
  1. 可将Office文档和程序集都部署到客户端计算机。

    You can deploy both the Office document and the assembly to the client computer .

  2. 注意,每个都部署到其云组和IP组。

    Note that each deploys to its own Cloud Group and IP Group .

  3. 所有节点上都部署了代理以获取每个事务的事务数据。

    Agents are deployed on all of the nodes to capture transaction data for each transaction .

  4. 每个集群在所有节点上都部署了相同的服务,以获得高可用性和可伸缩性。

    Each cluster has the same services deployed across all nodes for high availability and scalability .

  5. 如今的许多公司和组织在其内部都部署了内部的集群,称之为私有云环境。

    Nowadays , many companies and organizes have a private cluster which are so called the Private Cloud .

  6. 在有些情况下,您希望在所有的地方都部署某个应用程序的相同版本,以免不一致的特性让用户感到困惑。

    In some cases , you want the same version of an application deployed everywhere , lest users be confused by inconsistent idiosyncrasies .

  7. 即便是最成功的情况,当所有工作都部署到生产环境并且按预期执行时,你还不得不需要提高主机的处理负载。

    Even in the most successful case , when everything is in production and working as intended , you have now increased the processing overhead on the mainframe .

  8. 美国仍可以指望在一段时间内作为唯一的超级强权,如果我们衡量的条件是一个国家是否能在几乎全世界各地都部署有效力量。

    The US can expect to be the sole superpower for some time yet , if we mean by the term a state capable of deploying effective power almost anywhere in the world .

  9. 数据中心内部一般都部署了大量设备,这些设备的运行情况直接反映了数据中心在整个计算机网络中的服务情况,因此对这些设备进行监控就显得十分必要。

    A large number of devices are deployed within the data center and their performance is a direct reflection of the data center service . Thus it is very necessary to monitor these devices .

  10. 为了应对如此众多来自外部的网络安全威胁,企业网络一般都部署了传统的安全手段,包括防火墙系统,入侵检测系统等,这在一定程度上保护了企业网的信息安全。

    In order to deal with so many external threats , corporate networks are generally deployed with the traditional means of security , including firewall systems , intrusion detection systems and others , which protect the enterprise network in some extent .

  11. 最后,无线传感器网络规模巨大、应用多变、节点资源极端有限等特点使得不可能一次将所有应用都部署到无线传感器网络节点上,研究操作系统的远程无线升级能力就很有必要。

    Lastly , Applications can not all at once deploy on wireless sensor network nodes because of WSN characteristics such as Large scale , variety of Application , Extremely limited resources , The research of remote wireless upgrade ability for operating system is very necessary .

  12. 当今我国十分重视物联网技术与应用的发展,在多项重大国家技术研究中都部署了物联网相关技术的研究,将物联网的发展作为新兴产业加以大力扶持。

    Recently Chinese government attachs great importance to the development of the Internet of Things ' technology and application , deploys researchs on the Internet of Things related technology in many significant national technologies , and supports the development of the Internet of Things as a new industry .

  13. 至此所有关于Web服务的信息都已部署到了EAR上。

    At this point all the information about the Web service has been deployed to the EAR .

  14. 基于组件的开发:J2EE的组件一般都是部署到应用服务器的。

    Based on components development , J2EE components are commonly deployed into application server .

  15. •所有学校都在部署或测试iPad。

    • 100 % were testing or deploying iPads in their schools .

  16. Geronimo运行时实例中的所有服务都被部署为模块。

    All services in a Geronimo runtime instance are deployed as modules .

  17. 出于对安全的需求,越来越多的企业都开始部署虚拟专用网(VPN)。

    For the requirements of security , more and more enterprises begin to deploy virtual private network .

  18. 客户端应用程序和MDB两者都有部署描述符。

    Both the client application and the MDB have deployment descriptors .

  19. 在接收来自外部FM或SDK应用程序的请求的每个IBMCognos8Dispatcher上,都必须部署这个筛选器。

    This filter will have to be deployed on every IBM Cognos 8 Dispatcher which accepts requests sent externally from FM or SDK applications .

  20. 多数JAX-RS实现都可以部署在一个servlet容器中,但有时需要在一个不基于servlet的简单Java应用程序中以一种嵌入式方式运行基于REST的服务。

    Most JAX-RS implementations can be deployed within a servlet container , but sometimes , you want to run your REST-based service in an embedded manner within a non-servlet-based simple Java application .

  21. 现有的DRM系统中,DRM客户端基本上都是部署在开放计算平台上,例如个人通用计算机和手机,数字内容的解密使用和相关权利包的解析验证都是由客户端的DRM应用程序来负责。

    In the existing DRM system , the DRM client are basically disposed in the open computing platforms , such as personal computers and mobile phones , the decryption use of digital content and the verification analysis of related rights is responsible for the DRM applications of the client .

  22. 无论是哪种情况,它都处于部署管理器的控制之下。

    In either case , it is controlled at the deployment manager .

  23. 每个多路复用器实例都被部署为单独的进程。

    Each multiplexer instance is deployed as a separate process .

  24. 各小组都已经部署在各个路口了。

    Units are in place along all those roads .

  25. 所有版本都可能部署在“虚拟”环境中,给您额外的部署灵活性。

    All editions may be deployed in " virtual " environments , giving you additional deployment flexibility .

  26. 本文假设集群环境中的所有节点都由部署管理器来管理。

    This article assumes that all nodes in the cluster environment are managed by the deployment manager .

  27. 此外,对单个映射的任何改变都要部署到整个解决方案中。

    In addition , any change to a single map needs to be deployed to the entire solution .

  28. 并把之前各自为政的多个气象业务系统化整为零,进行构件化设计后都统一部署在系统的业务层。

    And many existing meteorological service systems are componented and deployed to the bussiness layer of system respectively .

  29. 特别是,每个附属程序集都必须部署在根据其本地化区域名称命名的目录中时。

    In particular , each satellite assembly must be deployed in a directory named after its localized culture name .

  30. 在这个模式中,所有定制节点都需要部署管理器主机名。

    In this pattern , the Deployment Manager hostname is a required value for all of the custom nodes .