
  1. 应用~(32)P对冬小麦返青期追磷吸收利用规律的研究

    Studies on the rule of winter wheat absorption and utilization of phosphorus fertilizer at spring regreening stage using phosphorus-32 tracer

  2. 结果表明,在小麦返青至灌浆期,用SO2浓度为0.322mgm-3处理的小麦出现了伤害症状。

    The experiment results showed : wheats treated by 0 322mg · m - 3 SO 2 appeared injury symptoms from the turning green stage to the milking stage .

  3. 结果表明:稻季秸杆施用显著减少了后续麦季N2O的排放,这些减少量主要体现在小麦播种-返青期,方差分析达显著水平(P<0.05)。

    Results from variance analyses indicated that application of wheat straw in rice-growing season significantly reduced N2O emission from following wheat-growing season , which happened mainly between wheat-sowing and returning-green periods ( P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 受WBD侵染的小麦一般冬前不表现症状,春季4、5月小麦返青后随着拔节期来临病害开始显症。

    The wheat infected by WBD did not show the symptom during the winter time and with the coming of the jointing stage it will display the symptom when the wheat start to turn green during the spring time in April and May .