首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络He Gang;Kang Ho
  1. 上周四,华为智能手机部门负责人何刚以及华为消费者业务拉美地区部CEO刘涛,与阿根廷足球明星莱昂纳多·梅西在巴塞罗那一起自拍。

    He Gang , the head of Huawei Technologies smartphone unit , and Liu Tao , the Chinese companys CEO for Latin American consumer business , take selfies with Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi in Barcelona on last Thursday .

  2. 华为智能手机部门负责人何刚表示,梅西的加入将很快提高公司的产品知名度。华为公司正试图把握住国外更大的智能手机市场。

    He Gang , head of Huaweis smartphone unit , said Messis involvement will quickly boost the brand awareness for the company , which is trying to seize a larger share of the smartphone markets outside of China .