
qiú jìn
  • vigorous;powerful
遒劲 [qiú jìng]
  • [vigorous] 强劲有力;刚健有力。多指书画的运笔

  • 笔格遒劲。--《图绘宝鉴》

  • 风格遒劲

遒劲[qiú jìn]
  1. 沃克因其长篇书信体小说《紫色》(1982)获得了普利策奖而闻名遐迩。她笔力遒劲,富于表现力地描写黑人妇女为争取性平等和精神再生而进行的斗争。

    Best known as the author of Pulitzer Prize-winning epistolary novel The Color Purple ( 1982 ), Walker writes powerful , expressive fiction depicting the black woman 's struggle for sexual equality and spiritual resurrection .

  2. 贺铸渴望摆脱侠士身份使得侠士词风格沉郁悲凉,辛弃疾因为对侠士身份的坚持而使侠士词风格遒劲狂放。

    He Zhu was eager to get rid of the knight-errant identity , which made his Knight-errant Ci style gloomy and sadness . Xin Qiji persisted in his knight-errant identity , which made his Knight-errant Ci style vigorous and unrestrained .

  3. 这幅画笔势苍老遒劲,显出画家功力深厚。

    The brushstrokes in this painting exhibit force and vigour characteristic of a master .

  4. 剑意象抒发了词人的理想,也成就了船山词沉郁遒劲、苍凉悲壮的风格。

    The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile , solemn and stirring style .

  5. 我们林业工作者称之为“林分”,它们有着遒劲的枝干,和美丽的树冠。

    what we foresters call a stand , with their rugged stems and their beautiful crowns .

  6. 他用遒劲的字体在石板路上写下“奥运会来了”几个大字。

    In elegant brushstrokes , he has written ' The Olympics have arrived ' on the flagstones .

  7. 《客窗闲话》的语言简洁、质朴、遒劲,又不失文采。

    The language of " Kechuang Xianhua " is brevity , truth and vigorousness , without losing literary talent .

  8. 据说约翰·汉考克签名时笔迹挥洒遒劲是为了让乔治国王不戴眼镜就能看清楚。

    It is said that John Hancock signed his name with a great flourish so King George can read that without spectacles !

  9. 另一种是从院体脱胎而出,线条遒劲飞舞、挥洒自如的风格,这种画一般设色淡雅。

    Another from courtyard body inferno out , line , the spiritual dancing aplomb style , this kind of picture generally coloring and elegant .

  10. 作品的笔触表现得遒劲转折,充分融合中国文人画传统的笔墨逸趣和德国表现主义式的畅快抒情。

    The forceful , veering brushstroke is a seamless integration of the Chinese literati 's sedate ink-wash painting and the German expressionist 's unbounded intonation .

  11. 透过镶嵌着厚厚的黄色玻璃的菱形窗格,詹姆瞥见了那棵大树遒劲的树枝,正是这些树枝赋予了这座城堡现在的名字。

    Through their thick , diamond-shaped panes of yellow glass Jaime glimpsed the gnarled limbs of the tree from which the castle took its name .

  12. 他的诗歌既有清新自然之风,又有遒劲飘逸之貌,被誉为唐代第一诗僧①。

    His poetry both fresh and natural wind , and have spiritual elegant appearance , and was known as " the first monk tang dynasty " .

  13. 在楚艺术的各种表现中,楚建筑的表现最具有综合性,表现方式独树一帜,表现效果遒劲有力。

    Among all the manifestations of the Chu arts , the manifestations of the Chu architectures , unique in the way , strong in result , proved to be most comprehensive .

  14. 左思风格遒劲的《三都赋》在文人墨客中引起轰动,他的作品被不断印刷与传送,一时之间引得洛阳纸贵。

    The Ode to the Three Capitals ( of the Three Kingdoms ) , written by Zuo Si in a vigorous style , created such a stir among the men of letters that it was copied and passed from hand to hand , causing a shortage of paper supply in the capital city of Luoyang .