
yuè jīnɡ wěn luàn
  • Menstrual disorder;menstrual disturbance
  1. 副反应主要为月经紊乱,但随使用时间的延长而逐步改善。

    The main side effect was menstrual disturbance , but can be improved after longer usage .

  2. 作者强调早期诊断必需采用诊断性分段诊刮,特别是对月经紊乱者。

    The authors emphasized that diagnostic fractional curettage must be performed for early diagnosis , especially for menstrual disturbance patients .

  3. 月经紊乱组及闭经组P和E2低于正常对照组黄体期,相当于正常对照组卵泡期低水平。

    The P and E2 level in abnormal menstruation and amenorrhea groups , was similar to that in the control group in follicular phase , but lower in luteal phase .

  4. 提示:TCRP是治疗由于EP致月经紊乱,子宫不规则出血的安全有效的方法。

    The results indicate that TCRP is the effective and safe way to treat menorrhagia and metrorrhagia caused by EP .

  5. 代谢方面的异常包括高甘油三酯血症、低高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、糖代谢异常、黑棘皮症,女性患者存在多毛症、多囊卵巢综合症(PCOS)、月经紊乱。

    Metabolic manifestations of FPLD include hypertriglyceridemia , depressed HDL cholesterol , dysglycemia , acanthosis nigricans , and , among women , hirsutism , polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ), and menstrual irregularities .

  6. 临床表现为腰痛或下腹部疼痛不适9例,月经紊乱1例,有痛经史8例。B超均提示单侧上尿路扩张并积水,肾盂分离26~52mm。

    The clinical presentations included flank pain or lower abdomen pain in 9 cases , menstrual disorder in 1 , and previous dysmenorrhea in 8 . B-ultrasound indicated unilateral upper urinary tract dilation and hydrops in all cases , with pyelic separation from 26 to 52 mm .

  7. 甲醛会否导致女性月经紊乱及妊娠综合症?

    Does formaldehyde cause to menstrual disorder and pregnancy syndrome ?

  8. 主要停药原因为月经紊乱。

    The major reason for termination was menstrual disturbances .

  9. 60例女大学生月经紊乱血清性激素检测分析

    Examination and analysis of serum levels of sexual hormones in 60 female college students with menstruation disorder

  10. 孕酮由天然或人工黄体荷尔蒙制备的药物,用来预防流产以及治疗月经紊乱。

    A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone , used to prevent miscarriage and to treat menstrual disorders .

  11. 7例月经紊乱患者中6例(85.7%)月经恢复正常,78.6%(11/14例)的患者溢乳消失。

    Cases of 7 with disturbance of amenorrhea recovered and 78.6 % ( 11 / 14 ) cases with galactorrhea disappeared .

  12. 结论:尿毒症女患者的排卵障碍及月经紊乱等都与尿毒症的严重程度相平行。

    Conclusions : The severity of ovulation disturbance and menstrual disorder of the patients parallels with the severity of the disease .

  13. 试验组月经紊乱和腹痛低于对照组,两组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    The catamenia foul-up and the pain reaction of study group was less than in control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 患者年龄25~56岁,均为已生育妇女,其中有痛经者占70例,月经紊乱或月经增多83例。

    The patients having childbearing history aged from 25-56 , 70 of whom had dysmenorrhea , 83 had menstrual disorders or profuse menstruation .

  15. 主要副反应为月经紊乱,月经卡分析显示3种埋植剂的出血模型相似。

    The main side effect of the 3 groups was menstrual disorder . Menstural events records showed bleeding model of three groups was similar .

  16. 192例伴失眠多梦,62例伴月经紊乱,88例伴胸闷心慌,115例伴上消化道症状。

    Of all the cases , 192 were accompanied with insomnia , 62 with menstrual disorder , 88 with chest flusteration , and 115 cases with digestive diseases .

  17. 结果:总有效率为9028%;月经紊乱、汗出、潮热、情绪、睡眠等症状均有不同程度的改善。

    Results showed that the total effective rate was 90 28 % and menstruation , sweating , afternoon fever , emotion , sleeping were improved to varying degrees .

  18. 女性生殖机能的影响则以月经紊乱、性机能障碍、自然流产、早产和子代出生缺陷发生率增高较明显。

    The incidences of the abnormal menstruation , sexual dysfunction , spontaneous abortion , preterm birth and birth defect in filial generation were significantly increased in female exposed workers .

