
  1. 下个月将重新开始这座桥的建造工作。

    Work on the bridge will recommence next month .

  2. 整个系统到1995年12月将可全面投入使用。

    The whole system will be fully operational by December 1995 .

  3. 市政税在明年4月将取代人头税。

    The council tax replaces the poll tax next April .

  4. 对他的指控是他在1975年2月将一份保密文件泄露给了一位记者。

    The charge was that , in February 1975 , he had leaked a restricted document to a journalist .

  5. 下个月将颁布新的交通法规。

    New traffic rules will be published next month .

  6. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  7. 这两家银行明年7月将合并。

    The two banks will consolidate in July next year .

  8. 下个月将向您展示如何将这些航班添加到交互式Google地图上。

    Next month I 'll show you how to put these flights on an interactive Google map .

  9. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)已表示,预计下个月将上调利率,为高涨的大宗商品价格降温。

    The European Central Bank has signaled it expects to start raising interest rates next month , in a bid to cool rising commodity prices .

  10. 美国于去年9月将这两项案件提交WTO,并于上周五表示,其试图与中国磋商解决纠纷的尝试已经失败。

    The US started the cases at the WTO last September , and on Friday said that attempts to resolve the dispute through negotiation with China had failed .

  11. 目前,GPRS、CDMA等无线网络发展非常迅猛,我国手机用户已达4.2亿,据预测到2008年9月将达到6.5亿。

    At present , the GPRS and CDMA wireless networks rapid development , China 's mobile phone users reached 420 million .

  12. 在下个月将于佛罗里达举行的会议上,SAP将披露其云战略的更多细节。

    Next month , at a conference in Florida , sap is expected to unveil more details on its cloud strategy .

  13. 下个月将分析在字节码汇编器(assembler)级别工作的全部细节。

    Check back for the full details on working at the bytecode assembler level next month .

  14. 根据普华永道会计事务所2015年对印度CEO所做的调查,73%的CEO预计在未来12个月将增加员工人数,这一比例高于其他任何国家。

    According to PwC 's 2015 CEO Survey , 73 % of Indian CEOs expect to boost headcount within the next 12 months , and this is highest compared to any other country in the world .

  15. 目前,通过化学洗涤(chemicalwash)制作出的这款衬衫在最初几次洗涤时仍留有刚洗过的味道,但该公司表示,公司未来6个月将能够完善微囊工艺,使效果永久保持。

    Created with a chemical wash , at the moment it maintains a just - laundered smell for its first few washes but the company says that within six months it will have perfected a microcapsule process to make the effect permanent .

  16. 爱德华·斯特朗(EdwardStrong)是道奇戏剧公司(DodgerTheatricals)的合伙人,该公司在今年1月将另一部典型的美国音乐剧——《泽西男孩》(JerseyBoys)首次带到首尔,属于一次英语版巡回演出的其中一站。

    Ask Edward Strong , a partner in Dodger Theatricals , which is bringing another unmistakably American musical , " Jersey Boys , " to Seoul for the first time in January as part of an English-language tour .

  17. bats等创新机构已前往欧洲,本月将进入期权市场芝加哥期权交易所(cboe)也在计划成立一家新的交易所c2。

    Innovators such as bats have headed to Europe and will this month enter the options market where the incumbent , CBOE , is also planning a new exchange , C2 .

  18. 贝克汉姆最近刚刚在内衣品牌Hennes&MauritzAB的大规模广告活动中展示了自己满是纹身的身体。下个月将出现在盖伊•里奇(GuyRitchie)为该品牌执导的一部新宣传大片中。

    Beckham recently showed-off his tattooed body in a massive underwear advertising campaign for Hennes & Mauritz AB and is due to appear next month in a new campaign for the retailer directed by Guy Ritchie .

  19. 汇丰(HSBC)权益资本市场亚太区联席主管亚历克西斯亚当奇克(AlexisAdamczyk)表示:还有一些发行人在等待赴港上市。未来两个月将是关键。

    There are a number of issuers in the wings waiting to come to Hong Kong , says Alexis Adamczyk , co-head of equity capital markets for Asia Pacific at HSBC . The next two months are going to be important .

  20. 在管理咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)本月将公布的中国消费者最新研究中,13亿中国人口中仅有200万家庭被列为“富有”,而且计算标准相当低,为年收入3万美元以上。

    In new research on the Chinese consumer to be published next month , McKinsey , the management consultancy , classifies just two million households out of a population of 1.3 billion as " wealthy " and that is based on fairly modest annual earnings of more than $ 30000 .

  21. 他们担心下个月将实行强制裁员。

    They fear that there will be compulsory redundancies next month .

  22. 他们下个月将玩得很愉快。

    They will have a lot of fun next month .

  23. 我们预期今后数月将有一些比较宽松的经济政策出台。

    We expect more tolerant economic policies over the next few months .

  24. 他们下个月将在宜昌举办音乐会。

    They will give the concert in Yichang next month .

  25. 他们预计本月将再发货50000只。

    They expect to ship another 50,000 this month .

  26. 我们学校下个月将举行一次美国电影节。

    Our school is planning to hold a American Film Festival next month .

  27. 我到去下个月将去吉隆坡几天。

    I 'm off to Kuala Lumpur for a few days next month .

  28. 无论出现什么情况,未来几个月将上演一场扣人心弦的大戏。

    Whatever does happen , the next few months will offer gripping theatre .

  29. 该规定本月将以暂行方式生效。

    The regulation was to come into force on a trial basis this month .

  30. 那栋大楼下个月将营业。

    The building will be opened next month .