easier to build a Moon base .

  5. 残酷的现实(其表现形式是政府削减预算)让建设永久月球基地的计划胎死腹中。

    Reality-in the form of government budget cuts-triumphed over the plans for a permanent moon base .

  6. 月球基地假想图

    Imaginary Map of Moon Base

  7. 月壤钛铁矿微波烧结制备月球基地结构材料的初步设想

    A preliminary design for producing construction materials for the lunar base : microwave sintering ilmenite of lunar soil

  8. 他在美国航天局委员会上建议医生关注宇航员的健康和工程师关注月球基地。

    And he is on NASA committees advising medical doctors on astronaut health and engineers on lunar habitat .

  9. 月球基地建设是当前“重返月球”的一个重要目标,为满足其建设需要大量结构材料。

    To construct the lunar base is an important target of the " Human Returning to moon " program .

  10. 我设计的一个月球基地是我的得意之作,占去了我房间里四平方英尺的地方。

    My pride and joy was a lunar base I designed that covered nearly four square feet of my room .

  11. 不幸的是2个俄国宇航员被月球基地上的纳粹们丢尽了煤气罐。

    Unfortunately the2 Russian Cosmonauts were taken and put in a Gas Chamber by the Nazi 's who live at Alpha Moon Base .

  12. 他说,如果这项技术可以在轨道上成功实施,可伸展太空屋将是建立月球基地的理想材料。

    He says that if the technology does work in orbit , the habitats will be ideal for building bases on the moon .

  13. 循环系统是未来宇航员生活的基本部分,不论是空间站还是月球基地。

    Recycling will be an essential part of daily life for future astronauts , whether on board the space station or living on the moon .

  14. 所以某天冰可以用来建立一个自我维持的月球基地,一个小阵营可以用来更持久的空间分离。

    So water-ice could able for creation solar system moon base someday . A M camp perhaps could be the departure point for further space exploration .

  15. 因此,未来自给自足的月球基地将成为可能,也许一个采矿营或者是未来太空探索的出发点。

    So water ice could enable the creation of a self-sustaining moon base someday , a mining camp perhaps or a departure point for further space exploration .

  16. 拯救文明联盟拟建一个永久的月球基地,以保存地球上所有生命物质的基因样本和人类知识的百科全书。

    The Alliance to Rescue Civilization plans to build a permanent moon base to preserve DNA samples of all life on the earth and an encyclopedia of human knowledge .

  17. 这个超预算的计划包括建造让宇航员到达低地球轨道的航天飞机的替代物、新一代的火箭以及用于月球基地的艇舱。

    The over-budget program includes building a replacement for the space shuttle to allow astronauts to reach low-earth orbit , a new-generation rocket and modules for a moon base .

  18. 但是带着几吨重的装备去制造燃料并制造一个生态支持系统的月球基地,这不会太贵吗?

    But holding tons of equipments to the moon to make fuel and build the life supports system for the moon base , wouldn 't that be too expensive ?

  19. 所以,水结的冰可以在未来某日建造自己运行的月球基地。

    So , water ice couldn 't able the creation of the self suspending moon base someday . A * camp perhaps or the departure point for further space exploration .

  20. 不过奥巴马之所以不给载人航天工程经费是因为纳粹有七个月球基地,而他们与美国结盟了。

    However the reason Obama is not funding the Manned Space Program is the fact that the Nazi 's have Seven Major Moon Bases and they have an alliance with the U.S.A.

  21. 实际上,我们的成就甚至从来也没有超越第一个月球基地,这和征服宇宙的标准相比,实在是太过渺小了,就象是在后院扔了一个镀锡的白铁罐一样。

    Indeed , we never even made it past first base on the moon , which is a feeble effort by cosmic standards & like chucking tin cans across the backyard .

  22. 中国也制定了探月工程三步走的计划,其中第三步以及未来月球基地的建设过程中,必将涉及到月壤原位勘察测试取样。

    China has also developed a lunar exploration project , " three-step " plan , the third step and at the course of building the future lunar base involving testing samples of lunar soil in-situ investigation .

  23. 我总是喜欢玩这个用积木搭成的月球基地,而且不断往上添加积木。可有天真倒霉,我的好友安迪和我用枕头恶战,他不慎摔了上去,把整个基地给彻底毁了。

    I played with it constantly and I continued to add to it until one dark day when my good friend Andy fell on the base during a vicious pillow fight , completely destroying the whole thing .

  24. 图片显示,这个机器人能行走、举重、使用电动工具、做俯卧撑,甚至还能开车。俄罗斯专家希望他未来能够帮忙建立月球基地。

    Pictures show the robot walking , lifting heavy weights , using power tools , performing press-ups and even driving with Russian experts hoping it will one day be able to help build a base on the moon .

  25. 因此,虽然为了实现这些想法的巨额开支实际上是计划用于布什先生可能的任期以后的理想的月球基地,但是现在就对做这些事情是否明智提出疑问依然是合情合理的。

    So although the big spending on these ideas is actually scheduled for the never-never-land beyond the possible incumbency of Mr Bush , it is still fair to question now whether they would be wise things to do .

  26. 美国航天局想借此研究在月球建立基地的可行性。

    NASA 's programme also intended to study the idea of establishing a moon colony .

  27. 航天署官员去年12月首次谈到了月球两极基地的计划,该基地以太阳能电池面板上的恒定太阳光作为能源。

    Agency officials first described proposals last December for a polar lunar base powered by near constant sunlight on solar panels .

  28. 在2003年10月成功发射“神舟”五号载人飞船之后,中国并没有满足既得荣誉,而是紧盯建立自己的空间站和月球永久基地的长远目标。

    The Chinese are not going to sit on their laurels after the success of launching Shenzhou IV in the October of2003 .

  29. 受控生态生命保障系统(CELSS)是建立月球/火星基地等空间永久基地必须解决的关键技术之一。

    Controlled Ecological Life-support System ( CELSS ) is one of the key technologies that must be solved before founding permanent base in space such as Lunar or Mars base .

  30. 齐塔人说,他们在火星的一个卫星上采矿,在月球上拥有基地。

    The Zetas say that they mine a moon of Mars and had bases on the moon of Earth .