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  1. 一听到还需要额外费用;瘟神的长脸马上又拉长了好几英寸。

    Upon hearing of this additional expense ; misery 's long visage appeared to become several inches longer .

  2. 不幸的是,这个洞里有一只狮子,轻易地就抓获了鹿,鹿临死之前说:“我真是倒霉,刚脱离了猎犬的追捕,马上又掉进了狮子的大口。”

    Unfortunately the cave contained a lion , to whom he fell an easy prey . " Unhappy that I am , " he cried , " I am saved from the power of the dogs only to fall into the clutches of a lion . "

  3. “我梦见”他开始说道,马上又停住了。

    ' I dreamt - 'he began , and stopped short .

  4. 她立刻紧紧地握了一下他的手,马上又缩了回去。

    She squeezed his hand quickly , then snatched hers away .

  5. 我把它关了,马上又回去睡觉了。

    I turned it off and immediately went back to sleep .

  6. 他刚收住话头,结果却几乎是马上又讲了起来。

    He broke off , only to resume almost at once .

  7. 他马上又后悔了,而且还有些害怕。

    He felt a quick remorse which was mixed with fear .

  8. 他仿佛马上又镇定了,压下了这场风波。

    He seemed to recollect himself presently , and smothered the storm .

  9. 他直起腰喝了,马上又干开了,

    He straightened up To drink it , then fell to right away

  10. 然而,她马上又为自己听到这句话而感到高兴。

    Yet she soon began to rejoice that she had heard them .

  11. 我马上又回到售票处。

    I went back to the ticket office at once .

  12. 我打发它们回去,马上又发愁。

    I send them back again and straight grow sad .

  13. 伤口又一次裂开了点缝,但马上又紧紧合上了。

    The wound opened again a very little way and closed tight quickly .

  14. 有时候他们马上又是全部。

    Sometimes they are all of them at once .

  15. 他扔个我们一个“纠纷的苹果”,我们马上又吵了起来。

    He throwing us an apple of discord , we soon quarrelled again .

  16. 嘉丁纳先生马上又写了封信给他姐夫。

    Mr. Gardiner soon wrote again to his brother .

  17. 他稍微吃惊了一下,可是马上又镇定下来。

    He started slightly , but immediately composed himself .

  18. 癞蛤蟆张大嘴巴准备争辩,马上又决定放弃了。

    Toad opened his mouth to argue , and then decided not to .

  19. 吵闹声刚刚平息,马上又有人笑了起来。

    The noise had scarcely died away when someone started to laugh again .

  20. 那个走狗看守马上又会来的。

    That jackal guard will be around again soon .

  21. 她马上又斟上了第三杯。

    She immediately prepared him a third glass .

  22. 他马上又记起了自己的英雄行为。

    Then he remembers his deeds of heroism .

  23. 他马上又给了我们一个惊喜。

    Lao Ma gives us another surprise .

  24. 他站起来继续迎接挑战,但马上又倒下了。

    He stood up to meet the challenge , but it was down right away .

  25. 凹地里的水用油水机抽出后马上又流了回去。

    The water ran back into the depression as fast as it was pumped out .

  26. 我去看医生,马上又被送去看了一位专家。

    I went to see the doctor and was immediately whisked off to a specialist .

  27. 虽然它退缩了,但只有一下下,马上又回来要攻击她。

    The shark retreated , but only for a moment . It was back again .

  28. 错过这趟汽车有什么好骂的?马上又有一趟车来了。

    Why did you swear at missing the bus ? There 'll be another soon .

  29. 但是画面马上又模糊了

    but it 's soon obscured again .

  30. 舞圈马上又合拢了,小人们又继续载歌载舞,欢乐无比。

    They closed the circle again , and the little people sang and danced wildly forth .