
  • 网络Metropolitan;Metropolitan bishop;Metropolitan Hilarion
  1. 孩子和老人都为主教而走到大门口来,有如迎接阳光。

    The children and the old people came out to the doorsteps for the bishop as for the sun .

  2. 但这些轮休的决定都是主教练在听取了训练师们的意见后做出的,大部分情况下,轮休都是这样被决定的。

    These calls are made by coaches under advisement from the training staffs . That 's how this works , most of the time .

  3. 他是一位被大家都尊敬的主教。

    He was a bishop who was held in reverence by all .

  4. 先前他效仿四世纪一个叫的Nicholas亚洲主教,把自己弄得既瘦又苍白。在欧洲大部分地方,孩子们都把这位主教看成是自己的保护神。

    In previous lives he was thinner and paler , a character based on a 4th Century Asian bishop called Nicholas , who became the patron saint of children in most of Europe .

  5. 而我们都知道大主教都是什么下场,对不对?

    And we all know what happens to archbishops , don 't we ?

  6. 每个人都听说了主教号召人们穿衣应简朴的事,并表示他们完全支持他。

    Everyone had heard of the archbishop 's campaign for modest dressing , and said they were wholly in agreement .

  7. 大家都觉得在卞福汝主教跟前没有发迹的可能。

    The impossibility of growing great under Monseigneur Bienvenu was so well understood .

  8. 一八二一年初,各地报纸都刊出了迪涅主教,“别号卞福汝大人”,米里哀先生逝世的消息。他是在八十二岁的高龄入圣的。

    At the beginning of1820 the newspapers announced the death of M.Myriel , Bishop of D & , surnamed " Monseigneur Bienvenu ," who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two .