
  1. 标准普尔(StandardPoor's)驻北京分析师廖强表示:公司治理是中资银行的主要弱点,十年前如此,今天依旧如此。

    Corporate governance is the major weakness of Chinese banks that was the case a decade ago and it is still the case today , says Liao Qiang , an analyst with Standard Poor 's in Beijing .

  2. 廖强认为,尽管中资银行可能拥有进行大型海外收购的资金,但至少在十年内,它们还缺乏经营大型离岸子公司的管理能力。

    Mr Liao believes that while Chinese banks may have the funds to make big acquisitions abroad , they will lack the managerial capacity to handle large offshore subsidiaries for at least the next decade .