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  1. 阴何并称是因为在诗歌风格上有很多相似之处。

    Yin He claimed that because in the poetic style , there are many similarities .

  2. 我说演何角色并不是问题,我相信扮演朝鲜人也是很好的。

    I said that it is no problem to act the role because I believe wonderful people live in North Korea too .

  3. 我们的“保护河流与权利”工具箱也提供了世界水坝委员会的原则是在何处并如何被运用的,和忽视这些原则的后果。

    Our Protecting Rivers and Rights activist briefing kit provides concrete examples of where and how the WCD principles have been applied , and what happened when they were ignored .

  4. 如你所知,我觉得对信徒来讲,严肃认真地思考作为一个国家我们正在何处并认识到那危险的属灵浪潮正在吞没我们,是极其重要的。

    As you know , I feel it is immensely important for believers to seriously consider where we are as a nation and understand the dangerous spiritual tide that is engulfing us .

  5. 这样,他们的离开你就会知道他将往何处并坚信他们不是不愿与家人一起共餐了。

    Encouraging a good family dinner means that the family learns to bond together and members who like to be in isolation most of the time are pulled into the family too .

  6. 值此,人类的自由何以可能?我们生存自由的希望究竟何在并将走向何方?在这个时代需要对此作出回答的时刻,西方各种自由主义思潮迅速蔓延并日渐成为一种席卷全球的文化浪潮。

    Where is our hope of freedom for survival and where will it goes ? Just at this times , verities of western liberalism are spreading in high speed , are increasingly becoming the culture waves sweeping across this globalizing world .

  7. 调查人员还在研究持偷来的意大利和奥地利护照登机的两名男子有何背景,并查阅吉隆坡国际机场(KualaLumpurInternationalAirport)有关这两人的闭路电视监控画面。

    Investigators are also looking into the backgrounds of two men who flew on stolen Italian and Austrian passports , and are reviewing CCTV footage of them at Kuala Lumpur International Airport .

  8. 既是群居,何须独并&泛珠三角的竞争优势与经济合作基础

    The Competitive Advantages and Economic Cooperation Bases in Pan-Pearl River Delta

  9. 知道困难何在,并不会使之变得更容易解决。

    Knowing the challenge does not make it easier to deal with .

  10. 有必要理解原因何在,并看出需要做出什么改变。

    It is important to understand why , and to see what needs to change .

  11. 现在的目标是探寻这些变化在当代环境中有何展现,并诠释其意义。

    Now the objective is to find traces of these changes present in the current environment and to interpret their significance .

  12. 定义一个回复地址,这个地址指定应该把响应发送到何处,并确保向服务提供者通知了这个目的地。

    Defining a reply-to address specifying where the response should be sent , and ensuring that the service provider is informed of this destination .

  13. 湖南的尊孔祀孔活动在1934年以前主要以民间祭祀为主,何键支持并积极参与民间祀孔活动,并力图将其控制在自己手里;

    Such movement in Hunan before 1934 mainly exited in non-government organization , Hejian supported this kind of movement and took part in many Offering Sacrifices to Confucius presided by such kind of organization vigorously and tried to control it .

  14. 我习惯漫游世界却无视于自己身在何处,并决定走出受限的婚姻家庭网络,使我就巴厘议题而言成了鬼一样的东西。

    My habit of wandering through this world oblivious to my physical orientation , in addition to my decision to have stepped outside the containing network of marriage and fam-ily , makes me for Balinese purposes something like a ghost .

  15. 高三学生何吉米:并没有人来告诉我们,身在美国而非其他国家是多么幸运的一件事。

    JIMMY HOM , HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR : It was never , you know , a matter of telling us how lucky we are to be in the United States , rather than , you know , some other country .

  16. 我习惯漫游世界却无视于自己身在何处,并决定走出受限的婚姻家庭网络,使我——就巴厘议题而言——成了鬼一样的东西。

    My habit of wandering through this world oblivious to my physical orientation , in addition to my decision to have stepped outside the containing network of marriage and fam-ily , makes me - for Balinese purposes - something like a ghost .

  17. Ruby具备极佳的语法灵活性,因此对可以在何时及何处定义方法并没有太多规则限制。

    Ruby has great syntactic flexibility , imposing fewer rules about when and where you can define methods .

  18. 大熊猫人工授精的正确部位应该在何处?&并兼与同行商榷

    Where is the right place to do artificial insemination on right of fishery

  19. 一个人机械的游戏让玩家选择在何处产卵,并提供了大量的战斗自定义选项。

    The one-man mech based gameplay lets players pick where to spawn and offers lots of battle customization options .

  20. 其次是希勒家,第三是底巴利雅,第四是撒迦利亚;何萨的儿子并弟兄共十三人。

    Hilkiah the second , tebaliah the third , Zechariah the fourth ; all the sons and brothers of hosah were thirteen .

  21. 考其何时由何出版社出版,并考评随着印刷技术的发展《芥子园画传》所呈现出的各种趋势。

    The test when by what press , and evaluation with the development of the technology of printing the Chueh Tzu Yuan Hua Chuan show various trends .