
  1. 他已经将维生素C带到了集中营,现在他又想办法从黑市上弄到了一些马麦。

    He 'd already smuggled vitamin C into the camp , and now he managed to get hold of supplies of marmite on the black market .

  2. 白木繁里的清酒带有一种咸味,能让人联想起酱油或马麦酱,还有一丝波尔图葡萄酒、雪利酒,或者烟熏味艾拉岛威士忌(IslayScotch)的口感。

    On its own , her sake has a salty undertone reminiscent of soy sauce or Marmite , and it shares notes with port , sherry or the smoky-flavored Islay Scotch whisky .

  3. 对英国人的进一步调查发现,马麦酱也是受欢迎的必备物品,14%的受访者出国会带着它,仅次于茶包。还有11%的人喜欢带“hobnob”牌巧克力,9%的人会带维克斯薄荷膏,只有8%的人选择了咖啡。

    Honing in on Brits , after tea bags , marmite was a popular item to pack with 14 percent of respondents taking the spread overseas , along with 11 percent carrying chocolate hob nobs , nine percent Vicks Vapor Rub and just 8 percent plumping for coffee .

  4. 你们中的一些人也许会问马麦是什么。

    Now some of you will be wondering what marmite is .

  5. 大卫·马麦的剧作很容易认出来。

    IT IS easy to recognise a David Mamet play .

  6. 马麦是英国人热爱的早餐面包酱。

    Marmite is a breakfast spread beloved of the British .

  7. 马麦酱的味道和酱油有点相似。

    The taste of Marmite is comparable in some ways to soy sauce .

  8. 几天以后,结果显然表明,不管病因是什么马麦能帮助治愈这个病。

    And after just a few days , it becomes clear that whatever is causing this illness , marmite is the cure .

  9. 有促销马麦酱的活动,购买者能免费一本儿童有声读物《调皮的亨利》,对此消费者的兴奋了5.8级。

    One Marmite promotion , to get a free audiobook featuring the children 's character Horrid Henry , registered a scored of up to5.8 among the consumers .

  10. 马麦酱是用酵母提取物制成。酵母提取物是啤酒发酵的副产品,性状粘稠,颜色较深,味道浓郁易辨认。

    Marmite is made from yeast extract , a by-product of beer brewing , and is a sticky , dark brown paste with a distinctive , powerful flavour .

  11. 有两种类似食物抹酱共享了马麦酱这一名称:一种是英国式马麦酱,最初在英国生产,后又在南非生产。

    Marmite is the name given to two similar food spreads : the original British version , first produced in the United Kingdom and later South Africa , and a version produced in New Zealand .