
  1. 何中华说,他预计中国家禽业将面临整合的新压力,众多小企业将被整合成规模较大的企业,以便于监管。

    Mr. He , the consultant , said he expects China 's poultry business to face new pressure to consolidate smaller operators into bigger companies that are easier to monitor .

  2. 咨询公司中国肉业网分析师何中华说,在我的记忆中,这是肉类加工行业发生的最严重的一起事故。这家咨询公司由半官方的中国肉类协会所有。

    ' In my memory , this is the most serious accident in the meat-processing sector , ' said He Zhonghua , an analyst with China Meat Industry Network , a consultancy owned by the semiofficial China Meat Industry Association .