
  1. 月球样品的管理和使用遵守中华人民共和国缔结和参加的相关国际公约。

    The samples ' managing and using will be done in accordance with international treaties that China has signed or taken part in .

  2. 国家航天局鼓励开展基于月球样品的空间科学国际联合研究工作,促进成果的国际共享。

    Meanwhile , China National Space Administration encourages researchers at home and abroad to use the samples in joint studies on space science and to share their findings with each other .

  3. 办法包含了月球样品保存、管理和使用的总体原则、信息发布、借用与分发、使用与返还、成果管理等方面内容。

    The regulations cover general principles for preserving , managing , using , borrowing and returning the lunar samples , as well as information release and research results management of the samples .

  4. 之后,上升器带着采集的月球样品起飞上升,与轨返组合体对接。

    Then the ascender will take off with the sample , and dock with the orbiter-returner in orbit .

  5. 目前,携带月球样品的嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体各系统状态良好。

    The CNSA said all systems on the orbiter-returner combination that carries lunar samples are currently in good condition .

  6. 科研人员将按计划进行月球样品的存储、分析和研究工作。

    Scientists will carry out the storage , analysis , and research of the country 's first samples collected from the extraterrestrial object .

  7. 国家航天局称,嫦娥五号任务采集月球样品约1731克。

    Chang'e 5 samples handed over China 's Chang'e 5 probe retrieved about 1731 grams of samples from the moon , according to the China National Space Administration .

  8. 12月19日上午,中国科学院国家天文台在北京举行探月工程嫦娥五号任务月球样品交接仪式。在交接仪式活动现场,国家航天局局长张克俭向中国科学院院长侯建国移交了嫦娥五号任务月球样品。

    A ceremony for receiving the lunar samples was held at the National Astronomical Observatories headquarters in Beijing on Saturday morning shortly after Zhang Kejian , head of the China National Space Administration , handed them over to Hou Jianguo , the academy 's president .

  9. 国家航天局后续将公开发布嫦娥五号任务月球样品管理办法和相关管理政策,协调推进样品科学研究,鼓励国内外更多科学家参与,力争获得更多科学成果,同时开展任务相关公众科普和文化交流。

    The CNSA said it would release relevant policies for the lunar samples retrieved by Chang'e 5 to coordinate and promote scientific research , encourage more scientists at home and abroad to participate , and strive to secure more scientific achievements . The CNSA will also carry out public science popularization programs and cultural exchanges related to the mission .

  10. 其中包括一小份月球土壤样品,一块霸王龙化石的一部分和一些艺术作品,比如玛娅·安杰洛(MayaAngelou)的诗歌,以及古斯塔夫·霍尔斯特(GustavHolst)《行星》组曲中的火星部分录音。

    They include a small sample of lunar soil , part of a Tyrannosaurus rex fossil and several artistic works , like poems by Maya Angelou and a recording of the Mars movement from Gustav Holst 's " The Planets . "

  11. 此前只有美国和前苏联从月球带回了样品。

    Only two other countries , the U.S. and the former Soviet Union , have brought samples back from the moon .

  12. 宇航员们从月球上获得岩石样品。

    The astronauts obtained rock samples from the moon .

  13. 对月球岩和土壤样品进行分析,可得出有关我们的这颗卫星过去历史的一些初步的结论。

    The analysis of lunar rocks and soil samples has led to a number of tentative conclusions about the past history of our satellite .

  14. 国家航天局副局长吴艳华近日表示,我国将于2017年12月前后发射嫦娥五号无人月球探测器,嫦娥五号将携月球土壤样品返回地球。

    China 's unmanned lunar probe Chang'e-5 , set to be launched around December 2017 , will bring lunar soil samples back to Earth , says Wu Yanhua , deputy chief of the China National Space Administration .