
  • 网络Mari;Mari people;Marreeman
  1. 不少马里人担心他们的军队组织混乱、装备不良,难以独力夺回北部地区。

    Many Malians say they are concerned that the army is disorganized and poorly equipped to take back the north alone .

  2. 然后蒙卡拉马里人教给新一代夸润人数学,哲学,科学和其他文明社会的基础知识。

    The Mon Calamari then taught this new generation of Quarren mathematics , philosophy , science and the other foundations of civilization .

  3. 宾夕法尼亚和马里兰州人所说的德语的一种方言。

    A dialect of High German spoken in parts of Pennsylvania and Maryland .

  4. 美国人西娜·霍尔(SheenaHall)是美国马里兰州本地人,在华盛顿霍华德大学(HowardUniversity)攻读政治学,她今年春天曾作为本杰明·吉尔曼(BenjaminA.Gilman)学者在印度的海得拉巴(Hyderabad)学习过6个月。

    American Sheena Hall , who is a Maryland native studying political science at Howard University in Washington , studied in Hyderabad , India , for six months last spring as a Benjamin A.Gilman scholar .

  5. 我们已经大大提高了想要购买中型马里巴士的人的数量,我们必须要使这些转化成销售额。

    We have significantly improved the number of people shopping in the midsize category for Malibus ; we have to translate that into sales .

  6. 25岁的马里国脚被认为是弗格森爵士的潜在目标,他觉得马里人能加强曼联中场。

    The25-year-old Mali international had been touted as a potential target for Sir Alex Ferguson as he looks to strengthen his midfield at old trafford .