
  • 网络He Ping;Ho Ping
  1. 何平是在刚落幕的中国劳动论坛上透露这一信息的。

    He Ping introduced news at China Labor Forum , which just closed in China .

  2. 何平,所长,劳动社会保障部部社会保险研究所。

    Ping He , Director , Social Insurance Institute , Ministry of Labor and Social Security .

  3. 中国电影导演、中国电影导演协会前秘书长何平表示弹幕的普及可能破坏电影制作人的审美意图。

    He Ping , a Chinese film director and former secretary general of the China Film Directors Association , voiced concern that the popularization of bullet screens may subvert the aesthetic intentions of the filmmakers .

  4. 中国电影导演、中国电影导演协会前秘书长何平表示“弹幕”的普及可能破坏电影制作人的审美意图。

    He Ping , a Chinese film director and former secretary general of the China Film Directors Association , voiced concern that the popularization of " bullet screens " may subvert the aesthetic intentions of the filmmakers .

  5. 中国国家统计局工业司何平在随后发布的数据解读声明中称,尽管石油和其他投入价格下跌支撑了利润率,但出厂价格的下跌抵消了这些利好影响。

    While falling prices for oil and other inputs have supported profit margins , the positive impact has been outweighed by falling prices for finished goods , He Ping , a statistician at the bureau 's industrial department , said in a statement accompanying the data .