
mǎ xuē
  • riding boots;jackboots;gambado
马靴 [mǎ xuē]
  • [riding boots;gambado] 骑马穿的长筒靴子,泛指长筒靴子

马靴[mǎ xuē]
  1. 他那双老马靴已磨损而补过了。

    His ancient riding boots were scuffed and patched .

  2. 她把头发扎回一个马尾,剑桥公爵夫人,30岁,连同黑色围巾、黑色紧身裤和马靴的打扮出现。

    With her hair back in a ponytail , the Duchess of Cambridge , 30 , pulled her look together with a black scarf , black leggings and riding boots .

  3. CNN特派员景兰:身穿亮片服装与长马靴的迪斯科红星,这个女子双人组合叫“粉红淑女”曾在20世纪70年代末称霸东京流行歌曲排行榜。不过,每个人都会长大,也会变老。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : A disco sensation with their sequinneds suits and go-go boots , the girl duo called Pink Lady ruled Tokyo 's charts in the late ' 70s , but everyone grows up and gets older .

  4. 作为拉美地区最出名的牛仔节,FestadoPeao为马靴的销售注入了一剂助推剂。

    As the most renowned cowboy festival in Latin America , the Festa do Peao has stimulated big sales for boots .

  5. 这已促使耐克投入资金开发了一些商业潜力不大的产品,比如它为马术队新开发的带有模铸可拆卸塑料马刺的ippeas马靴,其设计者是一位通常为乔丹品牌工作的美国设计师。

    This has required Nike to spend money on developing products of limited commercial potential , such as its new " ippeas " riding boot with molded and detachable plastic spurs developed for the Equestrian Team by a US designer who normally works on the " urban " Jordan Brand .

  6. 手工打制马靴的老店在这座城市随处可见。

    Time-honoured workshops for handmade boots are all over the city .

  7. 坐鞍、蹬和马靴刺-刻准备活跃的军人。

    Saddles , Stirrups and Spurs - Preparedness for active service .

  8. 她穿一双白色的马靴。

    She was in a pair of white boots .

  9. 他留下的那只马靴还在一家里加博物馆展出呢!

    The riding boot he left behind is on display in a Riga museum !

  10. 和马靴一起穿,到小腿且裤腿外展的裤子。

    Flared calf-length trousers worn with riding boots .

  11. 除牛皮,鳄鱼皮和蛇皮外,鸵鸟皮也是马靴原料。

    Besides cow leather , crocodile , snake , and ostrich skin are also used .

  12. 你的马靴很时尚。

    Your boot is latest fashion .

  13. 巴雷图斯马靴因其新颖的设计,上乘的质量以及客户定制的服务而声名赫赫。

    Barretos Boots have earned quite a reputation for design , quality and custom made service .

  14. 尽管选手们有受伤的危险,但这并不能使内布拉斯加州的牛仔们挂起他们的马靴。

    Although participants risk injury , it 's not enough to make some Nebraska Cowboys hang up their spurs .

  15. 让我们一起去巴雷图斯看看究竟都有哪些好戏上演,又是什么让巴西城的马靴如此出名。

    Let 's head to Barretos to check it out and find out what makes the town 's boots so famous .

  16. 在八月进行的马术节期间,牛仔们脚蹬闪亮马靴,穿梭于街道是一道常见的风景。

    During the festival , that began in mid-August , cowboys walking in their shiny boots are a common sight on the streets here .

  17. 这位著名的时代广场街头艺人以“凉爽穿著”而闻名,标志穿著包括一个牛仔马靴和一顶牛仔帽,当然,还有一把“举足轻重”的吉他。

    The famous Times Square street entertainer is renowned for singing wearing little more than cowboy boots , a hat and a strategically placed guitar .

  18. 对于女性,一套羊绒毛衣,黑冲洗修身裤或直腿牛仔裤再配上一个芭蕾持平底鞋或马靴。

    For women , opt for an outfit like a cashmere sweater , dark rinse skinny or straight leg jeans and a ballet flat or riding boot .

  19. 大家讨论时,约翰.威瑟斯庞站起来,要求修改动议,用一双金色马靴刺取代精美长剑。

    During the discussion , John Witherspoon rose , and begged leave to amend the motion , by substituting for an elegant sword , a pair of golden spurs .

  20. 最新改进的焦特布尔双斜纹布马裤配马尔瓦尔马靴,带有拉贾斯坦邦浓烈色彩的编织物,配上喜马拉雅宽边帽,还有修剪过的羊毛皮,炫耀着金饰与流苏。

    Streamlined Jodhpur cavalry twill trousers topped Marwari riding boots , there were knits in fiery Rajasthan colours paired with Himalayan wide hats , and shearlings sported gold design and edging .

  21. 本机种可加装精精心设计的拉布轮,双轮上下全带动,防滑防皱。缝制出平滑完整的衣服、雨衣、车罩马靴。

    The special design of cloth puller , moved by twin puller will prevent slipping and crinkle , and make the most complete and perfect cloth , raincoat , car cloak and boot .

  22. 你可以买到精致的手工制品,还可以定制有你名字的霓虹灯、马靴、成套的床单、橡树橱柜、丝绸被子或羊绒大衣等。

    Have fine items made by hand and to order & a neon sign of your name , pair of riding boots , set of sheets , oak cabinet , silk quilt or cashmere coat .