
  • 网络dusi;toshi
都司 [dū sī]
  • [army and goverment office] 指都指挥使司,掌管一方军政的官署

  • 以钦依都司掌徼巡。--清. 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》

  1. 明代辽东都司军政管理体制及其变迁

    The Military and Administrative System of Dusi in Eastern Liao and Its Vicissitude

  2. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。

    Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi , a provincial military leading organization nowadays , which was governed by central military organization .

  3. 普通的公民都司以清楚地看到环境问题。

    The average citizen can plainly see the environmental problems .

  4. 明代地方儒学主要是指府、州、县学,还包括都司卫学。

    In the Ming Dynasty , the so-called local Confucian schools mainly refer to Fuxue , Zhouxue and Xianxue .

  5. 奴儿干都司是明朝初年设置于东北黑龙江地区的一个以招抚为主要职能的机构。

    Nurgandos-the provincial garrison in Heilongjian Region in the Ming Dynasty-was set up with the functions of offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels .

  6. 从军役的发展、演变的过程来看,辽东卫所军役在辽东军政体制崩坏,都司的民事化改革上起到重大推动作用。

    The army served the development , the process of evolution the garrison military service in the Liao dong military and political structure collapse , all play a significant role in promoting civil reform of the Secretary .

  7. 我们都各司其责,亚瑟也是如此。

    We all have our duties , even Arthur .

  8. 你们会发现各种各样背景极不相同的传道人都推荐司布真的作品。

    Amazing the variety of preachers you find who will recommend the works of Charles Spurgeon .

  9. 人人都觉得里司是学校最酷的人。

    Everyone thinks Les is the coolest guy in school .

  10. 他不愿意什么事都问威尔克司。

    He resented having to consult Wilkes about everything .

  11. 由于我们良好的商业信誉,客户都与我司保持了相当稳定的业务关系。

    The clients have established a pretty steady relationship with us for our good credit .

  12. 当2013年波士顿马拉松比赛遭受恐怖袭击时,所有人都知道各司其责。

    When the Boston Marathon was attacked in 2013 , everyone knew what role to play .

  13. 大牛:哎,都说这司母戊大方鼎是目前世界上出土最重的青铜器。

    Well , this huge square bronze cauldron is said to be the heaviest bronze object ever unearthed in the world .

  14. 明朝时期,在东北南部设辽东都指挥使司,进行直接管理,在北部设奴儿干都指挥使司,进行羁縻统治。

    In the Ming Dynasty , two headquarters were set up in the south and north of Northeast respectively to administrate it .

  15. 我说他用的字体和颜色都不是我司的风格,他居然有脸说他那样做更好看。

    When I pointed out all the fonts and colours were not our house style he had the cheek to say that he did it that way because it looked better .

  16. 政府对解盐的管理经历了由解盐司到陕西运司再到河东陕西都转运盐使司的过程。

    The government to the management of Jie salt experienced the process from Shaanxi Salt Transportation Department to Hedong Shaanxi Salt Transportation Department .

  17. 那时候,每逢节日,常有成群的这种小精灵,我们都把他们叫作司戏者③的孩子。

    There used to be a swarm of these small apparitions , in holiday time ; and we called them children of the Lord of Misrule .

  18. 在厄肋雅史布、约雅达、约哈南和雅杜亚年间,肋未人的族长都登记了,司祭也登记了,直到波斯达理阿的朝代。

    In the days of the High Priests Eliashib , Joiada , Johanan and Jaddua , the heads of the priestly families were recorded in the Book of the Chronicles up to the reign of Darius the Persian .