  19. 结论:根据患者发病年龄,月经紊乱或过多,痛经呈进行性加重,结合妇科检查及B超检查可提高子宫腺肌病的诊断水平。

    Conclusions : The accurate rate in diagnosis of adenomyosis could be improved by taking account of age , progressive dysmenorrhea , menstrual disorder , menorrhagia and B ultrasonography .

  20. 结果单纯性溢乳症患者血中高泌乳素血症占16.20%,闭经溢乳综合症患者血中高泌乳素血症占50.65%,月经紊乱、闭经等患者血中高泌乳素血症占10.48%。

    Results The levels of PRL in various patients were as follows : amenorrhea galactorrhea syndrome was 50.65 % , pure galactorrhea 16.20 % , menstrual disorder was 10.48 % .

  21. 其结果:月经紊乱、痛经、经前紧张症的发生率有随每周作业时间的延长而增加的趋势。

    The results showed as follows : The incidences of menstrual disorder , dysmenorrhea and premenstrual tension in the exposed group were obviously higher than those of the control group .

  22. 食用胎盘的建议久已有之,号称它可以减少疼痛,增强免疫系统,改善母婴联结,加快子宫恢复,并预防产后抑郁症、睡眠障碍和月经紊乱等。

    Placenta consumption has been recommended for pain reduction , strengthening the immune system , better maternal bonding , faster uterine recovery , and for the prevention of postpartum depression , sleep disorders and menstrual disorders .

  23. 本文报道41例宫腔刮出物的病原微生物培养,其中子宫异常出血和早孕胎盘组织各15例,月经紊乱6例和不孕症5例。

    In this article 41 specimens taken from intrauterine curettage were used for isolation of pathogenic organisms , 15 specimens from patients with abnormal bleeding , 1,5 from pregnancy in the first trimester , 6 from cases with menstrual disorder and 5 from women with sterility .

  24. 四类患者大多有腹痛症状,其中卵巢巧克力囊肿以腹部包块为主要就诊原因,而子宫腺肌症主要临床表现为出血或月经紊乱。

    Four kinds of patients mostly have abdominal pain , including for the patients with chocolate cyst of ovary , abdominal mass was the main reason for going to a doctor , but , for the patients with adenomyosis , the main clinical manifestations is bleeding and menstrual disorder .

  25. 通过多因素Logistic逐步回归分析,最终引入回归方程的变量为不孕不育史、月经周期紊乱、身体健康状况、冠心病史、初潮年龄、是否绝经。

    While multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis discovered that the risk factors of endometrial cancer would include infertility history , physical condition , coronary heart disease , menarche age , menopause status and menstrual disorder .

  26. 结果年龄、药物、手术、月经周期紊乱和肥胖对更年期综合征有显著影响,骨质疏松对更年期综合征有影响,生育、饮食习惯与婚姻状况影响不大。营养不足与运动性月经周期紊乱及Leptin调节

    Osteoporosis has a relationship with climacteric syndrome , but there were no apparent relation between diet habit , marriage childbirth and climacteric syndrome . Relationship between Undernutrition and Exercise-induced Menstrual Cycle Disorder , and Leptin Regulation

  27. 这是由于应激导致儿茶酚胺,肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)及β内啡肽升高,致促性腺激素水平降低,排卵障碍,使雌、孕激素失调,致月经周期紊乱。

    The stress can result in the high level of catecholamine , ACTH , and β - endorphin , which will then result in the low level of gonadotrophin and ovulation failure causing imbalance between estrogen and progestogen . At last , the menstrual disorders will result from that imbalance .

  28. 结果:80例患者均完成化疗,化疗期间均出现月经周期紊乱。

    Results : All the80 patients completed their chemotherapy treatment and all of them developed menstrual disorders .

  29. 主要的临床表现是月经周期紊乱,男性激素增多(高雄激素)导致痤疮、讨厌的汗毛及体毛,和脱发。

    The main clinical features are menstrual cycle disturbance and an increase in male hormones ( hyperandrogenism ), causing acne , unwanted bodily and facial hair , and alopecia .

  30. 其中月经周期紊乱、痛经、经前紧张症、恶阻、自然流产率随工龄增长而增加,并有统计学意义(P<005)。

    The prevalence rates of irregular menstruation , painful menstruation , nervous before the menses , pernicious vomiting , natural abortion increased with the working age ( P < 0.05 ) .